If we believe in God and his supreme power , why could he not have created the world in literal days??
They try to apply the 1 day = 1000 years to God rule here.However, where this rule is supposed to be applied in the scriptures it is always stated, Therefore there is no reason to apply such a rule in Genesis.
Some of the WTBT'S explanations are brought forth from when all the millenialists were sitting around trying to obtain significant dates from any number they could find in the scriptures.For instance firstly it was , apply the year for a day to everything, then when that didnt work it was , well a year can be seven thousand years to God.
The truth is that even if you say 1 creative day was 7000 years, you still cant agree with the evolutionists about the earths age.So we either agree with Gods word or we agree with the creation in the bible.
Me - i go with the bible , all mans ever done is got it wrong lol
All the best to you and yours
Posts by Ade
Creation Magazine
by cyberdyne systems 101 inhi, i hope this hasnt been said before - i searched back a bit but didnt see anything - but anyway i was round at my ex's getting my children when i came across the creation awake, and read a bit in a box about are jw's creationists.
it stated that creationists believe that the earth and everything on it was created in literal days and yet this is not in the bible.
i then began to read how the wts claims there was some thick cloud (but no proof provided) that obscured the sun which acording to them was already in existance.
Reinforcing the Fairy Tale
by startingover ini came upon this post on another forum i check out from time to time.. http://exchristian.net/exchristian/2006/10/reinforcing-fairy-tale.html.
i'm posting this link because my feelings couldn't have been conveyed any better than was done in this post.
including the ones expressed at the end.
Hi Startingover,
Firstly i must say we all have free will to believe as we believe so what you want to believe i wouldnt/dont hold against you.
as regards this; "Why do Christians read their bibles daily or weekly? Don’t they already know what it says? (Probably not.)
Can you remember a large book after reading it once or even a thousand times ?????
Why do they obediently swarm to church services each week, sometimes three times a week, to hear the Word of God as preached by some stranger? Again, don’t they already know what His Word says?
I dont as i believe God gives to each of us if we request it - many here are the same as myself .
Why must Christians labor all day in prayer, praise and worship, calling on His name? Does God truly need all this sycophantic toadying to stroke his ego?
No God doesnt thats why Jesus came - this is servitude for the wrong reasons , as we are told works cannot place us in a righteous standing before God.
And finally, why do Christians believe something “bad” will happen to them if they fail to accomplish the preceding fetishes? Wrath of god? Demonic attack? Sickness and poverty? What will happen if the good luck charm is ignored?
I dont believe this as i am saved by grace.
So maybe before people type this kind of letter they should appreciate we are not all alike, and dont all follow mens doctrines and trends.
Ade -
Paul's words (if indeed Paul wrote them) are the most ironic words in the Bible. You see, Paul died. There is no evidence that he was ever raised up. So, he wasted his life. Just like today. Millions of people wasting their lives waiting for a Jesus who will never return. Millions of Jehovah's Witnesses who are wasting their lives waiting for an Armageddon that will never come. You ask for proof? I need prove nothing. It is the one making the extraordinary claim that must present evidence, and extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. That's right. Nothing less than physical proof. The claims of a contradictory old book just won't cut it. I am not a prophet. But I will offer a prophecy: If you are lucky, you will die an old man/woman after enjoying a long and healthy life. Don't waste that life hoping for something better, because on your deathbed you will know that Christ never returned and Armageddon never came.
Dave i agree with you concerning the witness points of view, however "claims of a contradictory old book" - you now have to show YOUR evidence , where are the contradictions, and if your experise in scripture is so great please PROVE us all wrong with YOUR PHYSICAL EVIDENCE. its easy to point the finger as you did, but you have NO evidence to disprove Gods promises.
God be with you all
Ade -
The answered prayer
by Ade injohn 14:12 "most assuredly, i say to you, he who believes in me,the works that i do he will do also;and greater works than these he will do, because i go to my father.13"and whatever you ask in my name, that i will do, that the father may be glorified in the son 14:if you ask anything in my name, i will do it" .
i understand that we ask for our prayers to be answered through jesus name as jesus is the amen.many will give a different answer to this question from the trinitarian/non trinitarian viewpoint.jesus says here that he will answer your prayers if you ask in his name.
does this mean it is ok to request from jesus during the prayer.
Thats an excellent point i hadnt considered Perry , many thanks .
its a similar point to Thomas saying "My Lord and My God" although some will discard this saying, he was pointing out that Jesus was the express image of God, that explanation seems out of context for the occasion.
