Hi Alpheta and welcome i sit up late nights reading the post as well - probably why i'm half asleep all the time!
Posts by dobbie
I'd like to introduce myself
by Alpheta ini'm "alpheta".
i've been reading here for the past few weeks, but have visited from time to time over several years.. short history, i started studying in 1993, was baptised in 1996, and succinctly and with much planning disassociated myself in october, 2003.. i don't believe i have any lasting psychological damage or issues, but i was curious about the state of the wtbts (or whatever they go by these days), and i found your site and a lot of information that, i have to say, i found shocking at first like - oh my goddess, they really did that?
- kind of thing.. anyway, nice to have read your posts and i really enjoy the sense of community here.
Ear ache...help!
by schne_belly infor the past 24 hours ive had an ear ach in my right ear.
my hearing is muffled and its starting to throb now.
last saturday i went swimming in a lake and at first thought i had a case of swimmers ear.
I had an ear infection last year and it REALLY hurts!The best thing is like everyone said and go to your drs. I had antibiotics for mine, they did take a while to kick in though. I also took soluble paracetamol which took the edge of the pain.
Would you honor your relatives request for no blood?
by free2beme inas i get older, i realize that a time could come where i could find my spouse and i in a situation where we could have our parents in a situation of needing blood to live and us having to speak on their behalf.
with that in mind, i know that the medical directive is not enough and they do try to get family members to do the blood to save them.
i know this, as it happened with my mother and my dad had her take blood.
Its impossible to know how you'd react until it happens to you, but i said no to blood for my baby, and although hes ok its something i'll never forgive myself for.I've already told my husband i'd say give him blood but he was fine with that anyway!
What Things Did You Hate About Being A Jehovah's Witness?
by minimus in.
anything in particular?
Being told what we could or could'nt wear, how much make up etc
People asking me why we don't celebrate things like fathers day when its not pagan and me no having an answer because they're right its not worshipping anyone!
Having my non jw family think i was a nutter!
Not letting my children go to birthday parties
Being told to answer up when i didn't want to
Having to go to meetings prepare for them study daily text read magazines personal study etc with little ones - impossible!
Actually would be alot quicker to say why i liked going to meetings - umm..... buying clothes to wear there i think thats it!
I was forced to buy a new cell phone
by JH inyesterday, i was mowing the lawn, and i had my cell phone on me.
it was in it's case and hooked on to me.. for some reason, it fell to the ground, and i was mowing the lawn walking backwards, and all of a sudden....i heard this loud noise under the lawnmower as if it was chewing something very hard.
so, i backed up the lawnmower another foot or so to see what was under the lawnmower.
I'm jinxed when it comes to mobiles - my 1st one was stuck under a running tap my my little boy.I knocked my second one accidentally off the top of the telly and it landed in same little boys glass of squash!That same week my other half dropped his new phone out of a boat into the river.My present phone lasted 6 months(record for me) and i went and dropped it in a puddle, dried in on a radiator and it came back to life.Last month i was reading a text whilst bathing the kiddies and dropped it!OH says i can't have anymore! PS R u sure that phones not pink?
Sign of the Last Days--Jonsson...
by Confession ini enjoyed these quotes from the preface of his book..."what terrible wars, both foreign and domestic!
what pestilences, famines...and quakings of the earth has history recorded!
" -tertullian, 197 a.d.. "the wars continue frequently to prevail, that death and famine accumulate anxiety, that health is shattered by raging diseases, that the human race is wasted by the desolation of pestilence, know that this was foretold; that evils should be multiplied in the last times, and that misfortunes should be varied; and that the day of judgment is now drawing nigh.
Loved those quotes sounds so familiar yet here we still are.... rest is double dutch to me though!
Fair minded person with a fair point of view
by keo15929 ini have been one of jehovah's witnesses for about 9 years before i became inactive.
i just had some comments i'd like to make.. i think the reason why i'm inactive now is because i've come to a point in my life where i feel obligated to admit that i just don't know.
at one time i was as fiery and zealous of a witness as anyone could be but i had this nagging feeling that i really didn't know what i was talking about when i was witnessing to people.
