JoinedTopics Started by thirdwitness
A challenge--Present proof against the WTS concerning the UN & Child Abuse
by thirdwitness ini would like to issue a challenge to those who seek to discredit jws concerning the wts as an ngo with the dpi and the child abuse policy of the wts.
who can actually present proof not heresay and not he said she said.
let me show you what i mean.. ngo/un.
Has anyone read this article..
by earthtone init broke my heart to read about someone having to paying court fee's after wining a sexual abuse case against the wtbts.
she ended up winning 5,000 dollars but has to pay 220000 dollars in court feee to wtbts and for her lawyer.
Earthquakes and rumors of war or whatever ;o)
by Hellrider ini was so inspired by the ridicolousness of thirdwitnoid in that other thread ("the gentile times reconsidered again...but this time i am using the bible"), in which he actually dared bring up the old "increase in earthquakes"-fairytale from the wt and asleep.
it really had nothing to do in that thread, which was about 607 vs 587 (oh no, not that again.... datelocationdeathsmagnitude.
jan. 23, 1556. shansi, china .
Who is an Apostate?
by thirdwitness inhere is an interesting link and here is an english translation of the article on that site about apostates testimony.
is the testimony of apostates reliable?
sometimes, the mass media offer testimonies of people who used to be jehovah's witnesses as a means of finding out more about our religion.
The Gentiles Times Reconsidered--Again but this Time By Using the Bible
by thirdwitness inthink about this: if seven times mean only 7 years then daniel could have simply said 7 years.
why does daniel specifically use the word 'times' rather than years?
as we have already shown daniel used the word for 7 times instead of 7 years.
Let's assume 607 correct.... How can they prove that lead to 1914?
by AK - Jeff ini mean i understand the arguments they make - the calculations they lay out.
i did it for 40 years myself as a witness.
my question is a simple one - what 'proof' can the witnesses use to support the entire idea of converting a scripture about the 'gentile times', and a kings' insanity that lasted for 7 literal years into 2520 years?
Got any quick 1914 / 607 points?
by drew sagan intomarrow i'm meeting with a jw friend who is connected to what's going on with these elders that came over our house and everything else.
i can't get into details as to how it works out, but this is the important part.
this guy (and elder) can be a quite reasonable person.
607: When did the 70 years of serving Babylon start.
by thirdwitness in.
[edited: 'cut & paste" article has been removed]
Daniel's 3 year training and the 2nd year of Nebuchadnezzar.
by thirdwitness inthe previous 607 thread was locked down where the 587 defenders could not overcome the clear reasoning of the bible about the 40 year desolation of egypt.
but before it was locked down norm brought up a lot of points.
The most critical question about the JW and pedophilia?
by Check_Your_Premises inwhen looking at the jw pedophilia problem it is important to make the distinction between "theocratic" and secular authorities.
as we all know, the jw consider only their authority to be legitimate and secular authorities as a necessary evil to be "rendered unto".. here is my summary of the pedophilia problem in the organization:.
1. a person accused of pedophilia by a child cannot be found guilty within the org without another witness.. .