Just hope she doesn't decide to start in on her work early.
JoinedPosts by LisaRose
Anionted mom says Jehovah may ask her to kill all her family!!
by Witness 007 inyes my holy anionted mom who has cancer is concerned that the loving god jehovah may ask her in heaven to destroy here non believer family including her 5 year old grandchild during armagedon....how messed up are these crazy people!!?
Elder asking for help
by untruth inthis is my first time posting on here so i’m not sure where to start.
i’m trying to keep it as short as possible since i could expand much more.
i’ve been in the process of waking up in the last year and a half.
I put some tips together of what worked for other to help their family break free, hope it helps
Community Outside of a Religious Setting
by What Now? inthis is the one thing that i have struggled with since leaving the organization.
i recognize the need and value of belonging somewhere, being a part of something, showing up weekly to a community where me and my husband and children are loved and utilized and incorporated and cared for.
a place where are my kids qualities are nurtured and encouraged , and then reigned in and developed when needed.
You might try United Church of Christ (The "united" part is very important, the other Church of Christ is horrible). They are very welcoming and have no doctrine. I thought of attending for the same reasons as you, even though I am an atheist. They didn't have a problem with my atheism, it's a kind of go with the flow type of thing. The have nice nice music and snacks and do a lot of charitable works.
My experience is that eventually you do develop a community of friends of various kinds, it's just not one big group. It takes time, so it's not going to happen overnight, but it does happen.
by UnshackleTheChains ini decided to join this forum as have been lurking awhile.
there are lots of interesting topics on here that appeal to me.. i have been a witness for almost 3 decades and am very disillusioned with the organisation at this time.
i am beginning to see it in a new light as i am getting older.
Welcome, glad you found us. I have been out for quite a while and don't think the organization is at all like the one I left. Not that they didn't always have issues, but it seems they lost what little good there was in it.
Lisa 🌹
What is the purpose of life?
by slimboyfat inwhile reading the magazines the other day it occurred to me that jws never really had a very good answer to that question.
because it was aimed at young people and it said something along the lines, "if you believe in god you have a purpose, but if you don't believe in god your life has no purpose or meaning".
i think that is a faulty analysis of the situation.
It's just really hard to imagine that a person could live their life and have no regard for their responsibilities to respect, trust, and serve God.
How can I possibly respect something that I don't believe exists? Am I supposed to pretend I do to make you feel better? That seems silly to me.
What is the purpose of life?
by slimboyfat inwhile reading the magazines the other day it occurred to me that jws never really had a very good answer to that question.
because it was aimed at young people and it said something along the lines, "if you believe in god you have a purpose, but if you don't believe in god your life has no purpose or meaning".
i think that is a faulty analysis of the situation.
So you're okay with people disrespecting other people's belief just because they don't believe the same thing
On a discussion forum about religious beliefs, yes. I belief people should be respected, but not beliefs. If I met you at a party I wouldn't say anything, because I believe people have a right to believe what they want. But you came to a discussion forum and chose to discuss your beliefs, and you can't expect people to say they believe in something when they don't. For example, someone could say they believe the moon is made of green cheese. I am not going to respect that, because it's silly.
resort to disrespecting what I believe in by mocking and treating God like trash all because of your own lack of faith which is not a bad thing, by the way, you just lack it.
They are just making a point, or do you not get that? If God exists, he's a big fella and not going to be hurt by some random people discussing him on a forum. It's only you that is hurt and it's hard to feel too sorry for you because you chose to stay here and basically make the same argument for 27 pages. Why would you think anyone is going to change their mind at this point? Why should we respect a being that we don't believe in? If someone believes in the tooth fairy and demands you give her respect and acknowledge she is all mighty, would you? Would it change because they stomped their feet and whined and made threats and said they would pop their daughter in the mouth for saying the tooth fairy isn't the greatest? No? Why not, don't you respect their beliefs? That is how your beliefs seem to us.
Most of us here did at one time believe in God. We thought about it quite a lot. We researched and thought and reasoned and came to the conclusion that he simply didn't exist. I had no agenda, I don't hate God, I am not against the idea of him, I just don't believe, and I am not going to start believing because you come here whining and making threats and demanding I respect what I believe to be a figment of your imagination. It's certainly nothing personal, so why are you getting upset? A lot of people in the world believe something different than you, that's life.
What is the purpose of life?
by slimboyfat inwhile reading the magazines the other day it occurred to me that jws never really had a very good answer to that question.
because it was aimed at young people and it said something along the lines, "if you believe in god you have a purpose, but if you don't believe in god your life has no purpose or meaning".
i think that is a faulty analysis of the situation.
I don't talk about religion in public because I don't think it's an appropriate subject with people I am not well acquainted with. But this is a forum on religion, so it is an appropriate place to discuss the subject of religious belief. If you don't like the tone or the direction of the discussion the solution is pretty obvious, nobody is forcing you to stay.
What is the purpose of life?
by slimboyfat inwhile reading the magazines the other day it occurred to me that jws never really had a very good answer to that question.
because it was aimed at young people and it said something along the lines, "if you believe in god you have a purpose, but if you don't believe in god your life has no purpose or meaning".
i think that is a faulty analysis of the situation.
"In everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want them to treat you, for this is the Law and the Prophets." No I'm not going to name any names but some of you need to hear this essential principle because it seems that some of you don't have it.
It seems that you don't have it either. These are actual quotes of yours:
You will be first on the list for his vengeance.
You are actually dumber than you look.
You sound dumb.
you are just so evil that it isn't even innocent anymore.
If you were my daughter, I would have popped your mouth a long time ago
How do you reconcile these hateful statements with your beliefs? Did not Jesus say "let him who is without sin cast the first stone". Doesn't the bible say "an answer, when mild, turns away wrath?
Ridiculous ways you kept your "time going" in service?
by HereIgo ini used to go out early mornings with 2 pioneer elders, we would drive 20 miles out of the territory (a big no-no) to look for hikers to preach to lol of course there were never any hikers.
then off to starbucks for another hour lol easy way to count 2-4 hours.
i am chuckling as i write this, what a joke!.
I heard of a pioneer who lived in a high rise. Every morning he would fling some magazines out the window and start counting his time while he finished getting ready for the day.
What is the biggest hypocrisy you have seen as a witness?
by HereIgo ini have far too many to name, but ill start with obscene music, gambling and cussing like a sailor.
all the while preaching to "worldly people" about their impending death at armageddon.
A hard core elder who showed by every comment he made that no one else measured up to his high standards. Turns out he was physically and emotionally abusing his elderly wife, which came out when his children got her away from him because they feared for her life. He need up commiting suicide. This man was sitting in judgement of others for years, who knows how many lives he ruined by his harsh, judgemental attitude, all while being a bully and a hypocrite.