There seemed to be a strong emphasis on 'the number of partakers should be small now' idea where I went.
JoinedPosts by Hoping4Change
Memorial Musings
by undercover ina few things noticed in last nights annual, jesus who?
1: only one scripture from the gospels was read or cited.
We will decide who is a predator! New Watchtower Instructions to Elders on Child Abuse
by Jaime l de Aragon inmust read on jehovahs witnesses watchtower arrogance in failure to warn of congregation pedophiles..
Is this letter for real??!?!?!?!
A new book with a chapter about JW Child abuse??
by darthfader ini get this add on this site -- anyone know if it's legit or just a bunch of nothing?.
Contrary to the ad, the chapter in the book re: a JW case is Chapter 7 - "Protecting the Guilty in the Name of God"
Is the Watchtower stubbornly holding onto the 70 year exile figure within the Old Testament?
by sabastious ini read outlaw's post about how he has watched people make an online career out of debating for and against arguments regarding 607 and 586 being the date of jerusalem's fall.
he's right that this has happened and it's had the nasty side effect of "mudding up the waters" so-to-speak in regards to anyone wishing to glean wisdom from these debates.. i am not a historian and when posts start getting overtly historical my reading of them seems to slow down and i find myself having to reread posts.. i am going to try to simply state each argument to see if i have put it together (correct me if i am wrong):.
the watchtower says that they default to the bible's figure of 70 years of jewish exile which is used more than once in the old testament.
Here's a plug for Doug Mason's work on this:
Victoria, Australia: Steven Unthank's Press Release: JW's Hierarchy Formally Charged Today With Child Abuse
by AndersonsInfo injehovah's witnesses hierarchy charged.
immediate press release: 26 july 2011. link to this press release:
worldwide church hierarchy charged with child abuse.
I dont know how frequently it occurs, but how would children, who attend and participate in activities run by Jehovah's Witnesses, but whose parents are not participating members and do not attend such services, be viewed? Becuase such children would be attending meetings, field service, libraries, restrooms, etc without their parents supervision, does the fact that the parents are allowing the activities to occur without their supervision exempt the organization/leaders from a status of "providing activities for children wherein their parents/parental supervision are excluded"? Even if parent's do not approve of a child's participation amongst Witnesses, would the fact that parents cant be expected to keep their children on a chain and know every single movement of their child (thinking older children here) open up the risk for such a classification because such children could 'sneak off'/'lie' or by some other means practice with Witnesses unbeknownest to their parents? And for parents (who dont participate) who may 'approve'/'allow' their children to participate in JW related activities, I dont see how dropping them off at the Kingdom Hall to go to 'meeting/TMS/bible study/field service/etc.' would be any different from dropping them off at any other kind activity led by people who are expected to conform with the Working With Children Check. It really does beg the question, what is it that the JW leadership are objecting to by insisting that they dont have to conform? Is it just the cost of compliance?
The effect we are having on the Watchtower is HUGE
by jwfacts ini was inspired by a recent thread i know i aint gunna crumble the wt, but a girl can dream to look at the effect we as individuals are having on the watchtower society.. 3dogs1husband quoted a story to show that even helping only one person is worth it.. it is encouraging to note that the one person you may have helped has lead to millions being helped, due to the power of compounding growth.. compounding growth is well illustrated by the rice on a chessboard problem.
if you start with 1 grain of rice on square one, and double it to 2 on the second, 4 on the third, 8 on the fourth, by the last (64th) square there would be 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 grains of rice.. likewise, if you help one person out of the grip of the watchtower this year, then next year you help one more and they help one, in a few years that is going to have a formidable result on the number of jehovahs witnesses.
look at the following statistics.
....and the effects of (besides being a great reference for anyone who needs quick answers)?
Enough so that media outlets will use it as a reference(with link). See 'not quite half way down':
Religious Reform
by Maze inas a bible based organization, how do feel jehovah's organization should be reformed?
the answer is quite simple in christendoms churches:.
1. reject false doctrines like the trinity and 'all christians go to heaven' and use of images in worship.. .
It wasn't a unique teaching they had before 1919 that made Jesus choose them. The faithful and discreet slave through various trials and errors came to an accurate knowledge of truth and loyally submitted themselves to do God's will.
If it wasn't a unique teaching before/in 1919 that made Jesus choose them, please explain exactly the following:
In/before/during 1919, what exactly was the "accurate knowledge of the truth" which the Bible students possessed, that caused them to "submit themselves to do God's will", that resulted in Jesus choosing them?
And, one more thing, in/before/during 1919, who/what exactly represented the Faithful and Discreet slave?
Questions submitted with full honesty, humility and willingness to listen to reason.
45 JW Rules/Teachings that "go beyond" writings of the Bible
by oompa in(1 corinthians 4:6) .
.that in our case you may learn the [rule]: do not go beyond the things that are written,.
.. 45 jw rules/teaching that "go beyond the things that are written" in the bible.
@nugget, re:Retrovirus question
I may be mistaken in this instance, but UBM also refers to an 'Unbelieving Mate'. Would be interested to here rules for this situation. (JW wife, UBM husband)
2 Thessalonians issue
by Mat inreading a great book, jeus interupted, that i reccomend, but i came accross an interesting issue about second thessalonians.
ehrman argues that he does not think 2 thessalonians was written by the same person who wrote 1 thessalonians, and gives his reasons:.
if paul meant what he said in 1 thessalonians, that jesus return would be sudden and unexpected, it is hard to believe that he could have written what is said in 2 thessaloniansthat the end is not coming right away and that there will be clear-cut signs to indicate that the end is near, signs that had not yet appeared.
C'mon, we all know what happened, Paul got 'new light'!
Are You Raising An Introvert?
by darth frosty inits not easy being an introvert in an extrovert worldespecially when youre a kid.
it is even more difficult if none of the adults in the kids life recognize that the child is an introvert.
this doesnt happen only when the childs parents are extroverts, but also with introverted parents who have never understood their own introverted nature.. .
I got interested in temperment types over 20 years ago while still in college. Taking both the MBTI and the Keisey Temperment sorter confirmed I was just about as strongly introverted as one could get (I scored on the extreme end of 'I' on both). For those interested in Type, these may be of some interest: