I don't know what it's like out there anymore, but I do know how I handle them at my door.
I have a sign on my front door that says "If you are one of jehovah's witnesses, leave now or I will let the dogs out'.
So far it has worked.
the last time i went on the field service was around the very early 90's.
i have a genuine question for any jw that are active in the door to door work still.. i lived for finding the person that wanted to debate things, i would always be the one to call on the local atheist, vicar, etc etc.
and would hammer home all that was had learnt and research myself with the wts literature of course.
I don't know what it's like out there anymore, but I do know how I handle them at my door.
I have a sign on my front door that says "If you are one of jehovah's witnesses, leave now or I will let the dogs out'.
So far it has worked.
was there ever such at thing in jw families, or is this phrase oxymoronic?.
sometimes the meetings encouraged "variety" in family studies, assigning certain research projects to different family members, or setting up a bible reading as though it were a play.. none of that happened in my family.
it was just dry question-and-answer.
Endless hours of hell, with my father demanding in-depth answers to stupid questions, and my mother hitting us with an umberella when we got it wrong.
brothers i absolutely had to join this web site once i saw the new km for this coming month, has any one else had a chance to view this?
i'm absolutely flabbergasted for the first time in my life, what about the the apostle paul and the bereans?
didn't he encourage them to go and find out for them selves the truth?
Welcome to the board.
the watchtower continues to encourage jw parents to alienate their children from people who are not jws and therefore discourage a more balanced view of the world and the people in it!.
september 15th watchtower, 2007 says on page11:.
'of course, our children's attitudes can be influenced both for good and for bad.
I still have a hard time making friends, as a result of that horsecrap.
my wife is still on the inside.
sometimes i dont care about that or about the wtbts's nonsense.
and then some days, i wake up and i have all this anger inside.
I feel the same way, but talking to them, is, as my wife says, "a waste of saliva".
post 1 of 1. since 22-aug-07.
united states, connecticut(the post below was in response to the thread "have jws ruined your life.
Welcome to the board. Glad to have you here with us.
i'm seriously considering getting my first tatt this weekend.
i'm going to call tomorrow to try to get in the chair.
What's wrong Purps? You keep deleting your posts.
Do tell.......
i just saw this on a morning news program.
too funny.. http://www.bestrestrooms.com/.
who did not defile themselves with women.. the 144000 are all men.
they did not defile themselves with women... unless perhaps john was taking the isle of lesbos into consideration too?.
ok 144k male virgins... no wonder it has taken so long for joehoovah to choose the li'l flock!!.
To quote Robin Williams.....
"It's Virginians, a$$hole".
i am puzzled about two key factors.
one is the fact that the victims agreed to settle out of court, and two, they agreed to a gag order.
those two key factors there, tells me something as i am sure it will tell you something as well.
to impose a gag order on the victims says more about the Watchtower Society.
I agree. I speaks volumes about the wtbts, and the way they continually manipulate the situation to keep themselves out of trouble, and to keep their lawyers happy.
Hopefully, the information will eventually leak, and then we will all be able to see just what evil monsters they really are, and who they are/have been protecting.