the typical response would be that the bible students were the only people "seeking the truth" and they were chosen because they had the right heart condition. I have heard this many times before and even within the past few weeks!
You tell this to a dub and they will totally eat that up! they wont question for a second that the scripture says NOTHING about heart condition. It says "proper food at the proper time".
JW's will claim that the fundamental doctrines were in place - no trinity, no hell fire, no immortality of the soul (except for 144k) to this day this seems to be the mantra of the WTS. This "Trinity" of Russelite truths is still referred to as the main difference between JW's and christendom. What the JW's neglect to realize is the while what they DONT believe with respects to these 3 items hasnt changed - what they DO BELIVE has changed substantially.
Also that Russel was using Pyramidology, Phrenology, Astrology, and Millerite/Adventist types & anit-types to prove his beliefs may not enter their minds either.
So you ask "what was the proper food they were teaching"? - good question. When you figure it out let us know!
Thanks for the response. It would seem to be nothing but pure arrogance that would drive one to actually believe that they were the only people 'seeking the truth'; people sought the truth long before and continue to do so, the Bible Students / JWs I'd like to hear an explanation from a JW here why, supossing just for a moment, that the 'trinity of truths" listed is indeed %100 correct, why those 3 items would be enough for Jesus to choose them over others. Why can't trinitarians be wrong yet not receive the mercy of Jehovah or Christ when judgement comes, just as JW's must expect some mercy for all of the errors/mistakes they have made? Can any practicing JW's explain this to me? I suppose I could go to one of their forums and ask, but having seen what goes on on them, it seems that asking the hard questions always gets ignored, danced around, or ridiculed.