Dear concerned,
Your fiance sounds very honest and straightforward. I know he wants to know the truth, but the suddenness of everything has him reeling. We've all been there. You are very lucky indeed he is at this point. Give him a lot of emotional support, and my prayers are with both of you.
Randy Watters
JoinedPosts by Dogpatch
by concerned fiance inhere is my situation: my fiance is now 27 years old.
he was raised as a jw from the age of 2 through 18. at that time, his whole family left the "truth" except for his older brother who had already married another woman from the faith.
for the past 9 years, he has been living his life to the fullest, but still loving god, praying often and he is a truly honest and moral person.
by concerned fiance inhere is my situation: my fiance is now 27 years old.
he was raised as a jw from the age of 2 through 18. at that time, his whole family left the "truth" except for his older brother who had already married another woman from the faith.
for the past 9 years, he has been living his life to the fullest, but still loving god, praying often and he is a truly honest and moral person.
No princecharmant,
She is real, I talked to her over the phone on Wednesday. I am gettinhg a lot of similar calls, so you will see this topic resurrected often.
Randy Watters
children of the watchtower
by kdk ini have an 8yr old step-daughter caught up in the madness of the jws through unrelenting fear based brainwashing by her mother.
my husband and i would like to know if anyone has been in a similar situation and is able to help us let her know that there is another more loving way of living in this world.
its frightening to see the damage my husbands ex is doing to this inocent little girls mind.
This may be helpful, found at: to React if your Child has
been Recruited by Jehovah's Witnessesby Andrew X
If your child has been recruited by the Jehovah's Witnesses, my advice would be to act quickly and--most of all--cautiously. Right away at the beginning of the bible lessons, the Witnesses teach new recruits to expect opposition from "the devil's" forces. So if you oppose the Witnesses' influence over your child, he is likely to consider even his own parents agents of the devil. Their recruitment techniques are thorough.
Most non-Witnesses have the belief that they should consider an important decision from all angles before making a committment, but Witnesses leave it up to their leadership to do that for them, and consider it rebellious to make their own decisions.
If your child has not yet been talked into that one, the fundamental ethic of "considering all sides of the story" may serve you well. Ask him to do so before committing, and present information that is consistent with his spiritual beliefs but disproves the organizational claims. This might include having him consider the long-term effects of becoming a Witness, which the Witnesses do not disclose to new recruits for obvious reasons. Here are some examples of the things Witnesses conceal from new recruits:
* The true intention of the Witness is to convert ("make a disciple out of and baptize") them
* They will undergo a thought-reform (brainwashing) program
* They will have to cut off ties with non-Witness friends
* They will will be discouraged from "wasting time" on (and will not be supported in making) personal growth until the New World arrives, and may therefore remain stunted
* They will have strained relations with non-Witness family members due to extreme views on holidays, etc.
* They will have to learn to become extremely judgmental and spy on their friends
* They will have to spend at least 61 hours per month
* They will be subject to shunning if they later change their mind about membership
* They will have to give over to the WTS their decision-making on what to read, what to wear, what movies to watch, what music to listen to, and even what to think
Try to arrange a meeting between your child and non-Witnesses who have lost family members to the Witnesses, so that they can look him in the eye and tell him how their relationship with their family member has changed, and how they feel about it. It is important that this should be non-Witnesses, not former Witnesses, to avoid another potential mental barrier.
There is a great dichotomy among the Witnesses: Loyalty to God vs. loyalty to the organization. Those of us who have survived the experience and are in recovery would consider these two things very different; but Witnesses are taught that loyalty to the organization IS loyalty to God, based on the premise that the organization is "spirit directed", and is God's own unique channel for distributing spiritual instruction. Out of one corner of it's mouth, the organization officially claims to be "spirit directed", but out of the other corner, it officially disclaims being inspired. Don't expect it to make sense.
So when I suggest presenting information that is consistent with his spiritual beliefs but disproves the organizational claims, I mean this: Learn what Jehovah's Witnesses teach in terms of a basic relationship with God, and support this teaching to your child to show you are on his side, and ON GOD'S SIDE, while demonstrating how the organization's claim to be "spirit directed" is merely a misguided claim by well-meaning men. Try to show him the contrast between his belief and relationship with God and his belief and relationship with the organization. Be very tactful, and use questions to make him think rather than declarations that attack the organization to avoid bringing up his defenses.
This may help you avoid being labeled as an agent of the devil, and may help your child break free of the cult without having to grapple with the no-win dilemma of "loyalty to God."
Any organization that claims to speak for God is deceptive, unless God actually reveals himself to them in some substantial way. Among Witnesses, there is a widespread myth that their governing body prays over every question, and receives regular heavenly guidance in response. This is their assumption, but is never discussed. IT IS WORTH DISCUSSING. I suggest you obtain the book "Crisis of Conscience", read it, and share excerpts with your child to expose the actual methods used by the governing body to make decisions; and it will become clear to him that there is no spirit direction upon the Witness organization as claimed.
However, be cautious in how you present such information, because Witnesses are taught to reject information from disapproved sources rather than considering an idea on it's own merits; and the author of this book, a former member of the Witnesses' governing body, was quickly and shrewdly expelled and denounced by the organization merely for speaking the truth about them.
I don't think a discussion on the bible or Christian doctrines will be helpful, because the theology can become extremely convoluted, and Witnesses are trained to answer most any question on theology. He will win that argument, and it's beside the point anyway. It is not about spiritual beliefs, it's about the right of a man-made group to pretend they speak for God in order to control followers.
Basic family love and simple reasoning will be your best tools. Especially the reasoning that unravels the errors of the organization while supporting his relationship with and beliefs about the Creator (even if they differ from yours).
I also highly recommend the book Combating Cult Mind Control, by Steven Hassan. If you read material and bring it to your child for his consideration, make sure he does not feel that the material is directly criticizing the Witnesses. Books that identify cults by their characteristics but don't mention them by name are the most helpful, because they do not bring up defensiveness.
Another idea would be to identify another cult similar to the Witnesses, and engage your child in a discussion critical of this third group. Witnesses LOVE to criticize other religions, and he may not be able to resist such a conversation. Finally, after having heard him voice his own agreement with how that OTHER religion is unacceptable (particularly on the issues of separating recruits from their families, and demanding too much of their time, and not allowing them time to think about what they've learned), show with GREAT SUBTLETY how similar that religion is to the Witnesses.
May you have success at regaining your child or at least reaching "detente" with him. Be careful not to overtly criticize, or you may make matters worse. May you have all the patience and confidence and tact you need to face this difficult situation.
by concerned fiance inhere is my situation: my fiance is now 27 years old.
he was raised as a jw from the age of 2 through 18. at that time, his whole family left the "truth" except for his older brother who had already married another woman from the faith.
for the past 9 years, he has been living his life to the fullest, but still loving god, praying often and he is a truly honest and moral person.
All good comments, and I think Silverleaf has the best advice yet. I have seen these situations for decades, and the fear always gets them in the end, unless they find a better hope or worldview or a more legitimate understanding of basic Christianity.
Try this article,
:Why Some Can't Leave the Watchtower, and why others that Do Leave May Not Fare So Well" at: to Victor's good comments about those who leave.
Randy -
by Dogpatch inif you would like to read a fascinating article regarding a recent detractor from the church of scientology, this just came out:.
or click on "sympathy for the devil" at:.
It's a primal phenomena!
Dogz -
by Dogpatch inif you would like to read a fascinating article regarding a recent detractor from the church of scientology, this just came out:.
or click on "sympathy for the devil" at:.
If you would like to read a FASCINATING article regarding a recent detractor from the church of Scientology, this just came out: click on "Sympathy for the Devil" at:'t think that we are alone in having pissed-off Witnesses periodically try and hijack the board, create confusion, etc. Every high-control religion has its detractors. Scientology is no exception, and a recent defection of a 30-YEAR MEMBER is quite enlightening. She claims it was her JOB to disrupt ex-member sites. There appeares to be some very interesting similarities compared to the Watchtower. :-))
NOTE that the "devil" was actually a Norwegian! (go figure) Could it really be Kent in disguise???
