Your thought process will change without you even being aware of it. If you do become aware of it or someone brings it to your attention it will seem perfectly justified to think the way you do.
You will develop a superiority complex and find it perfectly acceptable to belittle or downgrade your family and friends who do not have “the truth” or who are not as strong in “the truth” as you are. Their feelings are irrelevant because you are treating them this way to save their life.
Giving a good witness to the organization is above all else. True-life example: A brother was involved in a car accident that he caused. He left the injured parties to fend for themselves telling them that he couldn’t help because if he did he would be late for his meeting at the Jehovah’s Witness Kingdom Hall. As he’s driving away from the accident he’s telling his family what a good witness they just left because those people will see the importance of Jehovah’s meetings.
Warped thought processes? You decide.