Let me clear this up for you sport. The WTS registered as an NGO associated with the DPI . Then as they said, they later withdrew their Membership.
JoinedPosts by thirdwitness
Great news. The WTS did not commit spiritual prostitution with UN.
by thirdwitness inhttp://www.jehovahsjudgment.co.uk/watchtower-un-ngo/
Great news. The WTS did not commit spiritual prostitution with UN.
by thirdwitness inhttp://www.jehovahsjudgment.co.uk/watchtower-un-ngo/
Kenn said: I suggest that everyone read carefully the U.N. DPI brochure from 1994. It will tell you everything that was expected of the Watchtower to fulfill its obligations. Whether the Watchtower wrote favorably about the U.N. before 1991 and after 2001 is not the point. During the 1990s, it was to fulfill a requirement because they associated with DPI. Can that be denied?
Steve, you need to complain to the administration. He just left a link that promotes Randy's site.
What about the 1994 brochure are you pointing to in particular?
Great news. The WTS did not commit spiritual prostitution with UN.
by thirdwitness inhttp://www.jehovahsjudgment.co.uk/watchtower-un-ngo/
Steve: You forgot to quote this from the same PROMOTION:
But not all the news is bad! UN agencies, such as the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the World Health Organization, have worked hard to improve the lot of children. Annan noted: "More children are born healthy and more are immunized; more can read and write; more are free to learn, play and simply live as children than would have been thought possible even a short decade ago." Still, he warned: "This is no time to stand on past achievements."
And your point is.... what? I guess you want an article that lies and refuses to tell of any of the accomplishments of the UN or other governments or government programs. You want an article that constantly downgrades the efforts of the UN or the political leaders and turns people off for their dishonesty in failing to admit any good the UN or other governments have done or are trying to do. That is absurd and simple minded and that would be totally ignorant for the WTS to do that.
Great news. The WTS did not commit spiritual prostitution with UN.
by thirdwitness inhttp://www.jehovahsjudgment.co.uk/watchtower-un-ngo/
Steve, I do not see you complaining about anyone else posting links to any sites. It is done all the time. Need I go back and show how many times DannyH, AlanF, Auldsoul, and others have posted link to various sites. As a matter of fact, I am not breaking the rules. If you read the rules they say:
You can mention relevant, non-commercial websites as long as they support your comment.
The site does support my comments and it is not a commercial site.
On the other hand notice these rules that is broken by many of you that are against JWs, even your leading members:
- Insulting, threatening or provoking language
- Swearing, using hate-speech or making obscene or vulgar comments.
Need I go back and copy and paste all the times profanity has been used toward me and all the times I have been insulted with language such as being called moron, stupid idiot, troll, thirdwitnoid, thirdwitless, and names that are obscene and vulgar etc.
What a joke. How bad do you want me off? And why? I wonder and so do the lurkers and unbiased onlookers.
Great news. The WTS did not commit spiritual prostitution with UN.
by thirdwitness inhttp://www.jehovahsjudgment.co.uk/watchtower-un-ngo/
One of the requirements of any organization wishing to be a DPI NGO and have access to the DPI's vast resources, is that the organization makes full use of them. They must be at least using the facilities for a purpose in harmony with the DPI itself — to educate the public on the role and activities of the UN. To prove the organization is doing so, they must send copies of the organization's journal to the DPI as proof.There is nothing wrong with this — it proves the Society was indeed making use of the resources, and not abusing them by promoting values contrary to that of the UN charter, such as Nazism, racism, or any such ideas. It is a sensible precaution on behalf of the DPI and completely appropriate.
The conspiracy theorists, however, see the Awake! articles published in the 1990's as part of the great conspiracy to promote the UN as a world government. Of course, any regular reader of the Awake! will laugh at these accusations, but is there any truth to them? NO, absolutely not.
The question now needs to be asked: Do these articles promote the UN or God’s Kingdom as the hope for mankind? They all, without exception, are showing how God’s Kingdom will succeed in remedying the problems of mankind where the UN and all human governments have failed. They hold a respectful attitude towards the UN and all governments while recognizing their sincerity and desire to improve the world. They tactfully declare the message of God's Kingdom so as not to turn people off when reading it.
If you want to read more go here:
Great news. The WTS did not commit spiritual prostitution with UN.
by thirdwitness inhttp://www.jehovahsjudgment.co.uk/watchtower-un-ngo/
Yes, most certainly the WT is promoting the UN. They are promoting them as a failed organization thus far to bring solutions to earth's problems. They are promoting God's kingdom as the lasting solution that will solve all problems of mankind.
