May you all have peace! (Yes, I know I am starting a new thread when one already exists, but most of you know me by now...)
The 'true' worshippers of God are those that worship Him... in SPIRIT... and in TRUTH. That means that they do not worship Him based on what they can see, hear, touch, taste, smell and feel with their FLESH, but that which they see, hear, touch, taste and smell... with their SPIRIT... through Christ, the Truth (John 14:6).
It means that rather than keeping their eyes on the things SEEN... the things of THIS world, whether they be churches, or mosques, or monasteries, or cathedrals... and those who 'gather' and 'worship' in them.... they keep their spiritual 'eyes' on the things 'unseen' (by the flesh)... and allow HIM... to come into THEM... and made His abode in THEM... through Christ... and thus they ARE the 'church' or 'temple' of God... for God, through Christ, dwells IN them.
1 Corinthians 3:16
Romans 8:9
John 14:23
They know that God... does NOT dwell in handmade temples. They also know that they have NO 'earthly' leaders, but instead have only ONE Leader... the Son of God... JAHESHUA (JAH saves) MISCHAJAH (anointed of JAH)... for there is only One WAY... to 'come to' the Father.
John 14:6
They know that NO man can save them, and so do not put their trust in ANY of 'earthling man'... but that there is only One... who can set them 'free'... the TRUTH... and the True Light that is a 'lamp' to their feet.
John 8:32, 36
John 8:12
John 1:14; 1:1
Psalm 119:105
They know that this Way, this Truth and this Life... is the 'door' by which any who wish to 'enter' into the kingdom must navigate, and that it is HIS 'voice' that they must listen to, hear... and obey... for such one speaks to his sheep... from the heavens... calls them BY NAME... just as my Father did with his servants Noah, Abraham, Moses, Samuel, Jonah, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Paul, etc.,... and LEADS them himself. Thus, they need no other to 'lead' them, for HE is the "Fine Shepherd" who truly cares for the sheep. All others who come IN PLACE of him... are thieves... and plunderers... whose vocation is not to give their lives for the sheep as that One did... but the hand the sheep over to wolf... the 'wild beast'... to be snatched... and scattered.
John 1:10-15, 27
Hebrews 12:25
Such ones 'hear' the Master's voice... NOT with ears of flesh, but with ears... of SPIRIT... founded on FAITH. Rather than dismiss what is 'heard' as folly, or delusion, or demons... they exercise faith and obey that voice (and no, it does not tell them to 'do' demonic, wicked, evil or harmful things... to anyone... including themselves!)
God is SPIRIT, dear ones, as is my Lord. [They] are NOT 'flesh with its blood', although at one time my Lord did walk in the flesh as we have it. SinFUL flesh. But by his obedience, his spirit was 'made perfect'.
Romans 8:9
Hebrews 5:8, 9
And since God 'does not look at the outward appearance' of a man, but considers what is the HEART of a man, his SPIRIT, what is INSIDE... it is to the benefit of such ones to cleanse the INSIDE of the [vessel], before being concerned with the state of the outside of it.
Such ones learn then, that to please God... they must rid themselves of HYPOCRISY, HATRED... and DECEIT. They must cleanse their hearts. And simply attending meetings, and going out in service, and saying mass, and mumbling hail marys... will not suffice. All such things are a 'form of godly devotion'... but proves false to its power.
Where can you find such ones? The recorded words of my Lord tells us:
"For where the body is... there the [flesh eating flying creatures] gather."
May you have ears to hear what the Spirit says... and if you are wishing, thirsting and hearing, may you also receive the invitation of the Spirit and the Bride, who KEEP saying:
"Come! Take "life's water"... free!"
A true servant to the Household of God, Israel, and true slave of Christ,