Hi everyone- I'm new to the forum so I'm not hip to some of the lingo. I've been wondering for a long time what DUB means? Could someone tell me so I can understand the threads a little better? Thanks so much.
hi everyone- i'm new to the forum so i'm not hip to some of the lingo.
i've been wondering for a long time what dub means?
could someone tell me so i can understand the threads a little better?
Hi everyone- I'm new to the forum so I'm not hip to some of the lingo. I've been wondering for a long time what DUB means? Could someone tell me so I can understand the threads a little better? Thanks so much.
the thread about got me thinking about my very early childhood, back when witnesses were allowed to be social and have get togethers.
they also had a piano in every congregation i ever attended, and an older sister would always play the kingdom melody.
there was actual singing - not mindless droning and humming.
we wrote our da letter, mailed off a copy to the society & put the other copy in the drop box at the kh yesterday.
the elders had called us every day from saturday through tuesday wanting us to come in to meet....so they could df us i'm sure & probably at tonight's meeting mind you.
funny thing......after dropping off our letter yesterday before service time started, we received no phone call last night.
THANK YOU ALL for your replies. It made my heart rejoice to read such support. Moomanchu & WorldlyAndre......I never laughed so hard. You guys rock! James_Woods.....I'm sorry you had to go through such a time before finally being DF'd. Believe me, we weighed all the pros & cons and the one main reason we DA'd ourselves is because after all the information we've found, we want to be able to still share it with those who will listen (family mostly) without the thought of us being DF'd in the backs of their minds and them thinking we're only saying it because of that. We have been harrassed enough by the elders and wanted them to just leave us alone. Here's the funniest thing. We assumed since no one called Wednesday night that they received the letter. Well, to our dismay, they hadn't because an elder called yet again last night. However, this time, my husband talked to him and told him what we had done and said, please leave our family alone. This particular elder (whom I will admit is very genuinely kind & loving) actually got choked up and said "please before you hang up, remember this: If you ever choose to come back, you will always be welcome".......very sweet thing to say for someone who sadly, probably has no clue about most of the things we know. Nevertheless, it was nice to know there is a JW who truely does care. Yesterday was my little girl's 5th b-day and we had one heck of a party. 14 little friends came and they had the time of their lives. My daughter's face all lit up was worth every bit of grief & anguish we've gone through with the organization since we've left. We are SOOOOOOOO happy to be out and able to show our kids what we never got to have!!!!!!!
Thank you all again. I love everyone of you like you are my family!!! Thank GOD for JWD!!!!
LuciousJ & JDAWG
we wrote our da letter, mailed off a copy to the society & put the other copy in the drop box at the kh yesterday.
the elders had called us every day from saturday through tuesday wanting us to come in to meet....so they could df us i'm sure & probably at tonight's meeting mind you.
funny thing......after dropping off our letter yesterday before service time started, we received no phone call last night.
We did it. We wrote our DA letter, mailed off a copy to the society & put the other copy in the drop box at the KH yesterday. The elders had called us every day from Saturday through Tuesday wanting us to come in to meet....so they could DF us I'm sure & probably at tonight's meeting mind you. Funny thing......after dropping off our letter yesterday before service time started, we received NO phone call last night. Things that make you go HMMMM.......
sometimes i wonder how something made it into the bible in the first place.... genesis 38, the story of judah and his daughter-in-law tamar.
background judah's firstborn son er was bad in jehovah's eyes, so jehovah put him to death.
genesis 38:6. so judah being the good father that he was gave tamar to his second son to have sex with and have children in the name of the fallen er... we pick up reading in genesis 38:9.
the bible was 'supposively' inspired by God, therefore written by prophets who thought these accounts were 'need-to-know' material. But, isn't the 'governing body' SUPPOSIVELY also inspired by God? And, further, weren't the books of the bible chosen by worldy bishops???
hi, i have been posting for a while now but haven't shared my story, and feel it would be theraputic to do so now.
my family is also on the site, although they dont post, just read.. i grew up a jw.
my parents were baptized when i was just a toddler...they were brought in by the only jw members of my dads side of the family.
Mama- I loved reading your story. It warmed my heart. I can sympathize in so many ways....the guilt, the feeling of 'what if'... the wishing I had lived differently growing up. Luckily, my father was never a JW and couldnt' stand the religion so we had sort of a 'double' lifestyle. However, when they divorced, I was forced to be different than the rest of the kids for a couple of years. You know....the whole sitting in a corner by yourself while everyone else ate cupcakes and sang 'happy b-day!' It was so humiliating. I had a very liberal mother who even though she was baptized in the 60's still had intuitions of what was proper treatment in this world of isolation. I, too, feel as though I am living through my children. For the past 7 years, we were trying to do the same, teaching our kids to make that stand and it was so hard (more on us than them I'm sure). Now that we've come 'out' of the org. and have allowed our kids to participate in the activities, we have never seen their faces shine so brightly. My husband & I got so choked up the first time they were part of a holiday at school (V-Day). We couldnt' believe what they & we were missing out on. So, you just hang in there my dear and your family too. There are so many wonderful people out there who now know the ABSOLUTE TRUTH and will support you and surround you with the UNconditional love that Jehovah originally meant there to be for us. Our hearts & prayers are always with you and yours.
