To Auldsoul
"Within a congregation, disputes can be handled the way Jesus recommended as long as there is no need for a publisher to chastise an elder or higher-up. And if you have issues with doctrines you are welcome to ask but you CANNOT hotly dispute the matter. You are instructed to accept the answer given or keep your mouth shut about your concerns."
Spot on what i experienced .
all the very best
Posts by Ade
Confrontation - is it for Christians?
by jgnat inagapa's quiet admission to "imperfect men" in the congregation inspired me to finish a small bible study on confrontation, and how the early church handled disputes.. (romans 12:18 rv) if it be possible, as much as in you lieth, be at peace with all men.
(2 cor 13:11 cev) good-by, my friends.
do better and pay attention to what i have said.
Joe Hovah and his SEVENTEEN Commandments! Not Merely Ten!
by Mistah MOJO in3. thou shalt not take the name of the lord thy god in vain..
6. thou shalt not kill..
8. thou shalt not steal..
given the fact that the wording for the fourth and the tenth commandments differ here in Deuteronomy, how shall we explain this if these words were written directly by GOD while Moses was on the mount ?? One would expect the wording to agree perfectly with that of Exodus 20:8-12, 17
The major differences between the two accounts of the TEN Commandments are these (1)"Remember the sabbath day" of Exodus 20:8 is replaced in Deuteronomy 5:12 with "Observe the sabbath day" (2) Deuteronomy twice adds to the fifth commandment "as the LORD you God has commanded you" in keeping with the exhortation characteristics of this book;
(3) Deuteronomy 5:14 expands "nor your animals" with "so that your manservant and maidservant may rest, as you do";(4)the grounding of the sabbath command in creation in Exodus 20:11 is absent here, For Deuteronomy appeals to Israels deliverance from the bondage in Egypt;(5)so that you may live long" has added to it in Deuteronomy "and that it may go well with you";(6)the ninth commandment had "false" in the Deuteronomy law instead of the (literally) "mendacious testimony" of Exodus 20:16, (7) the tenth commandment of deuteronomy places "your neighbours wife" first while Exodus 20:17 has "your neighbours house" first, (8) the word "covet", which appears twice in Exodus 20:17, is replaced the second time with a different verb in Deuteronomy 5:21 , "set your desire on "; and (9) Deuteronomy adds "or land" to the tenth commandment in keeping with its more elaborate style and anticipation of ENTERING THE LAND OF CANAAN.
The fact that the two accounts differ is an indication that one of the two is not a verbatim presentation of the decalouge as it was written by "the finger of God"on Mount Sinai . There is nothing in a high view of inspiration that would require to a verbatim report, but given the fact that the decalogue is said to have come in some direct manner from the hand of God, one would assume that at least one of them was a faithful record of that transaction. The most reasonable assumption is that the text of Exodus is the original one and that Moses restatement in Deuteronomy is somewhat free. This allowed Moses ( who was constantly in communication with God ) to present the commandments with some modification and updating of the situation in light of their pending entrance into the land of Canaan, While still adhering closely to the original form. In Fact, these differences are very slight and of very little consequence except as viewed against the challenges that would present themselves whence entering into the land of Canaan.Deuteronomy also had more of an exhortical character of writing to it along with special attention given to women taking priority over land/property.
please note i am not wishing to stand for or against anyone, i trust the word of God only, but according to the logical person the explanation laid here seems to cover your questionings to the fulness of necessity.
please excuse my awful typing
God bless you all
Ade -
Confrontation - is it for Christians?
by jgnat inagapa's quiet admission to "imperfect men" in the congregation inspired me to finish a small bible study on confrontation, and how the early church handled disputes.. (romans 12:18 rv) if it be possible, as much as in you lieth, be at peace with all men.
(2 cor 13:11 cev) good-by, my friends.
do better and pay attention to what i have said.
when i had a problem with an elders timekeeping, daughters dress sense, ignorance and gossip spreading, i took it to the other elders ( after speaking to him concerning it on two occasions ). After this i was not officially deemed an apostate, however everyone said i was in the wrong for speaking out against an elder ?? ( maybe they are like the pope - perfect ?? and must not be spoken against ). months after i refused to go to the book group because of his terrible attitude ( and his family's ) nothing was sorted for us to get into another group , no one visited etc. finally i took it to the PO a man known for not liking confrontation. He appeared on his own to see me, Why you may ask, because then there were no witnesses to what had been said and he need not confront the other elder.