Great news. The WTS did not commit spiritual prostitution with UN.
by thirdwitness inhttp://www.jehovahsjudgment.co.uk/watchtower-un-ngo/
If you want to cut and paste the whole article be my guest. It is an article, like all WT articles, about how political leaders and organizations have failed to bring a solution and how only God's kingdom can bring that solution. It shows how the UN and other organizations have tried to bring solutions and the progress that they may have made as well as the problems they continue to face. Why would I care if the whole article is posted? There is nothing to hide. That would be great if you want to do that. I will just quote a little bit from it to show that the article is not pointing to the UN as the lasting solution for the problem. Instead as I show above, the article points to God's kingdom as the only lasting solution. Here are some quotes:
Satisfactory solutions to these problems seem to elude political leaders.
Donated money is used to educate the child or to provide life's necessities. If desired, pictures and letters can even be exchanged to strengthen the relationship. Though helpful, this arrangement falls short of being the ideal solution.
Try as they may, humans cannot provide the ideal solution to the problems of children. But they will be solved! Yes, and possibly sooner than you may expect. But how?
And then it closes with my earlier post above.
Maybe you are trying to make the claim that because the title of the article: The Problems of Children
THE SOLUTION AT LAST!, appears on at the top of each page including the page that lists the UN Declaration on the rights of children that the WTS is saying that the problems of chilren will be at last solved by the UN. This is not the case and is a misreading of the article. Is that what you are trying to point out?You are grasping at straws. The WT publications continuously point to God's kingdom as the only solution to man's problems, not the UN.
Great news. The WTS did not commit spiritual prostitution with UN.
by thirdwitness inhttp://www.jehovahsjudgment.co.uk/watchtower-un-ngo/
Steve, that article at the WT site that you provided, notice how it finishes up.
A Divine Government to Provide the Complete Solution
Under God's Kingdom humans will be enabled to rear children in a balanced way. ( Job 33:24-26 ) Young folks will be raised in the spirit of peace and universal brotherhood, the ideal set forth in the UN Declaration of the Rights of the Child. ( Psalm 46:8, 9 ) Never again will there be the need for an International Year of the Child or for a Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Restoring perfect health to parents and to disabled children will be a simple task for Christ Jesus, the King of this heavenly government. The miracles of healing that he performed while he was on the earth are a guarantee. ( Luke 6:17-19 ; John 5:3-9 ; 9:1-7 ) Even resurrecting dead children and dead parents will not be beyond his power to accomplish!— Matthew 9:18-25 .
What a joy to know that the time for God to act in behalf of earth's children is near!
The Gentiles Times Reconsidered--Again but this Time By Using the Bible
by thirdwitness inthink about this: if seven times mean only 7 years then daniel could have simply said 7 years.
why does daniel specifically use the word 'times' rather than years?
as we have already shown daniel used the word for 7 times instead of 7 years.
Great news. The WTS did not commit spiritual prostitution with UN.
by thirdwitness inhttp://www.jehovahsjudgment.co.uk/watchtower-un-ngo/
Repost for Cabasilas about what ideals of the UN were to be shared.
And as respects sharing the 'ideals of the UN' you are overlooking one little thing.
Even the 1996 resolution by the ECOSOC concerning an ECOSOC NGO’s support of the UN makes the following statement about that type of NGO (remember, the Society was not an ECOSOC NGO):
“3. The organization shall undertake to support the work of the United Nations and to promote knowledge of its principles and activities, in accordance with its own aims and purposes and the nature and scope of its competence and activities.”Note that even an ECOSOC NGO, which is in a consultative relationship with the UN, isn't even obligated to support all the work of the UN. It says its support must be “in accordance with its own aims and purposes”. This means that the particular ECOSOC NGO would not support all the aims of the UN, but only those “aims and purposes” in the “scope of its competence and activities.”
In the case of Jehovah's Witnesses, those ‘aims and purposes’ would be in the field of religious freedom and human rights. That is the “scope of its competence and activities.” There is certainly nothing wrong with supporting that type of work and using whatever avenues are available for assistance. Further, if this qualified definition of “support” applied to the consultative-status ECOSOC NGO's, how much more qualified the definition of “support” must be to the DPI NGOs which enjoy no such status.
Of course, one of the main interests of the UN is human rights. If the UN wants to come to the aid of brothers being persecuted for their religious beliefs, should we not support that? The UN has not yet attacked God's people and proved itself to be an enemy of God. Did not Paul appeal to Rome when he was being persecuted? Yes — did he not use the legal system of a government which later proved to be the foretold “disgusting thing”, to advance true worship?