due to a problem with the server i was using for the maps i have had to move them so we can still have access to them and post them here.
so if you were wondering where we are from.
or how close you are to other jwd posters in your area just take a look.. ballistic has done an amazing job with the map of the uk you can find it at .
i posted the question below but it may have gotten lost in the shuffle.
nina indicated that the jws have been "instructed" not to use the internet.
my understanding was that they were to use caution.
I propose that we start calling it "The Anti-net"
Anyone second the motion?
if some rich relative died and left you a fortune, what would you do with your life and why?
for starters, i'd tell the boss "take this job and shove it, i ain't workin here no more.
Buy a new Harley.
i seriously cant stop thinking into things too much, does anyone know any good ways to stop over thinking?
i just want to let myself go with what i want to do, not with what i think i should do, (this is all probably because of the way im used to thinking in the old days), is there a way you can stop yourself from thinking a way you dont want too?
this probly makes no sense to anyone but i cant exspain it any better.
I bought 3 motorcycles, and ride like the wind. It helps me.
the dutch branch of the society, has send a letter to all congregations in the netherlands about the dc this summer.
they stated that the series of dc in 2006 has end in a loss of 75.000 euro.
Why did they need video screens?
So the elders can watch porn after the sessions are done for the day.
was thinking about this today while heading' down the road and thought it might be a fun topic.
if you break it down to the simplest degree, and i'm not necessarily talking about 'qualities' here ... but what one word, noun, adverb or adjective would you say describes you best?
for me: passion
anyone know this poor soul?
a brother who served as a curcuit and district.
I bet that all the brightening light has probably buggered up his eyesight some, as well.
anyone know this poor soul?
a brother who served as a curcuit and district.
Another fine example of that fine christian brotherly love those psycopaths shoved up our collective asses for all those years. I feel for the old fellow. There are some innocent ones that really thought they had the "truth".
All the more reason to spread the real word about the watchliar society and jehovers wickedness.
i got my first (last and only) tattoo in vegas last week!
got my wife's name on the back of my neck (low enough that the shirt covers it!
) i'll get her to take a pic and post it on here!.
I have 11 so far. Too numerous to list them all. My two fav's...1 I will post here, the other I will discribe. Left forearm..devils face with the letters WT intertwined with it. My tribute to the watchliar sociopaths.
has anyone heard of what happened with prince being a jehova's witness if he still is or not?
and how is he pursuing his music career while doing it?
I don't know if he still considers himself to be a jw or not. To answer the second part of your post, the right amount of money strategically donated to one of the wt's sister corporations buys alot of personal "freedoms".