Very cool!
However, I would not want to be around the wolf who is not fed. :-))
Net Soup!
two wolves .
a native american grandfather was talking to his .
grandson about how he felt about the sept. 11th tragedy.
Very cool!
However, I would not want to be around the wolf who is not fed. :-))
Net Soup!
the time is now!
talk to jehovah's witnesses.
for decades, the watch tower has been saying.... * be no part of the world.
Why Do I Do What I do?
by Randall Watters
A Response to a current Jehovah's Witness
Original email sent by a Witness from the United Kingdom:
The new info you sent re UN involvement of WT was very interesting.
However, was the purpose of registration as a NGO really a sinister connivance with the UN on the part of the WT or just a way perhaps obtaining useful info from them for the publications.
As I understand it, you spent many years in Bethel, and I'm sure have left many friends behind. Don't dedicate the rest of your life criticizing what they are doing in all sincerity. I'm sure you feel very bitter about a range of issues. But negative feelings and destructive behavior cannot help.
I don't agree with everything the WT society does and wish it was more open minded on a range of issues. I have an open mind and refuse to be told what I can and cannot read etc. The internet is opening many doors that the ultra conservative members of the governing body (who I guess won't be with us much longer anyway....average age 97!) would not like to have opened. (eg UN issue you have recently highlighted) However. I think your web site and publications would receive a lot more respect if they were more balanced and positive. Tearing down all the time is wearisome reading! You never mention the millions who thoroughly enjoy the lifestyle and education received through the WT organization.
Anyway, I thought you might have appreciated the feedback and hope you are finding spiritual satisfaction in your new church (what is that by the way?).
(name withheld from U.K.)
Randy Watters' response:
Thank you for taking the time and the humility to write, friend!
Actually your timing is right on, as I have been looking for helpful and constructive criticism.
I have gone through many passages after leaving the Watchtower.
The first began at Bethel in our private Bible studies after the Monday night Watchtower Study for the Bethel family. I was using The Living Bible for a breath of fresh air, having read the New World Translation through several times. The poring over Romans and Galatians, and the subsequent discovery of the meaning of salvation by grace ("undeserved kindness" according to Witnesses) was by far the most incredible and world-shaking event of my life.
At that moment I knew that the Watchtower had taught us to be Judaizers; those who believe they somehow contribute to their salvation. It was an incredible feeling to read Paul's letters to the early Christians as if it was written DIRECTLY TO ME. The indescribable joy of understanding what I call the PRIMARY DOCTRINE of the New Testament (salvation by grace).
"Now to the one who works, his wage is not reckoned as a favor, but as what is due. But to the one who does not work, but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is reckoned as righteousness." (Romans 4:4,5 NAS)
Sure I knew the Watchtower's explanations of all their interpretations of texts. But I was suddenly being enlightened to see the whole New Testament differently, so I used another Bible and pretended I was just an ordinary person reading this for the first time. The road of discovery had just begun. I could not get enough of grace! It was emotionally exciting, and I felt a wonderful peace that strengthened me to survive the intense anger of the Governing Body towards this unfamiliar "apostasy" that was forming. This "apostasy" was no more than a new and clear understanding of the issue of God's grace, and how we are set free from oppression by men and/or organizations. Parts of "Christendom" have known it for centuries, embarassingly enough. A few months later, I decided to leave Bethel while on vacation in Calif. I requested a special leave from Governing Body member Dan Sydlik, and had my Bethel roommate ship my things back home. I wanted to share my faith with my family: my mom and sister and brother-in-law were Witnesses.
At this point, few at Bethel knew of my personal changes. I had been a strict organization man, and none had suspected me. I performed all of my duties well as a Bethel Elder and a floor overseer in the pressroom. Only my roommate and a handful of others, many of whom had already left for the same reasons (the rantings of the Governing Body) knew how I felt. So coming back to Calif. was not a "showdown" with the Witnesses. I had no bitter pills along the way, and no one person had ever done me wrong as a Witness. I have no reason to be bitter against anyone, but I DO have strong principles. One is to respect others as equal human beings, and to work within that realm of respect when matters are disputed. Most of all, TELL THE TRUTH. I had no negative feelings about other Witnesses, just a very bad impression of the true cowardly nature of those on the Governing Body. I lost all respect for them forever, in much the way a child would lose respect for his dad if seeing him sexually abuse another child. They were chronic abusers of people. THAT is my main message, if one could say that I had a "main" message. STOP the abuse!
