Well, I survived. Some people were decent, some queried "Are you reinstated?" - saw my cross and walked off and some just ignored me (best friend included). Funny thing is that her husband, the ex-Bethelite didn't. My mom wouldn't sit with us - you know it wouldn't be OK to be seen with a df'd person, even if you live with them. sigh....
They actually spent a few minutes talking about the sister, which was nice.
And then we went into the typical outline. Something I noticed for the first time was that they keep you so distracted with Scripture-hopping that there isn't time to examine the text and see if it really says what they are saying, or if it is in context or anything. Dunno why I never noticed that before. It's like they don't want you to THINK about the verse they read, they just want you to blanket accept what they said.