Here are a couple of gems from the article:
__________________Within weeks, Bezazian's dive-bombing of alt.religion.scientology under the screen name "Magoo" had become relentless. Every few minutes, day and night, Magoo swooped in to drop incendiary messages attacking church critics. Newsgroup regulars say they had seen few defenders of Scientology take on critics with such unremitting force. By July Magoo had become the single most frequent poster at a.r.s. -- not a small feat in such a heavily used newsgroup.
_________________And she also wanted to talk about a man named Andreas, the most corrupt and evil human being on the planet, who one day shocked her by writing a kind letter.
___________________________(kindness works! Sometime we forget.)
___________________________________Protesters regularly picket key church sites in Florida and Los Angeles. Bezazian had often been asked to "handle" picketers who demonstrated at L.A. Scientology facilities by conversing with and distracting them.
_____________________"I bought the PR hook, line and sinker," she says. Instructed to ignore outside sources of information, Bezazian says, she and her fellow parishioners were clueless about what was happening not only to Scientology but in the rest of the world as well.
"I was in a cult," she says. "Scientology promotes not watching the news. It keeps you inside a Truman Show where you're totally unaware of things. It's like your own thinking gets shut down and you get used to not considering anything that might be critical of Scientology."
Bezazian says she and her fellow religionists were trained, if they did happen to stumble across negative references to their church, to simply ignore them.
But the church was taking no chances. In 1998, Scientology announced a program to give every parishioner who desired one his or her very own Website. CD-ROMs were mailed out to church members, who were told they could use software on the discs to create personal sites linked to the church's main Internet location, What parishioners weren't told, however, was that the CDs also contained a censorship program that would block sites critical of the religion. Church critics, likening the program to "net nannies" that parents rely on to keep their kids out of porn sites, have dubbed the program the "Scieno Sitter."
But the OSA wanted Bezazian to keep an eye on such sites and to report back about what she found. Three years ago, she says, OSA operatives removed the Scieno Sitter from her home computer. She was asked to surf the Internet to find out what sorts of damaging things were being said about the church.
___________________________Although Scientologists don't believe in Satan, Bezazian says, that's exactly what Heldal-Lund became in her mind. He was the archnemesis of everything she believed in, Lucifer to her godlike Hubbard.
She formed these opinions without even reading any of the material at his Website. She says she could barely bring herself to visit it, scan what was listed in its table of contents, and then report back to the OSA. "Why haven't you gotten rid of this guy?" she remembers asking her OSA contacts, who responded that they had been trying to do just that, without luck.
______________________She dived into the job, exploring Websites that criticized her church and reading bulletin boards where church defenders and opponents debated. (Some church members have always refused to put the Scieno Sitter on their computers and are regular combatants at a.r.s. and other sites). Bezazian began to engage in those debates herself.
And before long, she realized that she really, really enjoyed it.
As Magoo, she obsessively posted to alt.religion.scientology. Her messages were rarely very substantive. She was just there to jab and parry, to drop off stingers and comebacks -- most of which were non sequiturs -- and more than anything else, to keep hitting the "reply" button. Day and night, Bezazian told off anti-Scientologists and managed to annoy plenty of them.
Mark Bunker, a church critic and a.r.s. participant, says he bore the brunt of some of Magoo's harshest attacks. "When I found out who it was, and that Tory was the one being so incredibly nasty to me, I laughed." Bunker realized that he had met Bezazian when he picketed church sites and always found her to be pleasant, even though they disagreed so markedly about the church. "I was amazed that this nice person could be so damned nasty anonymously."
She uses another analogy: For 30 years she had constructed her life like a skyscraper made of playing cards. Participating on a.r.s. had yanked away so many cards that only one remained holding up her entire belief system.
And then Andreas Heldal-Lund gave that card a pull.