Wisely I decided I needed time to sort all of this out. I was working in printing in Los Angeles and living in Manhattan Beach. Should I go to the local Kingdom Hall and say hello? I didn't want to leave the organization, as I did not see it as a cult or as heretical. Yet, my greater understanding of the New Testament, coupled with my hunger to learn much more than Witnesses have to offer, led me to study the Bible for a couple of months before going back. It was a wonderful time. Then I went to a meeting at the local Kingdom Hall in El Segundo, and told them who I was. Within a month, I was an elder again. Going door-to-door with only the Bible. It didn't take long to know I could not stomach playing out a religion that didn't even have a clue to historical Christianity, as far as I was concerned. I wanted to be around others who were like myself, so I started attending a local surfers' church that taught the simple gospel of the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. Shortly thereafter, I turned in a letter to the 18 members of the Governing Body and sent it to them, along with copies to my previous congregation as well as the El Segundo congregation, as a letter of disassociation. I never set foot in a Kingdom Hall again. And I was born again (again).*
"He who eats My flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day. For My flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me; and I in him." (John 6:54-56 NAS)
The next stage picks up in the evangelical church environment of Hope Chapel in Hermosa Beach, Calif. The difference in love and respect for one another was something I had not often seen in a Kingdom Hall. Grace was a common theme in sermons, and giving and helps were readily practiced. I volunteered to work with the handicapped for awhile. They didn't even know I had been a Witness for a year, when a female friend "outed" me for being a former Witness. I was years later on the teaching circuit about Jehovah's Witnesses, all over California and eventually other countries.
The gospel, evangel, or "good news" of the New Testament is the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. (1 Cor. 15:1-4) This is the main message to be preached, that I was now certain. It's all over the NT, but especially focused in Paul's writings. To play down the importance of that was heresy.
"For Christ did not send me to baptise, but to preach the gospel, not in cleverness of speech, that the cross of Christ should not be made void. For the word of the cross is to those who are perishing foolishness; but to us who are being saved it is the power of God." (1 Cor. 1:17,18 NAS)
I ignored the whole Witness world for about a year, when I became more burdened to do something about religious leaders that were misleading millions of innocent people. The leaders, in the light of Paul's words, were Judaizers, of whom Paul had said,
"Even though we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to that which we have preached to you, let him be accursed." (Gal. 1:8 NAS)
"For as many as are of the works of the Law are under a curse; for it is written, 'CURSED IS EVERYONE WHO DOES NOT ABIDE BY ALL THINGS WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF THE LAW, TO PERFORM THEM.'" (Gal. 3:10 NAS)
I had been a Judaizer myself. I counted hours, preached about everything as a Witness BUT the gospel, and whose works were really under a curse. The curse included a life of rules and subtle "suggestions," offered by "spiritual fathers" who were themselves under the curse, and knew nothing more but to pass the curse on generation to generation. As a sign of the curse: To this date there has never been a true spiritual revival in the organization's leadership. No candid apologies for the failed prophecies and dates; no regret over bad policies affecting millions of innocent lives. Only cover-up and finger-pointing to others. Very sad.
I had to let the truth of my own personal experiences at Bethel be known. Crisis of Conscience had not yet been written, and nothing by a former member was in print about the atrocities I had seen. The Spirit of Christ compelled me. I met author Edmond Gruss (Apostles of Denial, 1970) and that night wrote the tract, What Happened At The World Headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses in the Spring of 1980? My pastor at Hope Chapel offered to print 10,000 copies free of charge and I sent them out all over the world. Thus began my ministry to set people free of that bondage and show them something better. I have never regretted that decision, and I enjoy my work immensely to this day.
I am Irish, friend, and I am a fighter. I have a kind heart and a good spirit. I do not tolerate liars. And when those who claim to be "fathers" over millions of innocent people abuse their children without repercussions, I said enough is enough. Someone has to get their hands a little dirty, and take all the flack. Like I said, I am a fighter. Humor and sarcasm, however, are more often my tool of trade. Blowing the cover off of the Emperor's Clothes, so to speak. But being careful not to be too offensive. That's where you can help me. I would appreciate specific tips from you.
