This is a very interesting thread.
The Reject Jesus party that the jdubs call "memorial" is an insult to the body of Christ. It is offensive because the "remembrance" is cherished by those that are born again (John chapter 3). The wicked twist the watchtower places on the "memorial" effectually denies Jesus by the act, and those that understand the good news of the gospel see the "memorial" as a mockery. It does not honor Jesus at all. It is not a rememberance of the price Jesus paid for the New Covenant but a physical act of rejection emposed on the rank and file by the governing body to reinforce their lofty position and power over their members.
JoinedPosts by strypes
Other Sheep will start taking the emblems.
by hamsterbait inwas at the kingdumb hell yesterday after a gap.. paragraph 11 planted the seed in the sheeples' heads for this.. remember last weeks study, where martha was quoted as saying: "i know he will rise in the resurrection on the last day.
" (jo 11: 24) the term "last day" was explained as applying to the millennium, in the same way as "judgment day" for those receiving an earthly resurrection.. now for paragraph 11 - i noticed some bemused faces, as usually john 6 is avoided in articles discussing earthly resurrection:.
" "the bread that i shall give is my flesh," he said.
This is my name, I was a witness, and this is why I will never be again.
by wanderlustguy inthanks to this site, not only am i free of the mental imprisonment, but i am also free of the fear that the society used to keep me and others like me silent.. i am not a witness anymore because the truth is not what we are directred to think it is.
once we allow ourselves to think, it is clear as day that there is no real basis for anyone to take the title of faithful and discreet slave.
there are folders and lists which contain the names of pedophiles who were never turned over to the proper authorities for their crimes.
Freedom,,, Sweet Freedom!
Word says..."If you abide in my word, you are my deciples indeed and you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.
Praism Him!
Did being a JW make you feel speical like you were part of something??
by karter inthe chosen ones perhaps?
for me it felt like we had a monopoly on the truth everyone else was wrong and we could prove it we were part of something special.
i guess felling you belong is a basic human need.
the opposite was true.
I met a man online that i was totally anamored with and he was raised JWs. I have loved Jesus as my best friend most all of my life and I was totally ignorate to the reality of the emensoty of the lie perpertrated through "the faithful and descreet slave class".
I wanted to find common ground with this man that my soul loves, but in my search for "Truth" with the HOLY SPIRIT as my teacher, I was disassociated by the man that I love. I did find "The Truth" and that is The Watch tower fails to follow the simplist instruction in the charter,"JESUS IS GOD AND TO BE WORSHIPED"....
what.. im off topic...
In my personal search for common ground as a Bornagain, in love with Almighty God. girl in love.....I wanted to find the Jehovah's Witness Orginazation to be "saved". I wanted to tell the man that his mother and father were indeed christians and that minor traditions and such "didnt matter"..
In this persuit of "accurate knowledge".. I tried to get a proper "Bible Study"... What I experienced over those five months or so.. I FELT EXCLUDED .. LIKE I WAS NOT GOOD ENOUGH.
I also learned where "common ground" ceised to exist.. AT THE CROSS!!
As beloved by My Savior, My Lord, My God and My King, I am thankful that I dont have to jump through hoops, I dont have to "pass" THE CUP OF REDEMPTION but I can partake and receive from God love and compassion and salvation and mercy and forgiveness and FELLOWSHIP!
and I learned a lot about love..
I have a wierd take on praying, what about you?...
by Hecklerboy ineverytime i talk to someone about praying they say that they pray all the time.
talk to god whenever they can.
well i'm just the opposite.
The Bible says to pray without ceasing. ..
For me.. it is a forever inner conversation with Almighty God, creator of the universe, Jesus my Lord, through a Real relationship with the Holy Spirit.. My best friend and the one that interprets the Scriptures for me!!!... He is my teacher... My God. MY heart. and in my heart and soul we are "relating" as i type! lol... tiz true.
When you "KNOW" know that our insignificance is significant to Him. And when you understand that.. the Greatness of his LOVE.. HIs Sacrifice to befriend us... Talking with Him is like breathing...
So HAPPY to know the truth!
by AuldSoul ini am just so pleased to be aware of the long, fruitless history of jws pretending to interpret the bible.. interpretations belong to god, which they even admit.
but that admission doesn't stop them from pretending to interpret.. it also doesn't stop from teaching these destructive pretenses as "divinely revealed truths" that must be accepted and taught as truth.
they fail to recognize that they are messing with people's lives when they state doctrines they did not receive from god.. these are not doctrines of god, they are merely teachings of men.
