Not a bad start!
First twenty-five minutes; England 2, Denmark 0
Come on England!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
not a bad start!.
first twenty-five minutes; england 2, denmark 0. come on england!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not a bad start!
First twenty-five minutes; England 2, Denmark 0
Come on England!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
when i was in dub-dom....i used to hate eating ex always made us bow our heads and close our eyes tight shut while he gave thanks out loud.
did you do that in public??
or did you do it discreetly with your head bowed but eyes not shut....or.....head in hand...hoping people would think u were in deep thought?
I once went out for a restaurant meal with a bunch of deaf JWs (my wife knew sign language and was an interpreter at assemblies)
Imagine how embarassing it was for the prayer to be relayed to the table in BIG sign language! Everybody just stared at us like we were looneys!
thanx for your perspective yk.
often i've tried to explain the last days....but i'm not very good at self-expression.. i have a great fear for mankind.
we are so cruel to each other.
Enough frivolity.
Your original argument was meant to counter the assertion that we are not living in the end times because we have always had wars, famines, disease, earthquakes etc.
False. When did I say that?Yet in his first post at the beginning of this thread YouKnow writes:
In my many discussions with those who ridicule the idea that we are living in the last days of the present system, they always cite previous wars and periods of famine, just as you correctly point out, as a means of trying to prove that our times are not in any way unique.
You see, Jesus foretold that a globe encircling calamity would instantly come upon the entire inhabited earth and be so terrifying that men would literally become faint out of fear and would not be able to see anyway out. Has that ever been possible until the recent nuclear age? The answer is absolutely not. If you think so please explain how that could possibly happen. [bold mine]
Posters have pointed to extinction level events that could happen before the nuclear age, for example asteroid impacts and devastating diseases (ie variations of black death) I would also point out the newly discovered possibility of super volcanoes. These things could easily wipe out civilisation as we know it and result in the 'men becoming faint out of fear' scenario; and, more importantly, THEY COULD HAVE HAPPENED BEFORE THE NUCLEAR AGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In a nutshell, YouKnow, YOUR CHALLENGE IS ##@~## ANSWERED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, current events are unique, BUT NOT IN THE SENSE THAT YOU WANT THEM TO BE.
And another thing,
You describe earthquakes as a red herring and dismiss WW2 as irrelevant.
I don't want to misunderstand you on this, so can you please clarify this point for me YouKnow, do you or do you not accept the Societys paradigm of a composite sign made up of the classic features of war, famine, pestilence and earthquakes?
Edited by - dmouse on 14 June 2002 14:15:7
thanx for your perspective yk.
often i've tried to explain the last days....but i'm not very good at self-expression.. i have a great fear for mankind.
we are so cruel to each other.
Shit Reborn! I just sprayed coffee all over my monitor!
thanx for your perspective yk.
often i've tried to explain the last days....but i'm not very good at self-expression.. i have a great fear for mankind.
we are so cruel to each other.
Excellent Mindfield!
We now have an entity that is a fusion between God and Bob...I know, lets call him the:
thanx for your perspective yk.
often i've tried to explain the last days....but i'm not very good at self-expression.. i have a great fear for mankind.
we are so cruel to each other.
Yet, now, I respectfully presented a very simple and challenge that not one person has been able to answer in any satisfying way.
That is simply not true. Perhaps it would help if you actually READ some of the replies.
The point you are raising a non-issue. Nobody disputes that events happening today are unique. What we dispute is the special significance you place on these events. (hypothetical events at that - the fact is we have NOT had a finincial collapse and we have NOT had a nuclear conflict. (excluding ww2))
Your original argument was meant to counter the assertion that we are not living in the end times because we have always had wars, famines, disease, earthquakes etc.
It is indisputable that famines and disease played a more important role in most people's lives than they do today. It is a unique feature of our times that the impact of these 'signs' is much reduced.
There is no evidence that earthquakes have increased in our time. In fact, siesmologists suspect that they have actually decreased.
War is your trump card. WW2 was the most devastating war ever. But ONE war does not make a pattern. WW1 wasn't the most destructive war before that either. The Tiaping rebellion in 1873 cost 20-30 million lives; twice the casualty figure of WW1! But perhaps Chinese lives don't count eh? After all most of 'em aren't Christians.
As the Society is keen to point out, the signs of the end are COMPOSITE, that is they all must be happening concurrently to be the sign of the end. (This is without going into the alternative interpretation of scripture that Jesus was saying these things aren't a part of the sign anyway- 'do not be misled' etc)
You are guilty of unwarranted speculation, going beyond what is written and thus have become a false prophet.
