When in conversion, you sometimes get carried away and the talk becomes all about YOU.
Then, you remember you're in a conversation, say you're sorry, and allow the other person to talk. She goes on about what's happening in her life, you listen and ask some questions. She tells you more and then shifts the dialogue back to you. Ideally.
It gets annoying, however, when whatever you say is "topped" by the one hearing, who seems unconcerned about listening to what you have just said. Totally oblivious, in fact. He has a greater accomplishment, or, conversely, a sadder story than yours.
When shut down in conversation, do you simply listen politely, or do you try to steer the conversation from its one side to the originally intended two sides? Maybe, excuse yourself while Chatterbox carries on?
I found this online:
In our family we shout "topper" when anyone starts immediately trying to "top" someone else's achievement etc. [https://www.mumsnet.com/Talk/am_i_being_unreasonable/1166609-My-mother-and-one-upmanship]