As time went by, I fell in love twice but lost it, began full-time ministry to reach Witnesses, started my own church as a licensed Foursquare pastor, and after three years gave up all ties with organized churches. Not from my dissatisfaction with them, however. I had developed Crohn's Disease and public speaking and being around strangers became a major aggravation to it. It took years to finally find some natural remedies to drive the disease into submission. Even to this day I have a limited diet, but no drugs necessary.
I spent more time around the anti-cult organizations of the day, learning about mind control, other methods of patriarchal control, etc. Steven Hassan became a personal friend and taught me many things, even doing several exit-counselings together (not just on Witnesses, the same controls are used by many groups). I traveled around the world, speaking for groups. As my perceptions of the world we live in and its varied peoples and interpretations of life invariably changed, so did I. I had not been too comfortable in churches watching many of the same manipulative tricks as used by others. By this time having lived in the same beach neighborhood for 11 years, I spent more and more time with the locals, young and old. We were a large family, and I needed no other. I still live here, and still have the same local friends.
So in answer to your question, I have no church but my neighborhood, and it is a good one!
I know that many people enjoy life in the Watchtower. For many, it is my personal opinion that they should stay where they are, as it does preserve sanity for some people, for many reasons. I am here for the others, who are looking. No matter which direction they will take.
Thank you and kind wishes,
Randy Watters
* the first time I gave my life to Christ and received the Holy Spirit was as a child, attending a Billy Graham concert. I asked my parents if I could go down and pray on my own. I prayed every night from that point onward.
the time is now!
talk to jehovah's witnesses.
for decades, the watch tower has been saying.... * be no part of the world.
Hi Englishman,
The book will fit into a global air envelope for $9 overseas, $7 Canada. Thanks! I will fix the link, too. It is actually:
the time is now!
talk to jehovah's witnesses.
for decades, the watch tower has been saying.... * be no part of the world.
The Time Is Now! Talk to Jehovah's Witnesses
For decades, the Watch Tower has been saying…
* Be no part of the world.
* Do not participate in nationalistic activities, such as voting.
* The United Nations is the image of Satan's organization and will be destroyed.
* Members will be disfellowshipped for voting, taking a blood transfusion, or getting involved in political organizations.
The real issue has been NEUTRALITY and keeping apart from the politics of the world, which will brand one with the mark of the "wild beast" of Revelation. Being “no part of Satan’s corrupt political system,” they say.
Several recent developments:
* The Watchtower has most recently compromised its LONG-HELD principles regarding neutrality.
* Governments in Europe are promised by the WT that the WT will not prohibit their members from voting in elections.
* Governments in Europe are promised by the WT that the WT will not automatically disfellowship a member for taking a blood transfusion.
As of 1991, apparently the Watchtower’s rules have secretly changed!
The WT filled out an application and joined the United Nations as an NGO. NGOs are required to further the agenda of the United Nations, which the Watchtower has been doing in many recent Awake! Articles as well as on their websites.
Are those in charge at Bethel aware of this? Apparently so, since the names of Lloyd Barry (Governing Body), Ciro Aulicino (Writing Dept.), and Robert Johnson (Service Dept.) appear in the registry. Barry expired recently while giving a convention talk, but Aulicino and Johnson are still at Bethel.
Witnesses and ex-Witnesses are shocked over the matter, the news media discovers the hypocrisy. The stir causes the U.N. and the Watchtower Society to disassociate. Apparently, the “wild beast” wanted no part of the Watchtower!
Now is the time to have a book in your hand to talk to Witnesses at your door or on the job.
Just Released! Updated Thus Saith book:
The Watchtower Store
please see
Sounds like a good idea to me Mike, I will do what I can to contribute in a couple of weeks. Let's do something a little different. Any ideas for Mike, people?
Randy Watters
does our little crusade matter to the world?.
considering jw's make up such a small part of the worlds population to what extent do our beefs with the organisation matter to anyone unconnected?.
should our opinions of witness beliefs concern people more than witness themselves .should everyone have the right to make up there own mind and chose to be witnesses without us interfereing?.