I can sort of see what you are saying. Most witnesses are sincere in their beliefs, that is why they don't dig any deeper, they are so convinced its the truth. I know this because i have been there recently as have others on this board. Yes it took R Franz a long time to admit his doubts, i think many in the religion have doubts but put them away because they are told to, and people will always conform when there are so many others doing it, it is a sort of follow the pack instinct that is everywhere in this world. Perhaps those higher up in the organization do think they are being honest, perhaps they are just too scared to speak up like others, perhaps some of them think they are better placed staying there to try and help the brothers, after all someone must have been instrumental in relaxing the blood issue. With reference to the sister who was gang raped, i believe it was not done by witnesses but others because the wts said they couldn't carry political cards, which opened the jws up to persecution,while the wts gave the go ahead to the jws in Mexico been able to get hold of these cards creating a double standard. I'm sure others here can explain it better. In the illustration on the lady who has an abortion, i suppose you could draw some similarities except that the wts haven't just been instrumental in causing one death like the woman would have, but thousands of death by their flip flopping doctrines, just a short humble statement when they changethese things admitting their error would help, but they just distance themselves away from it.I don't think people are missing your point its just that we all have such different views on things, and there is bound to be those who feel anger at the wts. Personally i feel more pigged off with myself for going along with it all, but in the position they are in they must surely be accountable to God (if he exists) for all the deaths from changing policies.
by ElderBarry inhi.
one of the girls i work with, wenda, is studying with the dubs!
Hi i'd agree with crisis of conscience, i am two thirds of the way through it and it has opened my eyes. No one could read this book and not be affected by it, it's also written really well, no slagging anyone off or nasty remarks/words, which would have put me off.When you read about 1914 and the way some of the GB themselves didn't really believe it it really shocks you to know they are meant to be feeding you the proper food but that in reality its more like junk food - and i eat enough of that already!
Do u believe much of the JW teachings but not Gods Representative on earth?
by breeze in.
i wonder how many are still drawn to the beliefs but just don't believe the wtbts is jehovah's representative on earth and the only hope for mankind?.
of course we know some are not correct like 607 bc and 1914 and 1975 etc.. breeze
Quandry hi i was half asleep at the time and my punctutation was not good, i left a comma out. I meant the Yates children being drowned, what they suffered, knowing their mentally ill mother was hurting them, and the Beslan siege, all the little ones forced to suffer what they did, we are taught God is a God of love and compassion but i can't get my head around him letting these atrocious things happen, just so a few angels can get his point. If i were an angel i'd be seriously worried sharing heaven with someone like that, so this is why i'm in a 'quandary' too, i don't know how God could let it happen so i find myself doubting his existence. To be honest i wish i'd never heard of jws sometimes (life was much easier before), but have to remind myself i wouldn't have my children if i hadn't, so something goods come out of it all, apart from the mountain of doubts i now have!.
Supporting Vegetarian/Vegan Teens
by Scully inmy youngest is toying with the idea of adopting the vegan lifestyle.
she came to me at 11pm last evening with a strict list of what she wanted me to purchase for her as soon as the store opened this morning.
her enthusiasm could easily have been mistaken for "preaching".... and i'm afraid it didn't foster a very receptive spirit in me.. my main concern is her having adequate nutrition.
Hi i turned vegetarian when i was 12 and still am 20 yrs later.I really think seeing a nutritionist is a good idea for a vegan diet, i did try that myself for a year as a teen but turned anaemic and ended up seeing someone which really helped as she could give me and mum all the info we needed on dietary requirements and recipe ideas. I am just a normal veggie now though cos i could'nt live without chocolate and soya choc is horrible! I now have my own family of meat eaters and to save time i cook batches of my meals ahead and freeze them, that way you're not always cooking two separate meals at one.It also taught me how to cook and helped my poor mum out(feel really sorry for my parents my dads a butcher and have had a vegetarian jehovahs witness daughter to put up with-don't know which he hated more!)So long as she gets the right vitamins and minerals she'll be fine, red lentils are v healthy you can make lentil bolognese instead of meat my family loves it.Also veg stew with mixed pulses am getting hungry now!There is soya milk as well of course and i've been told soya ice cream is v nice also soya marg is ok. There are loads of cookbooks now that you can get and of course info on the internet. Hope this is of some use to you.