Truly I say to you, that generation (of 1914) HAS passed away.
However, the WBTS saw that coming and moved the goalposts, so only a wistful shrug of the shoulders from most JWs.
what do you think?.
Truly I say to you, that generation (of 1914) HAS passed away.
However, the WBTS saw that coming and moved the goalposts, so only a wistful shrug of the shoulders from most JWs.
did not capture anything but the overarching topics here....but more on the end...... .
five beneficial reasons why not knowing the day or hour can help us.. .
listened to another section of auntbees recording, here are the five points the speaker makes why it is good we dont know......the focus sure seems to be on distancing themselves from the missed dates, while still stirring up a lot of fear and concern about being at the end of the end.
All this DC stuff sounds to me like the Society are preparing the flock for some disappointing noo light - i.e. Armaggedon may occur at any time but possibly not in your lifetime.
i do a lot of the grocery shopping for my wife and myself as we live out in the mountains and i stop on the way home from working early morning hours.
there are some things that just drive me bat-$hit crazy sometimes .
i'll name a few- you carry it from there !
I've lost count of the amount of times I've walked into the back of someone who has just stopped to count their change in the doorway on their way out!
I don't get upset anymore, I find it fascinating, but these are the rules of my shopping experience:
Someone in the queue in front of me will always do one of the following:
I could go on - new ones crop up every week. But I have never, ever, had everyone in front of me at a supermarket checkout simply pass their items through the checkout, pay for it and leave.
the watch tower bible and tract society was founded on the belief that armageddon is imminent.
in the late 1870s when charles t russell gave up his business interests and began preaching that christ had returned - invisibly, of course - in 1874 and that by 1914 the current system would be over with, a religious model pinched from the adventists and millerites, was established.. 1914 came and went, this old system lumbered on, and the wtbts in the person of russell began re-reading his favourite biblical texts and re-calibrating his 'pyramidological' calculations.
yes, his prophecies hadn't come true, but the bible students lived to predict another end of the world.
Fear is a very powerful method of control. The British government is currently using fear of terrorism to bring in new laws which erode ancient freedoms. I agree that the Society has always used fear (of outsiders, mainly) but date setting is just another aspect of this - fear of being killed in a war which is 'just around the corner', fear of missing out in something good.
Such tactics are used by con-men the world over. You can guess something might be a con when the tag lines say something like 'one time offer', 'limited time' or 'must end today' which taps into the human desire not to miss out.
As for 2014, I don't think JWs are particularly concerned about it. 2034, on the other hand, might just be the furthest they can stretch it.
See this link:
some witnesses are making sure they're ready for the great day.
i've heard certain family members are getting supplies ready including 5 gallons of water, cans of food that can be opened without a can opener, and other "survival" stuff.
they have figured that since the awake (i think) reported how the "friends" got ready for hurricane katrina, they too must be ready for survival when the storm of armageddon rains down.. what will they think of next?.
My father-in-law (a devout JW) always said, 'the most dangerous thing you can have in a famine is a stockpile of food'
His attitude was that 'Jehovah would provide'. My attitude was, as some famous soldier once said, 'Trust in God...but keep your powder dry'
I have a year's supply of Kendal Mint Cake in my jacket pocket, just in case
every search returns a "this site may harm your computer".
even a search for google.
dont matter the browser i use.. .
Not just you, I'm having exactly the same problem - something's screwed!
everytime i check something here that god damn pop up comes up..."secrets of pedophilia.......{long pause} an american religion.
" this has caused me many dirty looks at work and one woman reported me to my bosses who made me show them this website.."okay so your not a pedophile, that's great carry on, you silly witness man!
" embarrasing!
...and yes, I choose to no longer browse JWD at work for this very reason.
everytime i check something here that god damn pop up comes up..."secrets of pedophilia.......{long pause} an american religion.
" this has caused me many dirty looks at work and one woman reported me to my bosses who made me show them this website.."okay so your not a pedophile, that's great carry on, you silly witness man!
" embarrasing!
I think people have got the wrong end of 007's stick...
He is not complaining about the issue being advertised. And he is allowed to surf during office hours so doesn't need to be secretive.
He is complaining about the ad causing an innocent browsing session to look distinctly sick minded to a casual passer-by.
I am allowed to do private surfing during my lunch break, and I work in a busy office with people coming and going.
I have had exactly the same problem as 007 - people passing by see 'secrets of pedophilia' on the screen and immediately jump to the wrong conclusion.
age aug 25 1926 p.751 "negative may have wondered how accidents will be avioded in christs kingdom, since we are told nothing will hurt or destroy.
scientists tell us there is enough atomic energy in one finger-nail to propell a battleship.
Holy Kraptonite!
I always believed we would be protected by angels, like Jesus was while on earth...
i find this hard to believe.
mickey mouse has become an awesome character, even though according to islamic law, mickey mouse should be killed in all cases.
Guess that means me as well :-(
I didn't know Baron Greenback was Muslim!