Go with Scully and WontLeave on this one. If she's already getting jealous of you for no good reason, this chick is trouble. I've hit it off with internet connections, only to lose it over petty things.
Sorry, man.
last weekend i had a date.
i immidaiately fell in love.
we met the following day again, and arranged another date for tomorrow.. well, yesterday she sent me a text message, stating that she no longer has an interest in seeing me again, because she discovered other pics of myself on other dating web sites.
Go with Scully and WontLeave on this one. If she's already getting jealous of you for no good reason, this chick is trouble. I've hit it off with internet connections, only to lose it over petty things.
Sorry, man.
i was just thinking how thankful i am that i took a typing course in school years ago.
i would think it has to be very difficult posting on a board like this hunting and pecking all the time.
so how fast can you type?
60-70 wpm normally, 90 wpm if motivated.
on a different thread (http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/members/private/211210/3/my-life-well-the-first-part-at-least.
someone commented that.
as a sister especially you are nothing when not attached to you husband.. this made me curious.
Sirnose, I sometimes wish I had the game gene!
I have tried to play computer video games ever since the Commodore Vic-20 came out- but by level-2 on today's games I'm thinking of something "real" that I want to do.
Well, let me tell you Moshe, it took a lot of my time and dulled a great deal of my social skills. They're all back now, thankfully, but when I was playing Halo 1 from 2003-2007 and just hanging out with dudes (to avoid getting into "trouble" for partying), it set me back. These days I'll occasionally put in some time for this free multiplayer pirate-themed game called Pirates of the Burning Seas. Or if I feel like getting historical, I'll pop in Rome: Total War. I have a social life now, which is much more expensive to maintain but ultimately better than dark rooms full of musty, bitter dudes.
on a different thread (http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/members/private/211210/3/my-life-well-the-first-part-at-least.
someone commented that.
as a sister especially you are nothing when not attached to you husband.. this made me curious.
Moshe, is it bad that I know this guy was playing Halo? Is it even worse that I'm pretty sure the name of the level he's playing is "Assault on the Control Room"? Lol
i was shocked to read in the "witnesses only" study watchtower this stupid rutherford policy was still in place, compare.. rutherfords last book "children" {ironic title} 1942 - page 281 "wait until after armagedon to bring children into the world...it is only afew years...until armagedon...those with infants will have greater woe...it will be a far greater difficulty to care for them during the tribulation...".
so if you were 20 years old in 1942 and waited......till 2011.....do the math.. wachtower 2008 april 15 p.19 "heading: "single and childless for a noble purpose.
" ...numerous couples have decided to remain childless...to remain free to serve jehovah...putting kingdom interests above some of the privledges that go with marriage...jehovah will not forget...there will be a great tribulation...it will be a difficult time for us adults and children alike...".
"Sierra Squared, Delta Squared."
What does that mean?
ok, i thought of this last night because i remembered there have been numerous threads about how mysterious j.f.rutherfords funeral arrangements were - only four people or so did the ceremony (sort of in secrecy) and nobody to this day knows what happened to the body or where he is buried.. but it occurred to me that i was an active witness when knorr died, and just left shortly before franz died - and i know nothing about the funeral of either of them.... have no idea what they did for jaracz, or even for russell as well.
well, edit to say that i have seen the russell gravestone and pyramid shrine when i was in pittsburg pa for congregation servant's school in 1970.. does anybody know the inside information on these - where they took place, was it by invitation only, what did they do, etc.
To borrow heavily on an old yarn my Irish grandfather might have said, I'd be very pleased to honour the memory of these gentlemen by pouring a bottle of Jameson over their graves, so long as I can pass it through me kidneys first.
Lol!!! Gotta love the Irish.
i say, "oh, wow!
" because this article is a showcase for all of the ways that the writing dept.
has lost any shred of authoritative ethos or credibility.
You know, I remember feeling that "higher criticism" was a bad thing. Funny how it really isn't. Good find, Cadellin.
i know why they do it, because the women would complain, but it's not logical, the men need to be trained on how to conduct a bible study with a student, also.
if it doesn't matter, why are the sisters doing it?
just to give them something to do?
Reminds me of a quote from I'm Perfect, You're Doomed: Tales of a Jehovah's Witness Upbringing about the #3 talk:
"Facing the congregation = uppity and sinful.
Ninety degrees clockwise = making Jehovah's heart smile."
(pg. 13)
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wow, havent been around here in a while and it's nice to see some familiar names as well as new ones.. .
well, its that time of year again when some members of my family decide that they need to go preach where the need is great.
It's because the JWs can only be effective in areas with a Christian populace. Once they head into an area without a Christian base, their "We're better than other strains of Christianity" message falls flat.
i just realized that today marks my first year since attending a meeting at the kh... i really wanted to celebrate this day but it just creeped up and its kinda late now... i guess i'll celebrate tomorrow night instead.. but i wanted to log in to thank everyone who has helped me with their valuable insight and perspective... i came to this site with a typical judgemental jw mentality and now i can say i'm completely rid of all that... i now value everyone's opinions and talk more freely with people i used to consider "worldly"... what a completely freeing experience!.
the hardest part of my exit from the cult was convincing my wife... that took about 6 months and i nearly gave up... thank god she eventually woke up.. also, in the past year i've read.... gentile times reconsideredcombatting mind controlcrisis of conscience*in search of christian freedomapocalypse delayed*3 books out of the 7 "studies in the scriptures"5 rutherford books*i met 2 of the people mentioned in crisis of conscience and apocalypse delayed and had dinner with them recently... hoping to build that relationship further.. i've also sent about 26 emails to several elders on a variety of subjects and 6 letters to the brooklyn and i'm still not da's or df'd!
none of these emails or letters changed anything but it helped me purge.... i could go on and on but it's the same story you've probably read a thousand times already.. anyway, if it wasn't for all the support and encouragement i received on this site (as well as randy's site and barbara's site), i wouldn't be where i am today.. so a big thank you to you all!!!.
Congratulations, Alfred! I'm coming up on two years of freedom, so hooray for us!