___________________-It was obvious to them both: As soon as Bezazian admitted her doubts, the Church of Scientology would instruct parishioners to "disconnect" from her. Heldal-Lund knew it would be a devastating experience. He tried to give her encouragement.
_________________________-"The experience of being in Scientology is so incredible, it's just very hard for people to believe," Brooks says. "Tory has a long road ahead of her to recover from her 30 years in."
The church didn't take long to react, Brooks say. "They turned on her on a dime. They're doing everything they can to label her a criminal. This is a lot for a person to take in who hasn't been out [very long.]"
___________________What do you think? Just another "disgruntled apostate"?
Automaker contributions/tragedy
by Dogpatch inhas anyone else heard this?
my sister sent it to me.. __________________.
this is very interesting.
Has anyone else heard this? My sister sent it to me.
__________________This is very interesting. Its no wonder why Michigan is so loyal
to the big 3.After seeing a short news listing on "CNN Headline News" regarding Ford
and GM's contributions to the relief and recovery efforts in New York
City and Washington D.C., I was prompted to see what the other
automotive companies were contributing. I have never worked for an
automotive company -- nor has anyone in my family. It is, however, the
prominent industry here in Michigan. I also feel it is important to know
which companies are there for us in a crisis.I went to (the news, press release and philanthropic areas of) each of
the companies web sites. If the company had several sites, I tried to
visit them all. Additionally, I visited the leading news and automotive
sites. As of today, one week since the attacks, this is what I have
found:Aston Martin - Nothing.
Audi - Nothing. Audi's web site states "Audi News: Always up to the
minute."BMW - Nothing despite other press releases/postings since 09/11/01.
BMW's web site states "The news service from the BMW Group: fast,
informative and comprehensive." Last updated 09/13/01.Daewoo International - Nothing.
Daimler Chrysler (includes Dodge, Jeep, Mercedes-Benz and Plymouth) -
$10 million to support the children and victims in addition to other
donations from their employees, dealers and suppliers.Fiat - Nothing.
Ford Motor Company (includes Jaguar, Lincoln, Mazda, Mercury and Volvo)
- $1 million to the American Red Cross, matching employee contributions
to the American Red Cross and 10 Excursions to the New York Fire
Department. The company has also offered emergency response team
services and office space to displaced government employees.General Motors (includes Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Oldsmobile,
Pontiac, Saab and Saturn) - $1 million to the American Red Cross,
matching employee contributions and a fleet of vans, trucks and SUVs.Honda (includes Acura) - Nothing. Honda's site states "If you're looking
for the latest developments taking place at Honda, you've come to the
right place" and "Informative. Timely. Credible. The latest news on
Honda can always be found right here?" No press releases/postings since
09/04/01 when the release boasted "American Honda Motor Co., Inc.
recorded its second best sales month ever in August ?" My search
included: (other press releases posted on this site
since 09/11/01),,,,
and Motors Group (includes Kia) - $300,000 to the American Red
Cross.Isuzu - Nothing.
Mitsubishi Motors - Nothing. site states "The
latest news about Mitsubishi Motors." I also searched - Nothing despite other press releases/postings since 09/11/01.
Porsche - Press release with condolences posted on the Porsche web
siteon 09/12/01, but no contribution.Subaru - Nothing despite other press releases/postings since 09/11/01.
Suzuki - Nothing.
Toyota (includes Lexus) - Press release with condolences posted on the
Toyota web site on 09/14/01, but no contribution despite earlier press
releases boasting that Toyota had high sales in July and August.Volkswagen - The employees and management created a Foundation, funded
initially with $2 million, to assist the children and victims with
humanitarian help including medical and psychological assistance,
rehabilitation and scholarships.I can only hope that it is an oversight by the companies that have not made a contribution and that they will join the relief efforts. We have the freedom to choose which companies we make purchases from and I, for one, will make my purchases from and give my money the companies that are giving their money to America at this time of need. I hope that you will, too.Please forward this e-mail -- especially to anyone you know who is thinking of purchasing a vehicle.
