Now that I have shown that JWs are right about 607, 1914, parousia, seven times, etc I will now address Auldsoul's and others questions about NGO/WT.
(1) Did the non-governmental organization known legally as Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. join the United Nations Department of Public Information (UN/DPI) as an Associate?
Yes, that is said in the essay. If you would have read it you would not be asking. Read the 2nd paragraph in this link: It is clear as day.
(2.1) If not, why did they request to disassociate in 2001 from an organization to which they were not associated?
This question is invalid. But if you are asking why did they request disassociation it is because the criteria had changed over the years and when it was realized they ask to be removed.
(2.2) If so, is the United Nations Department of Public Information an organization under judgment by Jehovah God?
All govenments are to be destroyed (by the one who was given a crown and began riding on the white horse, also called THE WORD, who cast Satan out thus came to pass the power and kingdom and authority of Christ and did become King in 1914) including the UN. And yet, we are to be in subjection to them and show repect to them and their organizational programs and we are to use them for our benefit. Just like Paul and the apostles did.
Often apostates try to compare the UN and governments and their programs to false relgious organizations and point out how we would be DFed if we joined the YMCA or the Vatican to look at a painting but there is a big difference.
The YMCA is a false religious organization — the UN is not. While the Bible tells us to be in subjection to worldly governments by obeying the law, paying our taxes, registering in certain programs, and using governments to “legally establish” the preaching work, the Bible puts us under no such obligations to any of the false religions in this world. Revelation 18:4 tells us to “get out from among” false religion, while Romans 13:1 says to “be in subjection” to the government. Using government programs and facilities for our benefit cannot be compared to using similar things from false religions.
(3) Are the other members of the UN/DPI approved or disapproved by God? (see provided examples)
To be recognized as a legal religion, in some countries, the WTS has registered as an NGO. Other religions have also registered. So they are all recognized NGO's of that government. Because other religions have been associated as NGOs of the government does that mean the WTS will be judged by Jehovah just like the rest of them?
So really what you are asking is basically: are all other religious organizations approved or disapproved by God, right? I would say disapproved because of their false teachings about God, such as the trinity and hellfire.