Instead it was fine to keep saying "Jehovah will sort it out in his own time" regardless of my family's so called "Faith" going down the drain ( which i since have discovered - is a blind hope instigated by money hoarding vultures who abuse GODS word for their personal gain - leading many a true person astray along the way )
Had the matter been sorted quickly. And a meeting ( confrontation ) ( which i requested ) been had between myself another party and the elder in question, everything could have been sorted out. fortunately this was not to happen and to be one of the things that led me to the understanding "elders" are just men with titles who find it impossible to accept their shortcomings and act as a"brood of vipers" covering each others backs in times of "need" but never confronting each other .
That elder continues such a vile path to this very day, as no one dares to speak against "Gods appointed ones" we must just sit back be placid brothers and sisters and allow the elders to counsel you but never you utter a word in return lest you are working against GOD.
although this is not totally relevant to the post it does give a good understanding of how they can abuse their own system to avoid confrontation, the trouble is when this kind of avoidance of the problem takes place eventually all things come to a head, and thats when people can see the truth about the "truth" and its "leaders, brothers and sisters"
GOD bless you all
Ade -
Confrontation - is it for Christians?
by jgnat inagapa's quiet admission to "imperfect men" in the congregation inspired me to finish a small bible study on confrontation, and how the early church handled disputes.. (romans 12:18 rv) if it be possible, as much as in you lieth, be at peace with all men.
(2 cor 13:11 cev) good-by, my friends.
do better and pay attention to what i have said.
Confrontation is indeed for Christians, Take Jesus example when being tempted by Satan did he stand there and ignore it all saying "oh well" no he answered wisely, as on many other occasions with many others, especially pharisees and sadducees.
A confusion lies within people causing many to believe that confrontation means, either, a blazing arguement or a literal battle. I believe this to be a time were a true Christian cane shine by showing Jesus qualities. Not becoming heated up, however not covering over the problem, approaching it with wisdom, understanding and love can actually strengthen the relationship between the two sides.
If the aforesaid is put into practice then the next time these individuals face a problem / difference they understand that talking and listening can bring about the desired result.
However the scripture you quoted ( see below ) gives us a true picture and another understanding, a kind of "when its possible" be at peace with all. For not all want to be at peace with us.
(Romans 12:18 RV) If it be possible, as much as in you lieth, be at peace with all men.
GOD bless you all
Ade -
The Jesus Papers
by Alpheta inreaders here may find this of interest, from the bar companion (biblical archaeological review) i received in email today (i'm a subscriber to the magazine).
it is a "preview" of a review of a new book.
if its really a recipe for chili sauce, please have him post it to me ( at least i can stop pickling my chili crops then ) . these people are whacked , although some say we are for reading the bible
If there is no hell what is this?
by Rooster in"but a certain man was rich, and he used to deck himself with purple and linen, enjoying himself from day to day with magnificence.
but a certain beggar named laz arus used to be put at his gate, full of ulcers 21
and desiring to be filled with the things dropping from the table of the rich man.
Hi it would seem that no one has specifically answered the asked question, this does seem to point to a "literal" Hell ( as mentioned, why would Jesus say something to confuse his followers ?? ). Remember many the apocryphal books deal with a literal hell. the wording in the "new wonky translation" is probably different to that of decent bibles, you could try using thompsons chain bible for further references, or "Green's hebrew/english/Greek coded with strongs numbers" for a better understanding of the words used.