Life in a small town
by Belmont inwe live in a small town in england where for 30 years we were stalwarts of the local congregation, and then walked away, not df'd or da'd.
there is virtually only one main street, and the reaction of the jws to us is a lesson in human behaviour.
some ostentatiously shun us, some "love bomb" us, and one elder whom we have known since he was 10 years old, actually walked away when we spoke to him.
Thanks Jbean!
Gary Busselman is pretty funny, his other stuff is up at: best is, of course, Armageddon Okies! Watters
Life in a small town
by Belmont inwe live in a small town in england where for 30 years we were stalwarts of the local congregation, and then walked away, not df'd or da'd.
there is virtually only one main street, and the reaction of the jws to us is a lesson in human behaviour.
some ostentatiously shun us, some "love bomb" us, and one elder whom we have known since he was 10 years old, actually walked away when we spoke to him.
Welcome here Belmonts!
Sometimes it is hard to get a perspective on life when all those around you are idiots! :-))
Here is a little something from Gary Busselman that might bring a chuckle/tear:The Truth (as I seen it)
According to Jehovah's Witnesses
by Gary Busselman
GOD is the creator, but since he only created Michael,
and Michael created everything else, ("all other things")
that would seem to make Michael the real creator,
but only in a sense, since Michael is Jesus and Michael said to Satan,
"the Lord rebuke you" makes the Lord powerful over Satan,
however when Michael had to throw Satan out of heaven in 1914
he had to do battle with his own creations, Satan and His Angels,
and in 1918 when he selected Joe Rutherford to be his earthly channel
and had to put the truth in the mind of Joe
so Joe could write the truth in the Watch Tower
and build Beth Sarim.All this would be hard to understand if it were not for the "salvation" doctrine,
which is easy to understand since the living evildoers
will all be made dead at Armageddon
and the dead evildoers will be made alive at Armageddon,
thus the living sinners will die and the dead sinners will live,
except the dead who are made alive will not really be made alive again
but when they die God kinda makes a sort of computer chip, in a sense,
of all the information in their brains,
like their memories, thoughts, and personality
and keeps this stored in heaven
and the Angels that don't join up with Satan help
and then after Armageddon, God makes a perfect replica body,
and somehow inserts this memory chip in the perfect replica body
and then he will judge that new creation of the old person
who was dead but is now alive, sort of,
by how he treats the anointed who are mostly dead
but are represented by the Governing Body, who are not inspired
but only receive Divine direction,
and by how well he follows the directions of the Organization
and if he sins he dies.To survive Armageddon, the only way is to be serving God
in the only Organization that has the truth, Jehovah's Witnesses.
The truth is defined as the current teachings of the Governing Body
which largely consist of denying their own past teachings
and condemning views that are held by other groups
that the Governing Body will someday adopt as their "new light"
and "the truth". Serving God is defined as attending the five weekly meetings
of Jehovah's Witnesses, reading all of the weeks lessons before the meetings,
including underlining the answer to the questions at the bottom of the pages
in the paragraphs with a red marker, (yellow highlighter is optional
as long as it is used in moderation) answering any questions you may come up
with by yourself, while you keep those questions secret and to yourself,
by looking up the proper subject headings in the Index published by the Society
and referencing to the proper Watchtower article
while attending meetings for field service
and going out in cars to try to recruit new members into the group
and to solicit contributions to be turned into the group leaders
in exchange for Watchtower publications that members paid for
at the Kingdom Hall using the voluntary donation arrangement
that was adopted after the Society failed in their attempt to defend Jimmy Swaggert
in the Supreme Court of California
after the Superior Authorities fell out of love with him