All it takes is the steady "thank you!"s to know that one person can make a big difference in the lives of many. Many websites about Witnesses have no doubt been instrumental in changing the Watchtower Society as we know it today. That makes it all worthwhile!
Randy Watters
Net Soup
i am thinking about starting to take some courses, working toward my degree.
i would appreciate some feedback.. on the one hand, i have made a successful career for myself as a highly paid computer professional, working for a variety of prominent companies here in the usa over the last 12 years.
this, in spite of not going to college for reasons that you all understand.. to date, the only companies that cared that i did not have a degree, once i had a few years experience, were companies that worked with universities and higher education products.
Sounds good to me, Mike. I would do it!
aff 2002 annual conference - orlando, florida june 14-15, 2002. .
friday & saturday, june 14-15, 2002. .
fax: .
AFF News Briefs
December 2001
AFF 2002 Annual Conference - Orlando, Florida June 14-15, 2002
Interesting Survey of Nontraditional Beliefs
Cult Education and Research News
AFF 2002 Annual Conference
Understanding Cults and New Religious Movements
Perspectives of Researchers, Professionals, Former Members, and Families
Friday & Saturday, June 14-15, 2002
Orlando, Florida (Crowne Plaza Orlando Airport)
Thursday, June 13, 2002 (Pre-Conference Events)
· Workshop for Former Group Members (10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.)
Coordinator: Carol Giambalvo
· Workshop for Families and Friends (10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.)
Coordinator: Livia Bardin, M.S.W.
· Free Workshop for Mental Health Professionals (7:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.)
Coordinator: Rosanne Henry, M.A., L.P.C.; Lorna Goldberg, M.S.W., L.C.S.W.; William Goldberg, M.S.W., L.C.S.W.
· Social – Cash Bar
Friday, June 14, 2002
· Introduction (Herbert Rosedale, Esq.; Michael D. Langone, Ph.D.)
· Brainwashing, Social Psychology, and the Courts (Alan Scheflin, J.D., L.L.M., Coordinator; Edward Frishholz, Ph.D.; Paul Martin, Ph.D.)
· A Conversation with Dr. Margaret Singer (Margaret T. Singer, Ph.D.)
· Anyone Can Be Fooled (Sandy Andron, Ed.D.)
· International Churches of Christ (Carol Giambalvo, Coordinator; Ron Burks, M.A.; David Clark; Kathy Kelly Endres, M.A.)
· Political Groups: Deed and Creed (Rod Marshall, Ph.D., Coordinator; Dennis Tourish, Ph.D.; Discussant: Janja Lalich, Ph.D.)
· The Jim Roberts Group Parents Network (Ronald Loomis, Coordinator; Joseph Szimhart; James Foster; Larry Wilcox)
· Advances in Social Science Research (Miriam Williams Boeri, Doctoral Candidate; Catherine Delhaire, M.A., Ph.D. Student; Marie-Andree Pelland, Ph.D. Student)
· Waldorf Schools: Theory & Practice (Dan Dugan; Sharon Lombard)
· Inside Polygamy (Andrea Moore Emmett)
· Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves (Steven Hassan, M.Ed.)
· Clinical and Diagnostic Issues (Josep Jansa, M.D., Coordinator; Pere Cubero Bros, M.D.; Miguel Perlado Recacha)
· Research in Latin America (Paul Carden, Coordinator; Jorge Erdely, Ph.D.; Cesar Mascarenas, M.D.)
· RETIRN: Lessons from 20 Years of Counseling Against Coercion (Linda Dubrow, Ph.D.; Steve Dubrow-Eichel, Ph.D., A.B.P.P.; Roberta Cobrin Eisenberg, M.S.W., L.C.S.W., BCD)
· Social – Cash Bar
Registration Form
All rates are per person. Registration includes conference fee only. All catered meals are optional. (Less expensive meals are available in the hotel restaurant.) Attendees need to make their own hotel reservations and pay the hotel directly for their rooms and non-conference meals. Ask for the special AFF room rate, which is only guaranteed through May 12, 2002 ($69.00 plus tax per night; 407-856-0100; see back for directions). Enter appropriate amounts for registration fees and optional meals on the right and total at the bottom. (Your contributions will help us give discounts and scholarships to people needing financial assistance.) See discount columns for early registration fees. Don't forget credit card information at the bottom. Fax, mail, or e-mail this form to AFF, P.O. Box 2265, Bonita Springs, FL 34133 (fax: 732-352-6818; e-mail: [email protected]).