-Ade -
biblepro software
by Ade inokay i found this disc in my fathers possessions , he had just installed it on his laptop before he passed away, i was just about to pay 70 + for software.this has maps, reference works, multiple translations and much more .
i'm sure he would have wanted to share this with everyone.its free software, however you can donate and get a disk through the post .
god bless you .
okay i found this disc in my fathers possessions , he had just installed it on his laptop before he passed away, i was just about to pay £70 + for software.This has maps, reference works, multiple translations and much more . I'm sure he would have wanted to share this with everyone.Its free software, however you can donate and get a disk through the post
all the best
God bless you
Ade -
"Partial knowledge", "partial prophesying" - What does it mean?
by bjc2read inat 1 corinthians 13:9, 10, the apostle paul said this: "for we have partial knowledge and we prophesy partially; but when that which is complete arrives, that which is partial will be done away with.".
my question is this: what do you think paul was referring to when he said that the "knowledge" that first century christians possessed was 'partial' and the "prophesying" that they were doing was to be considered 'partial' also?.
any thoughts?.
because we are now in the state that we have need to learn daily, they had need of those helps, that is, of the gift of tongues, and knowledge, and also of those that teach by them in order for a fullness of teaching of the Christ. But to what purpose serve they then, when we have obtained and gotten the fullest knowledge of God possible as imperfect humans, which serve now but for those who are imperfect and go by degrees to perfection? We learn imperfectly.
Seemingly we are training to learn the will of GOD and wisdom, however come to the forefront must be love because by this we are saved, a consideration also is , we will be perfect at some stage however we will still be only partially knowledged. The reason is "Unsearchable is the Lord"
hope this makes sense " i dont normally "
Ade -
"Bible Teach" book's discouragement of investigating other religions
by M.J. inafter leading the reader through most of the major jw doctrines, the watchtower society's introductory book, what does the bible really teach?, really starts laying out the reasoning that you have to be a jw to be approved by god in chapter 15. it is interesting how the first instruction given here is not to go investigating what other religions teach.
but, as the wts writers often do, they resort to circular reasoning and false analogy to support this:.
*** bh chap.
just a little thought here ( which is all i'm normally capable of lol )
suppose everyone viewed it their way ?? then the witnessess would never have come to exist, as most other religions were present before them, so the people from these religions would never ever have considered or looked elsewhere would they .
GOD bless you "BIBLE READERS" everywhere
Ade -
the best bible software??
by Ade ini wouldnt mind purchasing a piece of bible software, has anyone got any good advice on a quality piece at a reasonable price please.
god bless .
- ade
Hi peppermint,
i have esword installed and a few others and although they are quite good pieces of SFTWARE i have just been looking at quickverse 8. it looks very good, goes through original word language and morphology, pronunciation , maps etc .as follows
American Standard Version
Believer's Study Bible
Darby's New Translation
Disciple's Study Bible
God's Word
Greek New Testament
International Children's Bible
International Standard Version (NT)
King James Version
Living Bible (paraphrase)
Nelson Study Bible
New American Standard
New Century Version
New International Version
New King James Version
New Living Translation
New Revised Standard Version
New Schofield Study Bible KLV
Revised Standard Version
Ryrie Study Bible Expanded Edition NAS
The Message (Complete Bible)
Young's Literal Translation
365 day devotional commentary
Barne's Notes on the New Testament
Barne's Notes on the Old Testament
Bible knowledge Commentary :NT
Bible knowledge Commentary: OT
Commentary on the Epistle to the Ephesians
Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans
Commentary on the New Testament
Commentary on the Old Testament
Commentary on the Old Testament Vol. 01 Pentateuch
Commentary on the Old Testament Vol. 08 Jeremiah - Lamentations
Commentary on the Old Testament Vol. 10 Minor Prophets
Commentary on the Old Testament Vol. 2 Joshua - 2 Samuel
Commentary on the Old Testament Vol. 4 Ezra - Job
Commentary on the Old Testament Vol.3 1 Kings - 2 Chronicles