and charged him with avoiding sales tax on literature sales
and all Witnesses must do this or they die.Loyalty to "Jehovah's Organization" is important
since surviving Armageddon is contingent on how well
we vindicate Jehovah's name which is really YHWH
and pronounced Yahweh by most Biblical scholars
only since that was changed to sanctify
and it now is to exalt Jehovah's Name, not to vindicate anymore,
and to announce the kingdom that was set up in heaven in 1914 after Jesus
returned invisibly in 1874
and again in 1914 for the separating of the sheep and the goats
by selling Watchtower publications door to door
and then in 1995 this was changed to
not separating the sheep from the goats
but to require all Jehovah's Witnesses to believe
that the separating of the sheep and the goats will be a future event
to begin after the start of the Great Tribulation
except that Jesus had to actually start his judging of the sheep and the goats in 33 AD
and that he only picked 144,000 Jehovah's Witnesses
and the number was filled in 1935
and then the earth was going to be used for the testing ground
for all the re-created dead sinners and Jehovah's Witnesses for 1000 years
because this all ties into the date of 1914
which was arrived at by Nelson Barbour by adding 30 years to William Miller's
failed Apocalypse expectation date of 1844 which was arrived at by adding a
year to the previously failed date of 1843, to arrive at 1874, which when
the end didn't come, he added 40 more years to come up with 1914 which
Charles Taze Russell adopted and changed to 1915 when the Apocalypse didn't
come in 1914 then to 1918 when it didn't come in 1915, then he died.This is all so simple that a child could understand
especially in view of the fact that the seven trumpets of Revelation
were the seven Jehovah's Witness District assemblies from 1922 to 1928,
starting with Cedar Point, Ohio and ending with Detroit, Michigan,
only they weren't called Jehovah's Witnesses then
but since Jehovah picked them in 1918 he waited until 1931
to give them his name while the generation living in 1914
and of the age of understanding, about 12 or 15, when World War One broke out,
except it had been breaking out for a number of years before 1914,
meaning that the generation that saw 1914 would by no means pass away
before Armageddon started and "by no means"
indicates that the majority would be living and never die
since Jesus told Joe Rutherford that "Millions Now Living Will Never Die"
by an angel and Joe wrote a book about the dead Princes,
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and others would be resurrected to the earth in 1925
and live in a house he built for them in 1929 in San Diego, California
except he lived in it himself
because he thought the start of World War Two would be the beginning of Armageddon
and then he died.Usually this is best understood by believing the truth as Nathan Knorr and Fred Franz
wrote about it in the Watchtower since they knew that service was the answer
and that six thousand years since Adam and Eve ended in 1975
and that maybe, might, could, should be the start of Armageddon
but they don't remember writing anything about 1975
and they couldn't say for sure when Eve was created
and besides so many were going to prison because they were loyal to God
by refusing alternative service to active military duty
and no one was taking organ transplants or buying Girl Scout Cookies
and then they died.Sometimes the truth comes as flashes of light and the vaccinations,
and organ transplants are now all okay and the drafted boys don't go to prison
but stay at home to be elders and pioneers instead of going to jail
and the sheep are waiting and the goats are waiting too
and the generation of 1914 waited too,
then they died. -
United Nations Getting A Little On The Side...
by messenger ini find it interesting the new found love the wt appears to have for the un.
in the two latest articles, july 22, awake and august 1, wt, they make reference to the good policies of the un and it's universal declaration of human rights.
as my memory serves, the harlot represents babylon the great (aka, false religion, aka, all religion except jw's) that commits fornication with the wild beast (aka, un representing all kingdoms of the earth) does this bring on a "new light" adjustment in wt doctrine?
