I just posted a letter where The Borg talks about this.
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Past Watchtower Society Comments On Vaccines
by BluesBrother intoday there is a lot of hope placed in a vaccines to immunise against covid 19 , and relief that they are soon to be available.
that will be shared by the eight million or so jws in this world.
they should be thankful that the wts has moved away from its teaching ,that lasted for decades , proclaiming that vaccination was wrong, and a tool of satan.
Announcement December 3, 2020 FOR CONGREGATIONS
by pixel inannouncement.
december 3, 2020. for congregations.
1. covid-19 vaccine information: several covid-19 vaccines may soon be approved and.
December 3, 2020
1. COVID-19 Vaccine Information: Several COVID-19 vaccines may soon be approved and
become available. Some have asked if these vaccines contain blood or blood fractions. We
have confirmed that the COVID-19 vaccine manufactured by Pfizer and BioNTech (COVID-19
mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2) does not contain blood or blood fractions. As details become available
regarding other vaccines, additional information will be provided. Medical care is a matter
for personal decision. We do not attempt to make choices for others.
I just sent a copy to Atlantis
2020-Articles Of Association--Bylaws--Notice Of Special Meeting! (as of 2020-11-25)
by Atlantis in2020--articles of association and bylaws--3 pages.. .
2020--notice of special meeting in december--8 pages.
if you are a jw read carefully before you sign.. .
Could you send me the docs?
Hot off the press - Maintaining Congregation Meetings During COVID-19 Pandemic
by pixel in27:23; sfl chap.
(sfl chap.
(sfl chap.
This is from the Re: Large Christian Gatherings and the Memorial March 12, 2020 latter, Stealth:
It has been decided that Bethel family members will not travel to other congregations for Memorial assignments. Therefore, if a Bethel family member was scheduled to give the Memorial talk, then the body of elders will need to select another speaker.—sfl chap. 20 par. 6.
Even though it talks about the memorial, I pretty much doubt they are dispatching Bethelites to regular meetings as of now.
Hot off the press - Maintaining Congregation Meetings During COVID-19 Pandemic
by pixel in27:23; sfl chap.
(sfl chap.
(sfl chap.
Yes LHG, I think that put to rest the theory of the Borg going totally online. There NEEDS to be physical interaction like you mentioned.
This Borg has ZERO spirituality to keep people engage, so they turn to cults practices and MO.
Hot off the press - Maintaining Congregation Meetings During COVID-19 Pandemic
by pixel in27:23; sfl chap.
(sfl chap.
(sfl chap.
Country, old USA -
Hot off the press - Maintaining Congregation Meetings During COVID-19 Pandemic
by pixel in27:23; sfl chap.
(sfl chap.
(sfl chap.
They are afraid to lose the grip.
Hot off the press - Maintaining Congregation Meetings During COVID-19 Pandemic
by pixel in27:23; sfl chap.
(sfl chap.
(sfl chap.
Dear Brothers:
During the current pandemic, our dear brothers and sisters need loving elders who will shepherd them and provide well-prepared, timely spiritual instruction. (Acts 20:28) Therefore, please maintain regular contact with each family in the congregation, including making shepherding calls, perhaps by telephone.—Prov. 27:23; sfl chap. 25 pars. 1, 2.
It is also the Governing Body’s earnest desire that bodies of elders continue to conduct regular, weekly congregation meetings. Allowing the brothers and sisters to meet together, even electronically, and express their faith is much better than simply watching a recorded program. As noted below, making use of JW Stream should be considered only when other alternatives are not possible.
While gathering at the Kingdom Hall is the preferred method for meeting together as a congregation, this may not be possible or advisable. If secular authorities restrict large gatherings or limit the size of gatherings out of concern for public safety, we should be obedient and show that we are “in subjection to the superior authorities.”— Rom. 13:1. At the same time, the body of elders should give serious consideration to the following alternative ways of conducting the weekly meetings:
1- Present Programs by Videoconference: The elders may choose to use online conferencing tools, such as Zoom or Skype. These tools allow the brothers and sisters to see each other, offer comments, and present their meeting parts from home. In this way, they can ‘encourage one another.’ (Heb. 10:24, 25) If it is not practical to tie-in all publishers in one videoconference, the elders could arrange a number of smaller videoconferences, perhaps according to field service groups. In all cases, publishers would connect from their own homes. There would be no need for them to meet together in person.
2- Present Programs from the Kingdom Hall: Only program participants would assemble at the Kingdom Hall. All others would connect to the meeting electronically, such as by telephone tie-line or video streaming. In some cases, it may be possible for those connected to participate in the meetings. (sfl chap. 20 par. 24) If it is not possible to have audience participation, the assigned brother would summarize the material.
3- Organize Meetings in Smaller Groups: If secular authorities permit and it is safe to do so, the body of elders may organize meetings by small neighborhood groups or family groups. If brothers are not available in such groups to conduct meetings, sisters could meet to consider the material together.—od chap. 7 par. 23.
4- Selective Use of JW Stream: Making use of JW Stream should be considered only when other alternatives are not possible. JW Stream should not be used as a substitute for congregation meetings week after week. Jehovah’s people rejoice at every opportunity to come together for worship and to express their faith by commenting, even if this must take place by videoconference.—Ps. 22:22; 122:1.
5- Inactive: The elders should reach out to inactive ones and keep them updated as to adjustments in the meeting arrangements. (Luke 15:4-7; sfl chap. 25 pars. 13-15) If needed, elders may grant inactive ones access to JW Stream. The world situation may well move some to return to Jehovah.
6- Disfellowshipped: Elders should use good judgment in determining whether and how to make brief contact with disfellowshipped ones to inform them about adjusted meeting arrangements held at the Kingdom Hall. (sfl chap. 25 par. 20) If meetings are not being held at the Kingdom Hall, then the elders should use good judgment in considering whether to grant a disfellowshipped person access to recordings of meetings on JW Stream.
These alternative ways of conducting meetings may need to be adjusted based on local circumstances. Elders should keep in mind that local publishers will have to make decisions regarding meeting attendance based on their personal circumstances.—Gal. 6:5. We thank you in advance for your fine efforts to care for the spiritual needs of Jehovah’s precious sheep.—1 Pet. 5:2, 3.
Anyone have a copy of that JW poem about a child who doesn't survive Armageddon?
by Bleep Bloop ini think it was called "a mother's thoughts.
" it was a rather dreadful poem written from the viewpoint of a mom a few weeks after armageddon, reminiscing about her child that didn't survive.
in one part, the rebellious kid says, "i can take care of myself in snow, sleet or rain.
Wait, what? I've never heard of this poem. Hopefully someone can give a reference to it.
Political gatherings postponed -- not yet!
by FatFreek 2005 inwhile many events are being postponed and cancelled because of the corona virus, isn't it surprising that democrat rallies are continuing?
how about jw circuit assemblies?.
I was just thinking about that. Politicians are the worst and selfish.