If the table below is unreadable, please let us know so we can send you the information in another format. Include your street address and fax number.
Register By
28 Feb. 02
Register By
30 Apr. 02
30 Apr. 02
Calculate Amount Due
Registration Two-Day (Friday & Saturday)
Registration: pre-conference ex-member workshop (Thursday 10:00 am - 5:00 pm)
Registration: pre-conference family workshop (Thursday 10:00 am - 5:00 pm)
Coping with Cult Involvement: A Handbook for Families and Friends is a required text for the workshop. Attendees may purchase the book at the workshop ($27) or contact AFF about purchasing it in advance.
Registration: pre-conference workshop for mental health professionals (Thursday 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm)
One-Day Registration.
Check Day: Friday [ ] Saturday [ ]
Thursday Lunch
$ 20
Thursday Dinner
$ 35
Friday Lunch
$ 20
Friday Dinner
$ 35
Saturday Lunch
$ 20
Saturday Dinner
$ 35
Payment Method:
Check (U.S. Funds drawn on U.S. bank)
CC No.
Expiration Date:
Saturday, June 15, 2002
· Church Universal and Triumphant (Joseph Szimhart, Coordinator)
· Harm in New Religious Movements: Perspectives from Sociology, Religious Studies, and Psychology (Jean-Francois Mayer, Ph.D., Coordinator; Eileen Barker, Ph.D.; Arthur Dole, Ph.D., A.B.P.P.; Phillip Lucas, Ph.D.; Benjamin Zablocki, Ph.D.)
· Report from Canada (Mike Kropveld)
· Research on the Jehovah’s Witnesses (Paul Carden, Coordinator; Jerry Bergman, Ph.D.; Herbert Rosedale, Esq., Discussant)
· Kashi (Rosanne Henry, M.A., Coordinator; Harry Brodie, M.D.; Paul Martin, Ph.D.; Discussant: Steve Dubrow-Eichel, Ph.D.)
· Marriage After the Cult (Lorna Goldberg, M.S.W., L.C.S.W.)
· Advances in Psychological Research (Ron Burks, M.A., Ph.D. Candidate; Rod Marshall, Ph.D.; Jonibeth Whitney,Ph.D.; Carmen Almendros, Doctoral Student; Discussant: Paul Martin, Ph.D.)
· Cults and Terrorism: Similarities and Differences (Christopher Centner, M.A.)
· Social – Cash Bar
Coordinators are organizing programs for which all speakers may not have been identified at time of printing. Program schedule subject to change. Please arrive early to pick up your registration materials.
Carmen Almendros, Doctoral Student, Departamento de Psicología Biológica y de la Salud, Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Sandy Andron, Ed.D., North Miami Beach, Florida
Livia Bardin, M.S.W., Psychotherapist, Clinical Social Worker, Washington, D.C.