In case this was missed on the other United Nations thread: Knocks At Bethel's Door
A Look at "The Report"The first of many dissenters to challenge the mother organization
I had heard about "The 'Report'" a few months ago. It was a book that was somehow making its way into a lot of bookstores, a rather unusual phenomena for a self-published work. Someone was spending a lot of time and effort to get this message out. After a proponent of the book (which is now printed in three volumes, and in spite of the web site teaser must be purchased for $12.95 each) joined our Internet mail list, I decided to do a report on "The 'Report'." Surfing on over to their website at I read the following:
Overview of The Report
MY colleagues and I are pleased that you are interested in reading the document we call THE "REPORT." We feel sure that you will find this particular information quite beneficial and enlightening as one who "thirsts for truth and righteousness." (Matthew 5:6) In fact, the following material, we think, will help you identify modern-day "Israel" of Bible prophecy, ~ whom we believe to be Jehovah's Witnesses as a nation. But you must be thinking at this point:
What would make a rational individual think that this small, obscure, and seemingly, odd family of about five million people, scattered throughout the earth, could in any way represent the nation of "Israel," of Bible prophecy? 1
"Ah, it looks like defectors from the Watchtower, who still haven't completed their homework," I thought. Not that I condemn a person for still holding on to organizational ideas, as most of us can remember how long it took us to get free of their selective indoctrination. It takes a few years unless the person is especially studious and has a good deal of exposure to other people and ideas, as well as a few history lessons. "Apparently these fellows are still trying to piece it all together," I thought. Yet as I read on, it appears they had already come to solid conclusions and bet their money on it, in a most literal way. They even called themselves the "Two Witnesses" of the Apocalypse of John.
The purpose of THE "REPORT" document can best be described in the following words spoken at Ezekiel 21:6, 7 which says: "And as for you, O son of man, sigh with shaking hips. Even with bitterness you should sigh before their eyes. And it must occur that, in case they say to you, 'On account of what are you sighing?' you must say, "At a report." 2
"The 'Report'" is a moral indictment against the Watchtower, and as it turns out, a prophecy regarding them, supposedly backed by Jehovah God himself. Perhaps even a new "faithful and discreet slave" in the works? Unlike the Franz Incident at Bethel in 1980 and other recent forms of dissent in Watchtower history, these authors are attempting to salvage the Watchtower and even declare judgement from God on the powers that be, until only those whom God chose as leaders would be fit to run God's one true organization. Shades of Joe Rutherford! (This stands in stark contrast to those of us who left Bethel in 1980, none of which has desired to return, start our own religion or denomination, or even desired to do so.)
Were it not for the small footprint of these "Two Witnesses," one might think they pose a formidable threat to the Watchtower leadership. Yet their main web page showed only 5642 visitors since early 1997 (a little over a month's number of visitors for the Free Minds, Inc. website). Yet "The 'Report'" is available from some major bookstores across the country, something Free Minds, Inc. cannot match. Clearly some money has been spent to get this message out. This is a direct threat to the powers that be, a true "apostasy" from the direction of the Governing Body and Service Dept. of the Watchtower.
The writers of "The 'Report'" (who still mirror the mock-humility of the Governing Body in writing a book and refusing to sign their name) declare that God will shortly visit his judgements on this modern Israel of God, namely Jehovah's Witnesses:
Therefore, we say, if the things written about in this document come to pass, and if they come true as they are written in this document, then it could only have happened by the "Hand of God." It would be supernatural intervention. It would have to be considered, an Act of God.— Isaiah 30:26 3
The most obvious question to ask at this point is, "Why, if they believe that the Watchtower organization has become corrupt, do they still believe it is comprised of God's only true people?" "The 'Report'" website responds with a series of FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) and their answers. They answer the question as follows:
The following characteristics distinguish [Jehovah's Witnesses] as modern-day Israel:
1) Called by God's Personal Name
2) Monotheistic (nontrinitarian)
3) Iconoclastic (no images) 4