"So HAPPY to know the TRUTH"... me too.
thank you!
I have lots of other questions. Would you be willing to help me?
Thank you,
So that is why Mark answered that he passes the cup because his destination is earth..because only the 144000 will be in heaven..
This is really sad. Earlier in that chapter you referenced in luke, It is very specific that Jesus was sharing a passover sader (meal) with the deciples. There are four cups of wine consumed during a sader. the first is the cup of blessing (Sanctification) at the very begining of the meal. The second is the cup of plagues. consumed before the meal during the time of the retelling of the story of the exodus.Then the meal is eaten. AFTER the meal the third cup is consumed. It is THE CUP OF REDEMPTION. The last cup, the cup of Praise, is the last of the four. The deep significance of each of these ( and everything else regarding passover) can be found at most Messanic Jewish sites. I don't know if links are allowed here but it is the third cup that "AFTER THE MEAL" Jesus took and said...
Luke 22:19 And he took the bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them saying, "This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me" 20 In the same way, AFTER THE SUPER, he took the cup, saying "This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you."
The significance of THAT peice of bread in the passover sader(The Afikoman) could start a discussion of the triune nature of God.. ...
back to the cup..
That cup is "THE CUP OF REDEMPTION" The covenant in Jesus' blood is not for only the 144000. his blood was shed to REDEEM us. All of us who call on his name.
By the logic you gave, as the belief of the JWS, then the cup is only for the 144000 then the millions of witnesses dishonor the blood of their redemption by "passing it"..
How do I get through to my friend?
Maybe it would help if I told ya'll where I am coming from a bit. Because I already know all about the True cup of redemption and the significance of the third cup (the one consumed AFTER the meal) in a passover sader.
I am a bornagin, In love with Jesus, filled with the Holy Spirit, child of God. I have never been a Jehovah's Witness but I have a dear friend whose parents are actively "elders". He (his name is Mark) was very active from his childhood until he was 24 years old when his life circumstances went to hell so to speak and he left the organization for a life of sin. (and misery). When I met him online in a christian chat room Janurary of last year (2005) he was living with a married woman ( not married to him) and had been out of the organization for eight years.
Through his friendship with me It SPARKED a renewal of his deep love for God and he prayed salvation prayer with me.
But then... hateful "Christians" on that site "proved" everything his parents had already instilled in him to be true of Apostates.
After months of mental torment, he returned to his parents hometown (Janurary this year) and is now back under them and active at the kingdom hall there.(in Ireland) His father has been dianosed with colon cancer and he and I rarely talk on msn. (about once every month or so) and then only briefly.
my story trying to understand him is way to long to tell in a short thread, But I have researched many of the doctrines and have prayed for guidence by the Holy Spirit (The extent God went to to PROVE to me that Jesus died on a cross is an amazing story in and of itself) .Mark wont let me tell him of my expierence. He ask me to have an open mind and I do and have listened and then put them to the test of the word but when I find the answers to Mark's challanges, He refuses to listen to me.
anyway Mark contacted me and ask me to go to the memorial service on 14 nissan ... he has never ask much of me so I went. That week I also participated in "communion" with some gopher friends ( before a Third Day Concert on Good Friday) and that saturday again with some messianic jewish friends at their passover sader.
Since then I have tried to get understanding of "why" they "pass the cup" I have ask mark but he wont answer me with anything other than "they believe their destination is earth" and that does not answer my question.
What I am asking of you guys is to explain to me in simplistic terms ( so i can understand) Why do they pass the cup? I don't need desertations of the error of it ( for i fully understand the signifance ot the third cup of passover) What I want to know is "what exactly is it that Mark (as a Jehovah's Witness) belives?"
Jehovah's Witnesses wont answer me because I am seen as an apostate, Christians havent a clue.So I beg of you who were once Jehovah's witness and are now born again to please tell me. So I can be ready when my friend contacts me again so he wont "pass" on the cup of redemption.
I have a question for those of you who are knowledgeable of JWS doctrines and practices.
Would some one please explain to me the logic behind "passing the cup" and why only the 8000 who claim to be part of the 144000 can partake.