Eileen Barker, Ph.D. Professor of Sociology with Special Reference to the Study of Religion, London School of Economics; Founder and Chairman of the Board of Governors, INFORM, London, England
Jerry Bergman, Ph.D., Department of General Studies, Northwest State College, Archbold, Ohio
Miriam Williams Boeri, Doctoral Candidate, Department of Sociology, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia
Harry Brodie, M.D., former member of Kashi, Littleton, Colorado
Pere Cubero Bros, M.D., Hospital 12 de Octubre, Madrid, Spain
Ronald Burks, M.A., Ph.D. Candidate, Wellspring Retreat and Resource Center, Albany, Ohio
Paul Carden, Executive Director, Centers for Apologetics Research, San Juan Capistrano, California
Christopher Centner, M.S., Senior Intelligence Analyst, Defense Intelligence Agency
David Clark, Thought Reform Consultant; AFF Video Education Committee Chair, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Catherine Delhaire, M.A., Doctoral Student, Department of Criminology, University of Montreal
Arthur Dole, Ph.D., A.B.P.P., Emeritus Professor, Psychology in Education, University of Pennsylvania
Steve Dubrow-Eichel, Ph.D., ABPP, Psychologist and Co-director of RETIRN, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Linda Dubrow, Ph.D., Psychologist and Co-director of RETIRN, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Dan Dugan, Secretary, PLANS, Inc. (People for Legal and Nonsectarian Schools), San Francisco, California
Roberta Cobrin Eisenberg, M.S.W., L.C.S.W., BCD, RETIRN, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Andrea Moore Emmett, Writer and Journalist/Researcher, Salt Lake City, Utah
Kathy Kelly Endres, M.A., ATC/L, Ex-member (ICC), Cult educational consultant, Exercise Physiologist, Pinehurst, NC
Jorge Erdely, Ph.D., Director, Centro de Investigaciones, Instituto Cristiano de Mexico, Mexico City
James Foster, The Roberts Group Parents Network
Edward Frischholz, Ph.D., Psychologist, Rush North Shore Hospital, Chicago, Illinois
Carol Giambalvo, Director of Recovery Programs, AFF; Thought Reform Consultant, Flagler Beach, Florida
Lorna Goldberg, M.S.W., L.C.S.W., Director, Child & Adolescent Program, New Jersey Institute for Training in Psychoanalysis
William Goldberg, M.S.W., L.C.S.W., Director, Community Support Center, Rockland County (NY) Department of Mental Health
Steven Hassan, M.Ed., L.M.H.C., Cult Counselor; Director, Freedom of Mind Resource Center, Inc., Somerville, Massachusetts
Rosanne Henry, L.P.C., Psychotherapist, Littleton, Colorado
Mike Kropveld, Executive Director, Info-Cult, Montreal, Canada
Josep Jansa, M.D., Medical Coordinator, Assessment and Information on Cults, Barcelona, Spain
Janja Lalich, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Sociology, California State University, Chico
Michael Langone, Ph.D., Executive Director, AFF
Sharon Lombard, B.F.A., Miami, Florida
Ronald Loomis, Cult Educational Consultant, New London, Connecticut
Phillip Lucas, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Religious Studies, Stetson University, Deland, Florida
Rod Marshall, Ph.D., Acting Dean of Faculty of Applied Social Sciences and Humanities, Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College, Wycombe, England
Paul Martin, Ph.D., Director, Wellspring Retreat and Resource Center, Albany, Ohio
Cesar Mascarenas, M.D., Professor and Researcher, Faculty of Post-Graduate Medicine, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
Jean-Francois Mayer, Ph.D., Lecturer in Religious Studies, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Marie-Andree Pelland, Ph.D. Student, Department of Criminology, University of Montreal
Miguel Perlado Recacha, Psychologist, Assessment and Information on Cults, Barcelona, Spain
Herbert L. Rosedale, Esq., President, AFF; Senior Counselor, Gilchrist & Jenkins Parker Chapin, New York City
Alan Scheflin, J.D., L.L.M., Professor of Law, Santa Clara University Law School, Santa Clara, California
Margaret Thaler Singer, Ph.D., Emeritus Adjunct Professor of Psychology, University of California, Berkeley
Joseph Szimhart, Thought Reform Consultant, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Dennis Tourish, Ph.D., Department of Management, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland
Jonibeth Whitney, Ph.D., Psychotherapist, Los Angeles, California
Larry Wilcox, Co-Founder of The Roberts Group Parents Network
Benjamin Zablocki, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey
The Facility
The Crowne Plaza Hotel is a premiere luxury hotel located at the Orlando International Airport with free airport courtesy vans and free parking. Hotel features include a beautiful glass enclosed atrium with pool, whirlpool, and exercise rooms, the Bistro 436 Cafe and Terrace Lounge. All rooms have a work station, telephone, and remote control television. The hotel is within easy driving time to Walt Disney World, Magic Kingdom, Epcot, and other Orlando attractions. Ask for the special AFF rate of $69 plus tax when you call to make your reservations (407-856-0100); fax: 407-855-7991). The special rate may not be available after May 12th, and other functions may result in a shortage of rooms. So register early! Guests wishing to combine some holiday time with the conference may take advantage of the special room rate 3 nights before and 3 nights after the conference.