You have steadfastly ignored answering the various posters that have answered your challenge except with snide comments without substance.
You are an empty vessel.
or do other chores?
any here archaic and expect the woman to do all of the work?
my mother taught me that women don't need our help, but we should give it anyway, to show our love.
Well, if you live alone you have no choice, unless you eat take-aways all the time!
I 100% cook, shop, wash up etc even though I'm married. The ONLY job I don't do is the ironing.
But then my wife works full time and I'm a mere student.
I wonder what will happen when I start working full time too?
thanx for your perspective yk.
often i've tried to explain the last days....but i'm not very good at self-expression.. i have a great fear for mankind.
we are so cruel to each other.
Of course the present 'crisis' is unique. So what? As Farkel pointed out, all crisis' are unique. (I put the word crisis in inverted commas because it is a speculative, potential crisis, it hasn't happened in reality.)
Uniqueness doesn't necessarily mean special significance. I'm one of 6 billion unique human beings.
The future will bring many many more unique crisis' and I'm sure you'll pop up for every one of 'em proclaiming this is the 'one'.
it must be that they were nearer to perfection in those days!
it can clearly be established that abraham was ten years older than sarah (gen 17:17) .
at the age of 75, when sarah was 65, they set out to visit egypt due to a famine.
It must be that they were nearer to perfection in those days!
It can clearly be established that Abraham was ten years older than Sarah (Gen 17:17)
At the age of 75, when Sarah was 65, they set out to visit Egypt due to a famine.
(Gen 12:4,5)
Now heres the interesting bit as they approached Egypt Abram asked Sarah to lie to save his butt. In effect, Sarah was so beautiful (at 65!) that Abram knew that the Egyptians would kill him to get hold of her. (Gen 12: 11,12,13)
It worked. Thinking she was Abrams sister, Pharaoh fell for her and wanted to marry her. But then the truth was revealed when Jehovah started to mess the Egyptians up (why?). So Pharaoh told Abram and Sarai to leave.
Call me cynical, but I find it hard to believe that a Pharaoh, with access to all the young tottie in his kingdom, would fall for a 65-year-old woman who had spent most of her life in the harsh desert.
And also worthy of note, Jehovah did not condemn and even supported the lie. Perhaps this is the biblical precedent the Society use to support their bare faced lies?
thanx for your perspective yk.
often i've tried to explain the last days....but i'm not very good at self-expression.. i have a great fear for mankind.
we are so cruel to each other.
I think no one's bothered to give a lengthy rebuttal to your theories YouKnow because no one can be arsed. We are tired of it.
I remember once having a discussion with someone who was convinced that the world was flat. He dismissed all of my arguments each and every time, and his rhetoric was eerily similar to yours, YouKnow. He KNEW the world was flat, after all you only had to look out of the window to see how flat it was, and nobody could convince him otherwise. In the end I got bored with him and gave up; he too exulted that no one could provide him with an answer.
Anyway, I will just make a few points on this issue.
The economic and nuclear disasters you talk about are POTENTIAL, not actual. They haven't happened yet, and may not happen. The likelihood of them happening, the odds if you like, are irrelevant. I remember how devastating and unique the millennium bug was going to be, remember how that turned out?
And the speed of demise is relative; the spread of the plague in medieval times was certainly rapid enough for people to be convinced that the end was nigh. In your opinion, how fast do we have to be capable of killing ourselves to get God's stamp of approval? One month? One week? One day? One hour? One minute? One second? Whatever you say, we will be able to do it quicker in a few years time. Why shouldn't God wait until then?
Saying that people have rejected God simply because they do not ascribe to YOUR singular interpretation of events, your unproven speculation, is unchristian. Who the hell do you think you are? What makes you think that your particular world-view is more valid than anyone elses? Why have YOU alone been chosen to get this insight from God?
Prophecies of doom are ten a penny, always have been, always will be. In 30 years time, if you can drag yourself to a computer, you (or your replacement) will be saying how the invention of the new photon bomb by the republic of Scandinavia is a unique indication that means that Armageddon is near. After all, the new bomb can wipe us all out in ten minutes flat, not like those puny old nuclear bombs. For the first time in history Jehovah's prophecy is coming true!
There, I've given flat-earthers and prophets of doom more attention than they really deserve. One day the world MAY end, possibly in our lifetime, who knows? But I bet that if the world ever did end you would be just as surprised as the rest of us.
Edited by - dmouse on 13 June 2002 15:53:5