Tophat says: TW, Are you equating "NOAH and the ARK" to the WTS and GB? Today our ARK is the Scriptures....and ONLY the scriptures. NOT a fallible, greedy man-made organization.
I will let you answer that for yourself.
If you had lived in the days of Noah what would you have needed to do to survive?
At some point you would have had to join up with Noah. Noah and his family were Jehovah's servants on the earth at that time. Unless you joined in with God's people and entered the ark you would not have been saved.
What is the difference today? Unless you take the side of God's people you will not survive. Who are God's people? Thats the 64,000 dollar question but the answer is easily found.
But keep in mind that many who knew Noah could have made excuses why they did not believe him. Can't you just imagine.
Noah drinks to much.
Noah condones child molestation.
Noah cut down some of my trees and didn't ask me.
Noah borrowed my saw and returned it broken.
I saw Noah dealing with Nephilim.
Noah thinks he's the only one that is going to be saved.
Noah is a lying moron. God didn't tell him anything. God must be very displeased in Noah for taking it upon himself as if he knows the mind of the Most High.
God is not going to kill thousands of people just because they refuse to listen to some crackpot building a boat.
I would help Noah but he is building that boat all wrong. It will never float.
I hate the way Noah treats his children. They are not allowed to go to the parties with the other children.
I can't believe Noah forces his children to work on that stupid boat all the time. Its ashame they are not allowed to live normal lives. God does not expect that of us.
I have proof that Noah is wrong. There is not enough water in the heavens to flood the entire earth. Here are my calculations.
Do you know how many different animals that scientists have determined that there are? There is no possible way that Noah can fit two of evey animal into that box.
All the scholars agree that the days before the coming flood have not began yet. Noah is premature in his expectations.
Where is this promised rain. Why all things are continuing...
You are going to let some old fart tell you how to serve God.
I listen to no man, only God.