Coincidences do happen. I remember a story someone once told me. He was in a crowded bar in New Orleans. He looks down and sees a wallet on the floor. He picks it up and is surprised to see it belongs to someone he knows....years ago, in New York City. He remembers that this person was quite tall, looks around and sees the person is still in the bar, happy reunion ensues.
Another funny co-wink-a-dink. It's western dress day at work. Someone compliments another on their nice cowboy hat. She says she was getting on the freeway after a Garth Brooks concert when someone in the limousine in front of them stands up in the open roof. His hat blows off, the limo moves on, the person pulls over and retrieves the hat.
The person who originally gave the compliment says "no way. I was in (nearby city) that night in a bar. One of the very drunk people next to me says "Yeah, dumba$$ here stood up in the limo and his hat blew off".
Wierd stuff happens. Don't read too much into it.