So just tell us. Are some of you arguing that Ezekiel's prophecy about Tyre failed and so likewise the prophecy about Egypt failed? Is that how you show us that the prophecy of the 40 year desolation of Egypt doesn't prove 607?
JoinedPosts by thirdwitness
For those not sick to death of talking about this...607 BCE
by Swamboozled injust got this link sent to me by my sister in law and i just keeping staring at it trying to decide where to start.
i know that arguing with a jw is like throwing miracle wheat in the wind...but i want a comeback!!!
For those not sick to death of talking about this...607 BCE
by Swamboozled injust got this link sent to me by my sister in law and i just keeping staring at it trying to decide where to start.
i know that arguing with a jw is like throwing miracle wheat in the wind...but i want a comeback!!!
Tyre ruins. Hey look. Ezekiel and even Jehovah just might be right after all.
Does the Policy of the Watchtower Create a Safe Haven for Child Molesters?
by listen innot a society apologist!!
just wanting to know what you all think.
does this "sound" fair & balanced, you decide.
Yes I know the policy over the last 15 years. I have documented it in the blog. Especially since the late 80s and early 90s it has been in writing just what the policy is.
The 1992 letter to elders clearly states: all in the Christian congregation would want to consider their personal and moral responsibility to alert the appropriate authorities in cases where there has been committed or there exists a risk that there might be committed a serious criminal offence of this type (see ks91, page 138) In child abuse cases such authorities might include the family doctor, the Social Services, the NSPCC, or the police.
This means everyone in the congregation. It is only in the case of unsubstantiated or uncorroborated alledged abuse that the elders are instructed to follow the law and report even those unproven allegations to the police when required. In the case of substantiated proven child molestation it is the duty of all in the congregation to report it. So my advice is if you know about child molesting or you suspect it then go report it to the police and let them take care of it according to the criminal law, even if its been years. The statute of limitations does not run out until a number of years after the person reaches 18 in most places.
Can you imagine this conversation taking place between Bethel and an elder.
Elder: The victim family wants to go to the police.
Bethel: No, tell them they shouldn't.
Elder: But your 1992 letter says all have a responsibility to report child molestation. And it says it is their absolute right to report even unsubstantiated abuse.
Bethel: Thats just a cover up. Thats not really our policy. The lawyers think we should try to hide it. They like being sued and going to court you know.
Do you think this conversation has ever taken place? Lets be reasonable please.
Does the Policy of the Watchtower Create a Safe Haven for Child Molesters?
by listen innot a society apologist!!
just wanting to know what you all think.
does this "sound" fair & balanced, you decide.
I will go one step further. For all those who were really truly done wrong by the elders failure to follow the policy of JWs I am truly sorry that it happened. And if it means anything I apologize on behalf of JWs. I think if we dug hard enough we would probably find where the Society said they were sorry or regreted or felt for the victim for any cases that might have been mishandled by the elders. But don't misdirect your anger to the ones who don't deserve it. JWs abhor child molesting and do not want practicing child molesters in our organization. Nor do we want former child molesters as elders. And if its not too late go report the child abuse now to the authorities.
Surely you must admit that JWs child abuse policy really is very good and that no religion has a better one in the imperfect state that we are in.
For those not sick to death of talking about this...607 BCE
by Swamboozled injust got this link sent to me by my sister in law and i just keeping staring at it trying to decide where to start.
i know that arguing with a jw is like throwing miracle wheat in the wind...but i want a comeback!!!
Ezekiel 26;7 “For this is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah has said, ‘Here I am bringing against Tyre Neb·u·chad·rez´zar the king of Babylon from the north, a king of kings, with horses and war chariots and cavalrymen and a congregation, even a multitudinous people. 8 Your dependent towns in the field he will kill even with the sword, and he must make against you a siege wall and throw up against you a siege rampart and raise up against you a large shield; 9 and the strike of his attack engine he will direct against your walls, and your towers he will pull down, with his swords. 10 Owing to the heaving mass of his horses their dust will cover you. Owing to the sound of cavalryman and wheel and war chariot your walls will rock, when he comes in through your gates, as in the cases of entering into a city opened by breaches. 11 With the hoofs of his horses he will trample down all your streets. Your people he will kill even with the sword, and to the earth your own pillars of strength will go down. 12 And they will certainly spoil your resources and plunder your sales goods, and tear down your walls, and your desirable houses they will pull down. And your stones and your woodwork and your dust they will place in the very midst of the water.’ End of Neb's doings. Now begins further prophecying against Tyre. How do we know? Did we just pull it out of our hats? No. We know because Jehovah told us so by means of Isaiah and Zechariah. Unless you believe the Bible is in error? 13 “‘And I will cause the turmoil of your singing to cease, and the very sound of your harps will be heard no more. 14 And I will make you a shining, bare surface of a crag. A drying yard for dragnets is what you will become. Never will you be rebuilt; for I myself, Jehovah, have spoken,’ is the utterance of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah. Here is what it does not say: A drying yard for dragnets is what you will become and by the hand of Nebuchadnezzar never will you be rebuilt; for I myself, Jehovah, have spoken,’ is the utterance of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah.
