When he says hes checked other religions out to make sure hes got the true one, whats the betting the only book he looked at was mankinds search for God book!
Posts by dobbie
Field Service for Lazy People
by Nosferatu inhere's a great way to get your hours in every month: make a myspace page to spread the good news!.
Apology to all
by wozadummy inthis is an apology to all for my recent posts, i did'nt mean to upset anyone .
just coping with leaving the org ,and the past ,and trying to support my wife who, as some know from my prevoius posts has tried to deal with her pedophile elder(past) father for many years now thru the org ,and then being badly treated by them and her large extended family (most are witnesses and are trying to silence her), made me hit rock bottom.
we are now taking action via the police and court system and she is barely coping ,and me being bi-polar does'nt help matters much and i fell into to an unreal state for a while as we don't have much support of any kind.
Welcome back, it takes guts to apologise like that, but i don't think you need to worry, no one was offended - we are all here to express our different views and opinions, and wouldn't it be boring it we all thought the same things anyway - be like being back in the borg!(PS i thought you'd be back!this place is addictive!)
What bothers you more, snakes or spiders
by free2beme init is pretty common among us humans to have an issue with one of the big two.
we either have a discomfort with them, or just dislike them all together.
personally, i am not real against being around either, but if i had to choose which one i see in a more negative way, it would be spiders.
Spiders definately! I was always scared of them growing up, i remember my dad squashing one right next to my pillow once and whenever i slept on that particular bedding i couldn't sleep. When i left school i had a stint working in a pet shop, where they sold tarantulas and pythons. I used to be terrified even to look up at the spiders. The other girls there were really bitchy and knew i was scared, they chased me out the shop with a snake once.One day a tarantula had died and before i knew it they had grabbed hold of me and one of them stuffed in down my back and squashed it. I was terrified and stripped off my uniform in the middle of the shop, one of its legs had come off in my bra, i've never felt so dirty and when the boss heard she laughed her head off. (I was so glad when that shop closed down!) It left me petrified of spiders for years to the point i had to check and remake my bed several times every night and would have to sleep with the light on so i could keep checking for them. Then i dated my husband who thought when i told him all this, that it would be funny to chase me with one in his hand(big spider not a little one), the second time he did it i told him (and meant it) that if he ever did it again i'd call it a day, thankfully he stopped! I'm still scared of them but can at least cope with money spiders now!
I love little rodents like mice hamsters etc though and when i was at the pet shop ended up with a bedroom full of them to save them from the girl who used to come in to buy the smallest ones to feed to her pet snake!(My room must have stunk - my poor mum!)
I put my dear old dog to sleep
by Jez inafter 2 months of old age and illness, 2 cancelled vet appts, hoping he would get better, tears, frustration, watching him not eat, throwing up, becoming skin and bones, justifying keeping him, i stuck to this morning's appointment.. he was with me for the last 12 years of my life and his life has been entwined in so many of the memories i have.. to tell you about him, would be an essay.
i just want everyone to know that he was so close to me.
in the end, i kissed him on his head, said, "good boy, you're a good boy" and he laid his head on my hands and went to sleep.. i love you and will miss your crazy dog ways.
A reminder on Shunning family members again in the January 15th Watchtower!
by Gill injanuary 15th watchtower 2007 'remaining steadfast when a child rebels'.
'when discipline is severe'.
'if your child is unrepentant and is a baptized christian, he may receive the strongest form of discipline - being disfellowhipped from the congregation.
Sick twisted and very sad , boy they must LOVE the power they have to keep on churning out this crap!
Great News
by Undecided inmy grandson went back to the hospital for more test today and they found that the cancer was a type that can usually be cured.
the hospital is one of the best in the east.
i sure do feel better now.
That's great news, what a relief for you all. Keeping you all in my thoughts
My Haunted Office
by Warlock inthe following account is 100% true and all of the paranormal activity was experienced firsthand by me.. i work in a converted garage.
there is a side door, with a window, and a back door with a window that leads to a swimming pool.
both doors have cloth canopies to keep out some of the sunlight.
I was waiting for you to post this Warlock, i remember you telling me about it at halloween time and then i was awake half the night thinking about it!Well done for posting it anyway and i know these things can happen because of what i experienced several times. At least the activity seems to have subsided for now so you can concentrate on your work(or jwd lol!)
Thankyou everybody, it's so good to be back!!
by fullofdoubtnow inas most of you know, i've been in bed with flu for a few days, and though i'm a bit better today, i'm still feeling very weak, but i'm just about up to an hours' posting.
i've missed you all so much, and want to thank you for all the good wishes you sent me for a speedy recovery.
i honestly think i've been shown more love from people on this board who i've never met than many jws that i knew for over 20 years.
Glad your'e getting better Linda, flu can knock the stuffing out of you can't it!Missed your posts
Sitting Here Crying
by Undecided injust head that my grandson has a bad kind of cancer.
it's hard to accept stuff like this.
i just hope they can do something to help him survive.. ken p..
I'm so sorry to hear this, how terrible for you all to have to face. sending you love and thoughts to you allDebbie
Scissor Sisters Appreciation Thread
by Crumpet in.
i don't understand why scissor sisters have not taken off in america the way they have here!.
i've been dying to see them and i managed to get tickets before they sold out for wembley in november this morning.. has anyone seen them live?
My husband saw them once when they were supporting DuranDuran, he loves them. I've just bought him their latest album for a christmas present.