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2024-March-S-147-Announcements And Reminders!
by Atlantis in2024-march-s-147-announcements and reminders!.
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2024 Addendum to Shepherd The Flock Book-and February S-147-Announcements And Reminders!
by Atlantis in2024-01 addendum to shepherd book.. 2024-02-s-147-february announcements and reminders.. .
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2023 WTS Annual Meeting?
by careful inthe first saturday in oct. is coming up soon.
that's when the org holds its annual meeting.
not that many years back, it used to be hyped beforehand with favored ones getting special invites.
Did it ever become unbearable to attend another Kingdom Hall meeting?
by RULES & REGULATIONS init's becoming unbearable for me to attend another meeting.
i dread coming to the weekly sunday public talk and watchtower study.
the talks are ''repeats'' of a ''repeat.
Secretary (2002) - a film David Lynch could've made, lol
by LoveUniHateExams inhas anybody seen secretary (2002), starring maggie gyllenhaal and james spader?.
it's kinda weird and surreal, like something david lynch could have made.
also, the film was scored by long-time lynch collaborator angelo badalamenti.
Adam & Eve: Perfect but not everlasting life?
by pixel inso i was watching annual meeting.
towards the end of jackson’s talk, he says: .
“perfection doesn’t automatically means someone will get everlasting life.
Isn't the Watchtower's teaching that Adam and Eve, once they proved faithful, were to be granted "everlasting life" but not immortality?
Yes. But nowhere in the story it says that they have to “prove being faithful” in order to add years to their life or obtain another life-status (immortality).
According to Genesis, they didn’t have to prove obedience to obtain everlasting life. They HAD to be obedient to not die: The total opposite.
God did not tell them: “ Do not eat, and you will have everlasting life”. He said: “Do not eat and die”
Jackson pulled it out of his ass indeed.
Adam & Eve: Perfect but not everlasting life?
by pixel inso i was watching annual meeting.
towards the end of jackson’s talk, he says: .
“perfection doesn’t automatically means someone will get everlasting life.
I’m not sure Jackson was talking about immortality here, since he said “before the could obtain everlasting life”, meaning, that whatever everlasting life entails, A&E could have reached it.
The reality is that whatever he was talking about, is not from the Bible, is just opinions and dreams since the Bible doesn’t explicitly address that A&E had to do eat from the Tree of Life to obtain said everlasting life.Link +3 / -0 -
Adam & Eve: Perfect but not everlasting life?
by pixel inso i was watching annual meeting.
towards the end of jackson’s talk, he says: .
“perfection doesn’t automatically means someone will get everlasting life.
So I was watching Annual Meeting. Towards the end of Jackson’s talk, he says:
“Perfection doesn’t automatically means someone will get everlasting life. Remember the case of Adam and Eve: They were perfect, but before the my could attain to everlasting life, they have to prove their obedience to Jehovah”.
Where does this teaching comes from? I don’t remember it being mentioned in any of the publications. The way this dude mentions it sounds like A&E where in a trial period when they were created, and God’s creation was not complete since A&E had to work to obtain everlasting life.
This cult is so messed up.
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Praying for others?
by pixel ini’m looking for an article, from the watchtower, where it says that we should not pray for other members from the stage.
does anyone remember an article saying this?.
by pixel indecember 25, 2020. to selected bodies of elders assigned to the covid-19.
re: adjustments to arrangements for meeting family food needs during the covid-19 pandemic.
dear brothers:.
December 25, 2020
Re: Adjustments to Arrangements for Meeting Family Food Needs During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Dear Brothers:
For several months, publishers have been benefitting from a supplemental food program organized through the Disaster Relief Committee (DRC) arrangement. The primary source of food items has been through a program sponsored by the government. However, primarily to improve the safety of all involved, the branch has directed that this arrangement be suspended at this time. Of course, it will remain as important as ever to ensure that those in need of assistance are cared for. Please note below additional details regarding how food needs of our brothers and sisters will be met at this time.
As trustworthy men, the elders are in the best position to lovingly consider and anticipate the needs of those in the congregation. The branch has asked that elders carefully review 1 Timothy 5:3-21; Organized, chapter 12, paragraphs 13-15; and Shepherd, chapter 26, paragraphs 7-12. These principles will be of assistance in determining who is in need of assistance and ensuring that food supplies are distributed adequately and equitably. The elders may need to provide guidance on how to conserve food and other supplies and remind publishers to have emergency provisions on hand. (See g95 3/8 pp.6-7; g74 9/22 pp.3-7; g70 9/22 pp.13-16) Good communication with group overseers will be very important, and will possibly allow for an equalizing to occur when needed.—2 Cor 8:14
Some congregations may have a limited number of individuals in need of assistance, and as a result will be able to arrange for their needs without setting up a pantry. Other congregations may determine that a pantry arrangement will work best for them. In such cases, the attached Frequently Asked Questions for Congregation Use of Pantries During the COVID-19 Pandemic document may prove helpful. Regardless of the means of providing assistance, elders should seek to ensure that the frequency and methods for delivery of food items minimizes exposure. The COVID-19 Safety for Households document should be reviewed regarding receipt and delivery of goods to ensure safety for both volunteers and recipients. It is also recommended that elders investigate what may be available locally through government programs and private resources. In this regard, elders should regularly review the COVID-19 Disaster Assistance documents in the forms section of
Congregation publishers should be aware of the arrangement and be given the opportunity to assist those in need, supporting the arrangement in whatever manner their circumstances allow. (Heb 13:16) As a reminder, the branch has directed that neither congregation nor circuit funds should be used to make relief supply purchases. Additionally, separate congregation or circuit accounts should not be set up to fund purchases.
In some cases, a congregation’s food needs may exceed what can be arranged locally. In such cases, the Disaster Relief Committee is prepared to assist with providing basic food items. Bodies of elders needing assistance from the DRC in filling unmet food needs will be able to indicate this on the online monthly intake form which will be updated by January 15, 2021. More information regarding the revised intake form and its use will be provided in the near future.
The coordinator of the body of elders should provide regular updates to the circuit overseer for his information regarding any assistance that is being rendered to care for the needs of the brothers and sisters in the congregation. Please know of our warm affection for you and your loving labors as we share together in the ‘relief ministry.’—2 Cor. 8:4.
Your brothers,
Disaster Relief Committee
c: Selected circuit overseers
Selected field representatives
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