For those not sick to death of talking about this...607 BCE
by Swamboozled injust got this link sent to me by my sister in law and i just keeping staring at it trying to decide where to start.
i know that arguing with a jw is like throwing miracle wheat in the wind...but i want a comeback!!!
And if you believe that Ezekiel is in error then our point has been accomplished and that is that the Bible disproves 587 to such a point that 587 proponents must disregard the Bible just as kgav above has done. If you want to disregard the Bible then you can argue in favor of anything you like.
For those not sick to death of talking about this...607 BCE
by Swamboozled injust got this link sent to me by my sister in law and i just keeping staring at it trying to decide where to start.
i know that arguing with a jw is like throwing miracle wheat in the wind...but i want a comeback!!!
Jehovah of course had Ezekiel write exactly what he wanted him to write. And by seeking the scriptures we know exactly what Ezekiel meant. He did not say nor mean that Neb would destroy Tyre to the point of never being rebuilt. If Jehovah wanted to say that I suspect he would have said it exactly the way he did about Egypt. He would have said, 'By the hand of Neb Tyre will never be rebuilt' Just as he said 'By the hand of Neb Egypt will cease' etc etc. There is no comparison. But hey if you have a scripture from Isaiah or Zech or another prophet contradicting Ezekiel about Egypt by all means bring it forth.
For those not sick to death of talking about this...607 BCE
by Swamboozled injust got this link sent to me by my sister in law and i just keeping staring at it trying to decide where to start.
i know that arguing with a jw is like throwing miracle wheat in the wind...but i want a comeback!!!
Steve, I am afraid that your interpretation of Ezek 26 is obviously wrong according to Zech, Isaiah, and thus Jehovah. I don't think that Jehovah would be happy if you tell him that his prophets Zech and Isaiah are liars. It seems Jehovah knew what he wanted Ezekiel to say and he clarified exactly what he meant through the words of the other prophets. I will choose to take the interpretation of Isaiah and Zechariah as to what Ezekiel was saying over your interpretation.
For those not sick to death of talking about this...607 BCE
by Swamboozled injust got this link sent to me by my sister in law and i just keeping staring at it trying to decide where to start.
i know that arguing with a jw is like throwing miracle wheat in the wind...but i want a comeback!!!
All the questions being asked about what does Egypt include and who are the celebrated scholars are all attempts at sidetracking the issue at hand. The fact is that 587 proponents are left with this one point:
The 40 year desolation of Egypt is not literal (although you have never scriptually shown us what it means symbolically) because I will not admit that JWs and 607 are correct.
Since that is all you have left and everyone can see how foolish that statement is what must you do?
Sidetrack sidetrack sidetrack. Confuse the issue. Ignore it. Because you simply have no answer.
What use is there continuing the discussion when you can't overcome the very first thing I presented when AlanF challenged me to present just one point that proves 607?
For those not sick to death of talking about this...607 BCE
by Swamboozled injust got this link sent to me by my sister in law and i just keeping staring at it trying to decide where to start.
i know that arguing with a jw is like throwing miracle wheat in the wind...but i want a comeback!!!
And still no one tackles the 40 year desolation of Egypt and understandably so.
And to answer Steve's question: Did Ezekiel say that Neb would destroy Tyre to the point of it never being rebuilt?
No, he did not. Isaiah and Zechariah as I pointed out both confirm that Ezekiel did not say that at all. If he did say it he would have been contradicting both of them and Jehovah would be a liar which is impossible. Do you think Jehovah is a liar?
Who are the celebrated scholars? It is the ones who has established chronology based on the Bible. That would seem to be JWs since 587 is impossible in view of what the Bible says. Or do you have a legitimate and reasonable answer for the 40 year desolation of Egypt?