Hello Prisca. Might I introduce myself. You have always seemed like one of nicer posters on this forum. The reason I have pushed for JEMIMAH to "put his money where mouth is", is because of the danger it would pose to those valuable "moles" in place if he is a WT troll. Lets say that in an indiscreet moment, and we all have them, one of the participants in the war against the WTBS (which is fought on many fronts), shows just one of the cards in his hand. It can ruin years of work. Someone who gets disenchanted for whatever reason with the society and agrees to help in some way is very rare indeed. And yet much to the WT's chagrin, they are there.Im sorry if my post to JEMIMAH sounded coarse and rude to you, but if you go back and take messenger's post point by point and then research all of JEMIMAH's posts from day one you will see the pattern outlined in messenger's post. I also personally know you cant "friendly" someone in to giving up pertinent info. Either you are on board or not. If strong convictions and a desire to help people get the truth are not enough, then nothing is. What has set my alarm off is if I was on the "inside" at ANY branch I would NEVER post here in that manner. I would simply contact someone who could put the information to great use. So I have followed JEMIMAH's posts with great interest. Temporary silence on this subject can be understood, but not a total ignoring of this challenge. And let me say "sorry" in advance if I am wrong, I dont mean to be "shirty".