Not satisfied with the Governing Body's list of requirements for identifying God's people, the "Two Witnesses" form their own list of requirements and add, " is the 'framework of Truth' that differentiates them from all other religions on the face of the earth today." 5Possessing the only true faith is not enough, sayeth the Two Witnesses, since Jehovah God will not tolerate the commercialism, disobedience and twisting of the scriptures as practiced by the current leadership. The Governing Body, yes, ALL Jehovah's Witnesses must repent and yet still expect persecution in the near future by the hands of God (note the WT writing style):
Yes, these things are now being revealed because Jehovah God has now ordained a "measuring" period to begin upon these wicked, villianous characters who lead this organization of God's Name People, called Jehovah's Witnesses. And after such a "measuring" period, Oh, how they resemble their first century counterparts, the Pharisees and Sadducees! After such a "measuring," it becomes quite clear that there is a need, a REAL NEED for someone to do something. Someone to say something. Someone to act, boldly, in Jehovah's Name. And someone will. Jehovah will "cause" as the Scriptures say, His "Two Witnesses" to speak or "witness." Yes, the beginning of the movement the Bible calls, the "Two Witnesses." And their ministry will indeed place the issue of deception concerning 1914, and other issues, squarely before each and every Jehovah's Witness on earth today, as modern-day Israel. We can know this because it is Jehovah God Himself, the Almighty, who has "caused" such witnessing to happen in the first place. Think about it. -- See Revelation 11:3 6
According to "The ‘Report,‘" Jehovah's Witnesses will have to decide between the current leadership and Jehovah, and it even gives a timetable of events (scriptural, of course):
And after the 3 1/2 year ministry of the "Two Witnesses" has been complete -- then, and only then, will greater acts of "discipline" be administered by the "God of Truth." (Psalms 31:5) These greater acts will handled by Jehovah God Himself, in His allowing the political nations to overrun His People and render them completely powerless before their enemies. This has happened before in years past to disobedient "Israel." And it will happen again to modern-day "Israel" of our day. This Divine Discipline, upon the nation of Jehovah's Witnesses, will be administered before a worldwide audience for a particularly difficult and trying time of some "42-months," a specific period of time of discipline. Many prophecies testify to this coming judgment upon modern-day "Israel." -- Ezekiel 36:33-36; Daniel 7:25; Daniel 12:7; Revelation 11:2; 12:13, 14; 13:5-7 7
Jehovah then rages against his organization. What must they do to be saved from his anger? "Get the Report."
Jehovah now demonstrates "rage" upon His "adversaries," His Own Name People. God's People must "understand what has been heard [Ref. NWT fnt. "the report"]. Yes, they must "understand" the "Report," the "thing heard." -- Isa 28:17-19; Jeremiah 23:19, 20.
Finally, after the "rage," and other disciplinary actions upon His part, Jehovah has thus, taken matters into His Own hands. He brings about what He deems, "necessary" action or "discipline" to cleanse the nation of the wrongdoing or "practiced" sin. This "discipline" could take many forms, like famine, pestilence, being overrun by nearby enemy nations temporarily, or even having their "temple" destroyed and being led into captivity and re-deposited upon foreign soil. Whatever it takes to deal with the situation -- Jehovah now at "war" with His Own People, administering "discipline" as a "father" would upon his "sons," just as the Mosaic Law outlined He would do in keeping HIS end of the Covenant or contract. After which, if His people are "repentant," then he "restores" them. In this way, Jehovah "FIXES IT." -- Please consider Isaiah 30:26; Micah 4:6, 7; 1 Kings 8:46-52; Hebrews 12:5-13. 8
One suspects at this point that there are politics hidden just beneath the sheets. First of all, the "Two Witnesses," whoever they are in human form, are apparently so overwhelmed by the visual organization's scholarship over the last 100 years that they consider it to be Jehovah's own "framework of Truth," while simultaneously accusing the Governing Body of gross idolatry by putting the "organization" to the fore. They deny the necessity of the door-to-door work as the main way of preaching their message (something the current leadership will no doubt use against them). They oppose the idolatry of the "organization" concept (which begs the question, "What would replace it?). They oppose the emphasis on chronology and 1914, and they oppose the practice of shunning those who are disassociated or disfellowshipped. Apostasy is considered largely a future event, rather than a condition found in dissenting individuals (2 Thes. 2:3).
Perhaps they will continue to research the Watchtower's "framework of Truth" in the days ahead, and discover their complete lack of understanding of historical Christianity. More importantly, I would hope that they focus on the message of grace and forgiveness of Jesus Christ. What happened to many of us at Bethel in 1979-1980 was proof that even the "Two Witnesses" might see Christianity in a different light.