Commentary on the Old Testament Vol.5 Psalms
Commentary on the Old Testament Vol.6 Proverbs - Song of Solomon
Commentary on the Old Testament Vol.7 Isaiah
Commentary on the Old Testament Vol.9 Ezekiel - Daniel
Commentary on the Whole Bible
Commentary on the first Epistle to the Corinthians
Commentary on the second epistle to the Corinthian
Early Church Fathers: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Volume 1
Early Church Fathers: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Volume 2
Early Church Fathers: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Volume 3
Early Church Fathers: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Volume 4
Early Church Fathers: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Volume 5
Early Church Fathers: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Volume 6
Early Church Fathers: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Volume 7
Early Church Fathers: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Volume 8
Early Church Fathers: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Volume 9
Hard sayings of the Bible
IVP Bible Background (NT)
MacArthur's New Testament Commentary: 1 Corinthians
MacArthur's New Testament Commentary: 1 Timothy
MacArthur's New Testament Commentary: 2 Timothy
MacArthur's New Testament Commentary: Acts 1-12
MacArthur's New Testament Commentary: Acts 13 - 28
MacArthur's New Testament Commentary: Colossians and Philemon
MacArthur's New Testament Commentary: Ephesians
MacArthur's New Testament Commentary: Galatians
MacArthur's New Testament Commentary: Hebrews
MacArthur's New Testament Commentary: James
MacArthur's New Testament Commentary: Matthew 1-7
MacArthur's New Testament Commentary: Matthew 16-23
MacArthur's New Testament Commentary: Matthew 24-28
MacArthur's New Testament Commentary: Matthew 8-15
MacArthur's New Testament Commentary: Philippians
MacArthur's New Testament Commentary: Revelation 1-11
MacArthur's New Testament Commentary: Revelation 12-22
MacArthur's New Testament Commentary: Romans 1-8
MacArthur's New Testament Commentary: Romans 9-16
MacArthur's New Testament Commentary: Titus
Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary
Matthew Henry's unabridged commentary on the Old Testament
Matthew henry's unabridged commentary on the New Testament
New Commentary on the whole Bible: NT
New Commentary on the whole Bible: OT
Teacher's Commentary
Treasury of David
Victor Bible Background Commentary (NT)
Wiersbe'e Expository Outlines on the New Testament
Wiersbe's Expository Outlines on the old Testament
Daily Dose of the American Dream
Morning and Evening
My Utmost for his Highest
Basic Theology
Bible Reader's Companion
Concise Theology
Draper's Book of Quotations fro the Christian World
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Handbook of Bible Application
Handbook of Christian Apologetics
Holman Bible Dictionary
Holman Bible Handbook
International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia
Moody's Handbook of Theology
Nave's Topical Bible
New American Standard Exhaustive Concordance
Quickverse Bible Dictionary
Sermon Outlines for Growing Christians
Sermon Outlines for Seekers
Sermon Outlines for Special Days
Sermon Outlines on 1 Corinthians
Sermon Outlines on Ephesians
Sermon Outlines on the Gospels
Sermon outlines on Galations, Ephesians, phillipains & Colossians
Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
Willmington's Guide to the Bible
Explorer's Bible Studies: Early History of Israel
Explorer's Bible Studies: Later History of Israel
Explorer's Bible Studies: Luke and Acts
Explorer's Bible Studies: NT Epistles & Revelation
Explorers Bible Studies: Genesis
History of the Christian Church
Life and times of Jesus the Messiah
Who's who in Christian History
Works of Josephus
Analytical Greek New Testament
Concise Greek-English lexicon
Hebrew Definitions
New American Standard Hebrew and greek Dictionaries
Reference Guide to Greek New Testament
Robertson's Word Pictures in the NT, Vol. 2: Luke
Robertson's Word Pictures in the NT, Vol. 4: Epistles of Paul
Robertson's Word Pictures in the NT, Vol. 5: John & Hebrews
Robertson's Word Pictures in the NT, Vol. 6: General Epistles & Revelation
Robertson's Word pictures in the NT, Vol. 1: Matthew & Mark
Robertson's Word pictures in the NT, Vol. 3: Acts
Strong's Hebrew and Greek Dictionaries
Thayer's Greek Definitions
Vincent's Word Studies Vol. 1: Synoptic Gospels
Vincent's Word Studies Vol. 2: Writings of John
Vincent's Word Studies Vol. 3: Epistles of Paul
Vincent's Word Studies Vol. 4: Epistles
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Quickverse Bible Atlas
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