Love -
LuciousJ & JDawg
my closes friend asked me today if her and her husband should just go ahead and write a letter of disassociation or wait to be df.
many months ago i talked with them about 607, etc.
all the things i was finding out.
Hi Lady Lib- We're glad to finally be a part of the forum as well. It took me a while to get up the nerve. I'm not quite sure why but now it's like this grand feeling of ventilation.....I want to do it every minute I can!!! Not to mention, the replies are comforting (so far anyway). We're doing alright. You know, it's not yet a complete restful feeling but, once we've put that final nail in the coffin, I know we'll feel so much more at ease. It's insane the control & power they have over people's emotions. Wow.
Thanks again and we love you too!!!!
- Lucious
my closes friend asked me today if her and her husband should just go ahead and write a letter of disassociation or wait to be df.
many months ago i talked with them about 607, etc.
all the things i was finding out.
Hey Mama- (Love the picture, she's so stinking cute!!)
Thanks for the welcome and the words of encouragement. We are so glad to have our circle of friends & support. I agree with the 'feeling of freeness'.....we are just so ready to be rid of these elders and their cohorts. Ah, to be able to do what we want when we want and not have to be thinking 'oh no, what if a JW sees.' For instance.....X-mas. We are going to deck this house out so bright.....airplanes will be trying to land on our lawn!!!!! WOOOOHOOO! I"M FREEEEEEEE!
A little late-night giddyness. :)
Love to you & your family,
my closes friend asked me today if her and her husband should just go ahead and write a letter of disassociation or wait to be df.
many months ago i talked with them about 607, etc.
all the things i was finding out.
Thanks. It's nice to know we do still have some support out there.
The 'allegations' are 1 of 2 things- 1st we celebrated easter (it was the first thing we did since leaving in Dec.). The same night, we had a babysitter come over while we went out and while she was there, our kids spilled the beans about the baskets of candy, dying the eggs, etc. As you may already have concluded, our sitter was a witness. We never heard from her after that and she wouldn't return our calls. 2nd would be my daughter's b-day. We had a little party here at our house (out back) on a Saturday. I put a little Happy B-Day sign out front with her name on it and 2 balloons so the parents could find the house. I made sure I had it around 1:30 which would be well after service ended but since we have already had several "SPIRITUAL DRIVE BY'S" I'm sure someone spotted it anyway. Funny things is, that was July 3rd so why would they wait almost a month? I will say this. I am NOT sorry for either activity. I have NEVER seen my kids so happy lately. They are having the time of their lives and to us, it's priceless....even worth being DF'd!!!
I really like the idea of putting the letters on all cars in the parking lot. WOW....what an AWAKEning thought! HA!
Thanks again all-
my closes friend asked me today if her and her husband should just go ahead and write a letter of disassociation or wait to be df.
many months ago i talked with them about 607, etc.
all the things i was finding out.
Hi Everyone- We are the "friends" that Miss Congeniality is talking about. This is my very first post on this site but I've been reading quite a few for months now. M.C. is correct in that we left in Dec. 2005. We were visited EVERY weekend by the elders and received numerous phone calls throughout the weeks before and following. It became so stressful that we were afraid to be home on Sundays so we'd go out to eat breakfast and do errands during the time they'd be in service. How's that for giving them control? Finally, I wrote a letter and told them that no more calls/visits would be necessary because we were most definitely not returning to that particular congregation. We gave only one reason....that it was 'personal'. We also made it clear that we were in no way dissassociating ourselves from the Organization. We've heard absolutely not one word since I wrote that letter which was on April 11th. Saturday, (July 29th) we get a phone call from an elder. We don't answer, he doesnt' leave a message. My husband says "maybe he dialed the wrong number'....LMAO....he's so in denial! Anyway, Sunday, again another phone call while we were out. No message. So, my hubby calls and leaves him a message and tells him to feel free to call us again. And low & behold, he does. He proceeds to ask if we will come in tonight (Monday) to the KH and meet with the elders. My hubby asks him why. He says that all he can tell us is that there have been allegations about us participating in activities that are against the "ORGANIZATION". Again, never said against what JEHOVAH teaches is right/wrong......it's what the FALSE ORGANIZATION has invented. So, my husband says he'll talk it over with me and we'll call him back. Well, both of us laughed a little but on the other hand were also nerve racked because when it all falls down, you realize, this is it. There's no ducking anymore. We have to make a decision once and for all. We figure writing a letter of diss. would be better than being DF'd. I've read all of your comments and it seems the majority consensus is the same. My favorite was "working for an unethical dishonest company." WOW, what a way to look at it. We both decided that putting it that way, we'd quit in a heartbeat! I guess that means we have made our decision. We are VERY tempted to take advice from SickofLies and post it right up on the door of the KH. AH, wouldn't that be fun? But, just to alleviate any further conflict, we better just mail it. :) Thank you ALL for your input. It has helped immensely!!!!! LuciousJ & JDawg