Ah, the Degenatron! Great ad from Vice City.
Thanks for the laughs!
with bizarre names like pac-man, asteroids, space invaders, battlezone and donkey kong, video games have landed themselves not only in amusement arcades but also in corner drugstores, supermarkets, gas stations, fast-food parlors and nearly everywhere else that people congregate.
their beeps and booms and colorful lights have captured the fancy and imagination of a new generation of players to the point of obsession.. other than the obvious appeal to teenagers and its commercial success, the proliferation of arcade video games has triggered reactions ranging from strong parental protests to outright government bans.
in the philippines, president marcos officially banned the games and gave owners two weeks to destroy them.
Ah, the Degenatron! Great ad from Vice City.
Thanks for the laughs!
cartoonist lars vilks, who depicted muhammad with a dog's body, was.
attacked in sweden.. http://www.examiner.com/x-10853-portland-humanist-examiner~y2010m5d11-swedish-cartoonist-lars-vilks-attacked-by-angry-muslims-video.
I wish we were all as bold as him. And now he just got attacked at that university, too...
just a couple more gems from the recent co visit:.
in his meeting with elders / ms, he was warning of the "dangers" of the internet.
following is a more or less accurate quotation:.
An EMAIL! To join an evil SOCIAL NETWORKING site!
Good gravy, this just gets more and more hilarious.
ok not sure about the inner workings of this forum.. .
however how is it possible to attach a pdf file or a photo to a post.. .
can some one explain in very simple language for me.....i am not to keen on hosting on a photobucket site as i need to keep my id private.. any help gratefully received.
Sorry, I just had to.
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Also, it should be noted, as has been done on many, many websites.... in the "new paradise on earth", it says that we will not require food to sustain us.
For realzies? I don't remember seeing that...got a link for me?
If it is really the case that they won't need food to sustain them, then how do they explain the feast pictures? Is eating just a hobby or something??
construction has begun on strata tower by new york-based architects asymptote in abu dhabi, uae.. due to be completed in 2011, the tower will have 40 stories and be 160 metres high.. .
the strata tower, a forty-story, luxury residential building designed by architects hani rashid and lise anne couture of asymptote, has broken ground on al raha beach and is now under construction.
the tower is scheduled for completion in early 2011 and, at a height of 160 meters, will be the tallest building in the al dana precinct, the centerpiece of aldar properties pjscs prestigious al raha beach development.
Interesting name, Asymptote...they can be approached, but never touched. Vertical ones, at least. Horizontal ones are a different matter.
does everyone remember a few years back, when the km directed that nobody should wear shorts after the convention while out and about?
i don't have the reference, but i remember a brother in our hall made a comment that night at the meeting while it was being discussed.
he was a very poor brother, with 3 children.
Oh yeah, I remember. The DC was always in my backyard, so whenever I got the chance, I'd get home and change out of my suit (drenched with sweat thanks to the heat) and into something more comfortable. The nasty looks would never be far behind.
i did this today.
last night, the pretty little weather girl stated there would "be heavy rain marked by occasional thunderstorms.
" i thought to myself, great, hopefully its so bad when i awaken, anybody originally planning on going out, will just stay home.
I think I did that one time. I can remember being hassled about getting up too late, being hassled to go out, missing the grouping, and I just decided to go home that day. There was a concerned call from my grandpa about it, but nothing came of it. It felt so good to miss out on that nonsense.
sitting around the picnic table outside i just happen to mention to my sister that i heard that the watchtower org.
has tons of money held in offshore accounts.
Hah! I've had things stolen from my house on two occasions, and both times the thieves were Jehovah's Witnesses!
i was reading the topic on sisters having to sit in the backseat even if it was their car.
made me think of a few rules i was subjected to.
one was we were not allowed to have a radio on.
I can't remember any overarching rules, but I can remember having to vary my behavior based upon who was my partner. Some dubs had a real issue with saying anything before the householder opened the door. Some were really uptight about territories with overhead power lines. Leading groups out as an MS was like "dodge the neurosis" sometimes. The greatest FS experience I had was having to lead a Sunday afternoon group, and no one showed up. I was ecstatic.