It's not weird that Scientology and Jehovah's Witnesses use many of the same techniques, they are both cults and most cults use similar tactics to maintain control over their members and make it difficult to leave. If you are demanding a lot and giving very little back, then you have to be underhanded to keep people from leaving.
JoinedPosts by LisaRose
Leah Remini and Scientology show
by blownaway ini have been watching leah remini's show about scientology.
as she interviews people i see that i was right many years ago when i said this is a lot like the jws.
they do not go after people quite the same way but they sure are very similar in how they run their org.
2018 Special Talk Outline: “Who Really is Jesus Christ?”
by wifibandit inrevision date: 8/17.
the talk outline “jesus christ—earth’s new ruler” has been discontinued and should no longer be used.
it has been replaced by “who really is jesus christ?”note: this is the special public talk outline for 2018. the talk will be given in most congregations the week of monday, march 19, 2018.. .
I can see why "Jesus Christ, Earth's New Ruler" would be discontinued, why would the want to bring up that Jesus has been ruling in Heaven for the last hundred years?The freshness has pretty much expired on that particular teaching, he is not exactly a new ruler now, is he?
So today this happened...
by Phoebe inyou all pretty much know my story so i won't repeat it but.... to say i'm being hounded by my local congregation is an understatement.
today the cobe finally found us in.
well, i refused to answer the door but my husband did.
Well, since your husband let them in, make him deal with it. Next time they come by, have him say that you are depressed and that it upsets you that they won't leave you alone and they are not to come over again without making an appointment, then don't return their calls, ever. They might be more respectful of this since he is the "head of the house".
"Please pray for me."
by compound complex ingreetings, friends:.
today, i saw an old friend in town, and, after we got caught up and finally said our goodbyes, she asked me to pray for her.
family problems were eating her up.. how have you responded if and when you were asked this?
People asking you to pray for them don't need to know whether I believe in God or not, they only need to know I care, so I usually just say that I will keep them in my thoughts and hope for the best.
My Father has brandished me with the "APOSTATE" word for talking about the BIBLE!
by stuckinarut2 inso after three years of fading, my elder father has never really asked why we have chosen to stop attending.. today, after a mixed discussion, he starts talking about the "solution to all the world problems" and says "i don't know what you now believe, but i believe gods kingdom will fix everything" i let the comment go, and didn't respond.. then he goes on about the video "remember the wife of lot" because he just came from the convention last weekend.
"don't get caught up in this system...blah blah".
i couldn't help myself, and said one thing "dad, that video failed to show the next chapter of that account.
The Jehovah's Witnesses supposedly believe everything in the bible, so how could taking about what's in the bible be wrong? What if a householder asked about this account, would he run away screaming then?
He is obviously uncomfortable because deep down he suspects that you might be right and that is just a path he is too afraid to go down.
How Many Here EVER Considered Going Back To Meetings?
by minimus inonce i left ,i was done.
in over 10 years i didn't return except for my mother's funeral.
did you ever re enter the kh after you left?.
I went twice after I left. Once for the memorial, when I was visiting my mother, because it made her happy, although she sent me a letter after I got home saying she didn't want to talk to me anymore, "I want to die with a clean conscience". The next time was a few months later, after she passed away, for her memorial. It was the usual WTBTS promotional commercial, with barely a mention of the person supposedly being memorialized. Whatever, neither time meant anything to me.
That's been over fifteen years. I have two siblings left in the organization, both older than me, I may have to attend their memorials. Whatever.
last psychology session tomorrow
by Phoebe inso tomorrow is my last appointment with my psychologist.
we are going to commemorate it by giving each other a letter.. sept 2016 i sat, a quivering wreck, in her waiting room.
i was terrified.
Congratulations on breaking free! Don't beat yourself up because it took you fifty years, pat yourself on the back that you did it at all, many go to their graves without escaping, which is truly sad.
My Mothers Ultimate Rejection
by What Now? ini went into my mother's office to leave her a small note to say that we love and miss her and would love to get together.
i found this on her desk.
this is jehovah's witnesses.
How sad that any religion would make someone think like this.
If it helps, try to think of her as someone who has a mental illness. She has been blinded by a cult and manipulated into believing this is the right thing to do. It's not that she doesn't love you, it's that she is incapable of seeing past your rejection of her belief system and accepting your choice. This is unlikely to change.
You can love her and wish her well while keeping your distance and not putting yourself in a position to be rejected by her again. Do not offer to let her see her grandchildren, they shouldn't be around her anyway, she will be toxic to them in ways you probably don't see right now.
Focus on yourself right now and your own family. I highly recommend meditation for learning to cope with difficult emotions.
Any EXJWs Willing To Hang When I Come To Colorado?
by jacobm ingoing to do some tourism and looking for suggestions as to good areas in colorado to visit..
I don't live there anymore, so can't hang out, but can talk about good things to do.
In the Colorado Springs area, Pikes peak, you can drive to the summit or take a train, also Garden of The Gods, beautiful red rock formations, you can drive through and see most of it or stop and hike.
In Denver, downtown and the mint. I'm not a big fan of their downtown, but many people like it, it has its charms. There is a nice botanical garden and the Museum of Art is great.
Boulder is great, especially the Pearl Street Mall shopping district, great restaurants, interesting shops, street performers.
Rocky Mountain National Park. Spectacular scenery, nice visitors center at the summit.
If you have more time, Coors brewery in Golden is a nice tour, also New Belgium brewery tour and celestial seasonings tea does a tour.
Many people like Casa Bonita, it's a Mexican restaurant, the food is really, really horrible but it has an arcade, cliff diving and other entertainment so the kids really like it. I'm not kidding about the food though.
My return to the WT...a terrible mistake
by JustHuman14 ini haven't posted for quite a bit, decided to share my thoughts on this one, so it is a reference topic for anyone who decides to return back to the org, knowing all about the tatt.
being way for quite long for almost 15 years and all wt's activities, i have missed quite a lot including the "new light" latest updates, i found it quite hard to follow up what was going on to the meetings.
new songs, wt broadcast, videos, internet (so wt now is in favor of the internet) cartoons, and everything seemed completely new and weird to me.. reason for going back it was the severe pressure from close family members to return back to the "truth".
You can never really live your life for someone else, you have to live your life for you, even if living and being your authentic self causes some pain to ones you love. Your mother lived her life, made her choices and had her time, you absolutely have the right to do the same.
This religion is toxic for you, it's like drinking a daily dose of poison. If you had children would you expect them to compromise themselves to such an extent for you?