Wh*t the f*ck are you saying? doG do*s lo*e fo*r letter words.
L*ke Po*r, du*b, ca*h, de*d, and a few mo*e.
doG is de*d.
i mean if you use the word like fuck,& shit does he really care or is it something we humans made up ourselves?
Wh*t the f*ck are you saying? doG do*s lo*e fo*r letter words.
L*ke Po*r, du*b, ca*h, de*d, and a few mo*e.
doG is de*d.
i'm a pastafarian.
i don't go around door to door trying to promote the regigion of the flying spaghetti monster, but for some odd reason the other day, two jehovahs witnesses, found it perfectly acceptable to interupt me during my dinner to try and preach to me their view on religion.
it had been a good 10 years or so since the last pair ventured to my doorstep, back then i was atheist.
Holy Crap!!!!
I'm a pastaferian too!!! I thought I was the only one on this planet. I'm from Zircon, two light years from Linguinni Major.
Welcome to the board.
I Pastafazoola still the emperor Of Lasagna???
who but the jw's could be gleeful over the happenings in the middle east?
and the problems in n & s korea?
ammo for the doors i guess.
Sorry, I live in the jungle...what's going on?
well last night i was doing a few boaring things and then this idea just popped in my head.
i was thinking about differant ways that a true 'disturbance' could happen from the ground up in the organization.
the basic idea is this: .
I think it's a great idea, at very least...FREE WINE and JOGAHOGIE BISCUITS.
and the official wts response?
new light, silence, imperfect man or imperfect bird?.
The bird id still a bird it didnt change into a fish !!!
Just not yet.
i have a strong reason to believe that the change that will be announced in next few days among jehovah's witnesses will bring a major "refining" work among its members.
take a note of this:
if are not regular in meetings and service of field than you're signalling that you're no longer a jehovah's witness.
I bet you pissed Gumbly off large!!!!
Great avitar.
here is the original one:.
here is a blank one for you to add a caption to:.
have fun!
can you recall your earlier history of falling in love?
what do you think about those experiences now?
when i think of them i judge them as having been totally vain and naive and having made me too narrow minded, passive and dependant on other people.
If I go back far enough, I think it was with Palmela Handerson.
so when my brother was a wee little lad, my mother was helping him prepare his first presentation.
it involved a paradise tract, i'm sure.. anyway, so my brother, probably about 5 or 6 years old, stands at his first door and makes his little presentation.
except he kind of forgot what he was going to say and kind of made it up on the spot, because what he ended up saying was, "if you'd like to live forever you can have this tract.
Perhaps a bit off topic, but I know a fellow that made the mistake of accepting a set of mags from a couple of pioneers one Saturday morning. I know he took them more to be polite than anything else. However, as luck, and the wt would have it, those two pioneers kept coming back. Almost weekly. After about a month and a halfs worth of rv's, my buddy had had enough.
He put a sign on the front door early Saturday morning, that read..."please come to the back door, front is broken".
On his back patio, he had drawn a chalk outline of a person, decorated it with a bit of red food colouring, and scattered the previous months worth of mags he had, around the outline, and waited by the window.
Those two pioneers came around the corner of the house, stopped dead in their tracks, and ran, never to return again.
He gets my vote!!!
<div>my very first visit to this website several years ago, was because i wanted to find out what the few surprises were going to be at the sydney 2003 convention.
(i have family that are jehovahs witnesses but i am not) .
it took a few months to sink in, but i gradually came to accept the real truth that these surprises are nothing of the sort.
Yep. You have pretty much sumed it up. They are nothing but a business.