That's excellent news. I haven't seen the entire series but I watched one episode and she did a great job exposing Scientology, she just let people tell their stories.
JoinedPosts by LisaRose
Leah Remini to do episode on JW's
by cobweb insaw this on reddit so this is a bit of a copy/paste jobie but i thought there would be people here excited about this as i am.
i've enjoyed her show on scientology and seems like in season 3 she is branching out with jw's getting the first episode.
Is this life all there is?
by Fisherman inwhat do you sincerely think?
do you nurture any hope?.
I believe this life is all there is, I see zero evidence of an afterlife of any kind. I will grow old and die, just like everyone else in the history of the earth. I have had a good life and hope to get a few more years out of it, I'm good.
My final topic
by pomo6780 ini have noted that the irritable part of me got the better of me when posting about j f rutherford.
i acknowledge that a few on here have pointed out flaws in my reasoning and the way i reason.
and i agree with them.
Ohh, you are so clever, pretending to be one of us to learn all our secrets, we are so, so scared. Such a drama queen you are.
It's an open forum, so big freaking deal, we are not an organized group so I can't imagine what you could do with the information. I guess you could expose individuals, shame on you if so, but that is always a possibility for cult members posting on an open forum.
Don't let the screen door hit you in the butt on your way out.
How to make money in the good ol' U.S A.
by The Fall Guy inrussell & rutherfraud knew they were on to a winner when they started and then re-branded their cult business empire.
businessmen first, charlatans second - nothing more, nothing less.
i can't get my around such institutions being allowed to keep their finances secret.
Yes, religion is the ultimate way to scam, zero accountability and tax free to boot.
Although I don't think all religions are the same. I attended a church for a short while and was surprised that during Sunday services they gave everyone a copy of the church budget for the year, and I was just a visitor. Every penny was accounted for. Then they had a discussion and everyone was invited to discuss and vote on adjustments for the coming year. It was quite a change from my JW days.
The truth about life and why we're here is what I mean by truth
It was difficult at first for me, because the Watchtower belief system is so absolute, they, and only they have "The Truth", the answers are spelled out for you: just obey. It was painful to realize that they lied, because then what were the answers? It was scary and uncomfortable. I grieved the loss of a belief system.
Being as I couldn't go backward I had just had to move forward and hope the answers came. It was difficult at first, but as time went on it got easier. I eventually realized that no one had all the answers and that's OK. If God exists and is good them I am sure he can read my heart and know I tried my best. I don't think anyone religion has all the answers, I have found a few that were much more welcoming and kind and that allow for individuality and freedom of thought and no doctrine, but ultimately I decided I am happy as I am, just being the best I can be.
You may come to a completely different conclusion, but that is your spiritual journey to follow. Just take in one day at a time, it's a process.
Higher Education
by Brian J injust spent 8 hours in a 1 day elders school last weekend.
clarification given: "moving forward any elder, ms, or pioneer who themselves or someone under their roof enrolls in higher education, may no longer qualify for privileges in the congregation.
their qualifications will have to be reviewed by their boe.".
One can trust God for salvation while still using their brain to take prudent steps to manage their finances and their life, it's not an either/or situation.
I Timothy 5:8 Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.
Are You Spending More Money This Year With The Economy Being Better?
by minimus ini see more people this year in an optimistic mood because of the economy.
will you be spending more money 💰 this year, or less or about the same as last year?.
Who said that the economy is better?
Don't believe everything that you hear or read.Sure, don't believe CNN, Fox, NBC, the labor department, the treasury Secretary, the wall street journal, the stock market, economic indicators such as trade, GDP, the consumer confidence index, the consumer credit report, and the business outlook survey.
Good Works by "worldly people".
by Lost in the fog ini have friends who are called "worldly people" by jws.
these people are actively involved in feeding the homeless over christmas.
managing thrift shops so they can send financial aid overseas to poorer children.
"those children don't need food, they need to know about Jehovah's Kingdom. Send them Bibles, don't send them food aid!"
But did he send them bibles? Not that a starving child would get anything out of a bible anyway, but the reality is the vast majority of Jehovah's witnesses don't do any effective preaching (standing by a literature cart doesn't count) not do they give to charity, so they are in effect doing nothing to help their fellow man.
It used to bother me that the preaching work was so much a waste of time, yet I was discouraged from doing anything that would make me feel I was helping others. I am happy now that I can volunteer and contribute to worthy charities.
How do I handle this?
by Phoebe ina little advice please.. it's now 7 months since i stopped going to meetings.
we still get regular calls by elders - at least every 2 weeks.
i can handle them.
Ignore it. No matter how well intentioned, it's a manipulation.
It's like you just got clean from drugs and your old dealer comes around again acting really friendly and nice. No matter how tempting, it's not in your best interest to engage.
Don't worry about long posts, people can read them or not.
Look, you are fighting for your life here. If you stay in this religion you will either cave to the pressure and go back to your husband, which will not end well for you, or you will live a half life of never really fitting in anymore and having people look down on you. As a person married to a disfellowshipped person that was pretty much my life. It wasn't good for me, and it wasn't good for my children.You should want better for yourself and your children.
I urge you to look into the history of the Watchtower. I think you will be shocked, as I was, that so much of what they say about themselves are outright lies. If you do this you will lose the illusion that this is "the truth" and free yourself from the tyranny of this organization. My only regret in leaving is that I didn't do it sooner.