Ade -
Are they preaching the wrong news ??
by Ade ini found this verse very interesting see what you think.
jesus is not saying to preach the good news of the kingdom, but the news that we need to repent.
mark 1:14 "after john was arrested, jesus went to galilee preaching the good news of god" .
ok here goes this is what i was getting at,
Mark 1:14 "After John was arrested, Jesus went to Galilee preaching the good news of God"
Mark 1;15 "The time is fullfilled, The kingdom of God has come near.Repent and believe in the good news"
read Mark 1:15 CAREFULLY what is it actually telling us to do ??
i know the kingdom is mentioned many times in the NT but thats not what is being said here ,
its saying the time for the kingdom IS fulfilled and that the message to preach is to REPENT , NOT seek the kingdom. Which is all i ever seem to hear from JW's
Their was a Danger preaching repentance as many see themselves as righteous and dont like to be told they need to repent, this was why the disciples were told they would be met with opposition.If they had just gone around saying the kingdom is near , everyone would have rejoiced not been after their blood.So surely JW's should be preaching that its time to repent before armageddon , i personally have never had that said to me !!
All the best
Ade -
The answered prayer
by Ade injohn 14:12 "most assuredly, i say to you, he who believes in me,the works that i do he will do also;and greater works than these he will do, because i go to my father.13"and whatever you ask in my name, that i will do, that the father may be glorified in the son 14:if you ask anything in my name, i will do it" .
i understand that we ask for our prayers to be answered through jesus name as jesus is the amen.many will give a different answer to this question from the trinitarian/non trinitarian viewpoint.jesus says here that he will answer your prayers if you ask in his name.
does this mean it is ok to request from jesus during the prayer.
Hi King,
I see what you mean as the scripture states that "That the Father may be glorified in the Son"
so this seems to say that either the Father or The Son will answer your prayers , but then we have Jesus telling us to pray to the Father.
all the best
Ade -
Are they preaching the wrong news ??
by Ade ini found this verse very interesting see what you think.
jesus is not saying to preach the good news of the kingdom, but the news that we need to repent.
mark 1:14 "after john was arrested, jesus went to galilee preaching the good news of god" .
sorry it was unclear, i ,mean the witnesses lol.
all the best
Ade -
The answered prayer
by Ade injohn 14:12 "most assuredly, i say to you, he who believes in me,the works that i do he will do also;and greater works than these he will do, because i go to my father.13"and whatever you ask in my name, that i will do, that the father may be glorified in the son 14:if you ask anything in my name, i will do it" .
i understand that we ask for our prayers to be answered through jesus name as jesus is the amen.many will give a different answer to this question from the trinitarian/non trinitarian viewpoint.jesus says here that he will answer your prayers if you ask in his name.
does this mean it is ok to request from jesus during the prayer.
John 14:12 "most assuredly, I say to you, He who believes in Me,The works that i do he will do also;and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.13"And whatever you ask in my Name, that I will do, That the Father may be glorified in the Son 14:If you ask anything in my name, I will do it"
I understand that we ask for our prayers to be answered through Jesus name as Jesus is the Amen.Many will give a different answer to this question from the Trinitarian/non trinitarian viewpoint.Jesus says here that He will answer your prayers if you ask in His name. Does this mean it is ok to request from Jesus during the prayer. Or should we just ask the Father in Jesus name.
all the best
Ade -
Are they preaching the wrong news ??
by Ade ini found this verse very interesting see what you think.
jesus is not saying to preach the good news of the kingdom, but the news that we need to repent.
mark 1:14 "after john was arrested, jesus went to galilee preaching the good news of god" .
BTW i meant believe not belive and verse to verses
too much haste lol
Ade -
Are they preaching the wrong news ??
by Ade ini found this verse very interesting see what you think.
jesus is not saying to preach the good news of the kingdom, but the news that we need to repent.
mark 1:14 "after john was arrested, jesus went to galilee preaching the good news of god" .
I found this verse very interesting see what you think.
Jesus is NOT saying to preach the good news of the kingdom, but the news that we need to repent.
Mark 1:14 "After John was arrested, Jesus went to Galilee preaching the good news of God"
Mark 1;15 "The time is fullfilled, The kingdom of God has come near.Repent and belive in the good news"
Mark 1;14 ;
Jesus went to preach the good news of God
The time IS fulfilled
The kingdom has come near
Believe in the Good news
Any thoughts
All the best