Directions: The hotel is located at 5555 Hazeltine National Drive. It is easily visible from Highway 436 (Semoran Boulevard) and Route 528, which runs from Interstate 4 to the Florida Turnpike. Your registration confirmation packet will include detailed driving directions.
Airport Shuttle: To get the free airport shuttle go down one level to the baggage claim. Go to the courtesy phones and push the button for Crowne Plaza Orlando Airport. Tell the guest services representative at the hotel what side of the airport you are at (either A side or B side). The shuttle will pick you up within 15 minutes.
Interesting Survey of Nontraditional Beliefs
The September 2001 issue of Emerging Trends, published by the Princeton Religion Research Center (P.O. Box 389, 47 Hulfish Street, Princeton, NJ 08542 - 609-279-2255 - [email protected]) reports on an interesting survey of non-traditional beliefs in the U.S. The survey is based on telephone interviews with 1000 adults in a national Gallup survey carried out May 10-14.
The survey gave the following instruction: "For each of the following items I am going to read you, please tell me whether it is something you believe in, something you're not sure about, or something you don't believe in. How about.."
The following percentages of respondents indicated belief in:
54% Psychic or spiritual healing or the power of the human mind to heal the body
50% ESP or extrasensory perception
42% That houses can be haunted
41% The people on this earth are sometimes possessed by the devil
38% Ghosts or that spirits of dead people can come back in certain places and situations
36% Telepathy, or communication between minds without using the traditional five senses
33% That extraterrestrial beings have visited Earth at some time in the past
32% Clairvoyance, or the power of the mind to know the past and predict the future
28% That people can hear from or communicate mentally with someone who has died
28% Astrology, or that the position of the stars and planets can affect people's lives
26% Witches
25% Reincarnation, that is, the rebirth of the soul in a new body after death
15% Channeling, or allowing a "spirit-being" to temporarily assume control of a human body during a trance
The percentage of people believing the above items increased from 1990 to 2001 for all items, except for telepathy, which stayed the same. The largest increases were for haunted hauses (+13%), ghosts (+13%), witches (+12%), communication with the dead (+10%).
Cult Education and Research News
Please e-mail AFF at [email protected] with subject line, "Consider for AFF News Briefs," if you would like us to consider your news note(s). We are especially interested in learning about research, new publications, Web sites, and educational programs. Please be brief! Items below are listed more or less in the order in which we received the corresponding communication.
The National Conference of Evangelical Ministries to New Religions will take place February 21-23 in Louisville, Kentucky. Theme: Refining Responses to New and World Religions in the 21st Century.
Arnold Markowitz, CSW, Director of the Cult Hotline & Clinic of the New York Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services, has announced that Dana (pronounced Donna) Wehle is the new Clinical Social Worker at the Cult Hotline and Clinic. She fills the gap created when Rachel Bernstein moved back to California, where she is in private practice.
Frank MacHovec, Associate Professor of psychology at Christopher Newport University in Virginia and author of Cults and Personality has authored a new book entitled Spiritual Intelligence, the Behavioral Sciences and the Humanities that will be published spring 2002. It is based on the theory that there are multiple intelligences and spiritual intelligence (SIQ).
Arnold Markowitz, MSW, Director of the Cult Clinic of the New York Jewish Board of Family and Childrens' Services, gave a talk entitled, "Is Osama bin laden and al Quaida a Cult," to the New York Jewish Community Relations Council on October 10, 2001.
Paul Bonano from Malta reports that the Religious Movements Research Centre gave over 50 talks, contributed newspaper articles, and participated in radio and TV programmes. The organization also organised a seminar with the theme: "Facing the Challenge of the New Religious Movements in Malta" (1999). Members of RMRC attended International conferences in Italy (CESNUR), France (FECRIS) and Israel. RMRC is working on a website. [email protected]
Larry Zilliox, Jr., President of Investigative Research Specialists, has completed the 2nd edition of Investigating Extremist Groups: A Manual and Resource Guide for Law Enforcement. The new book is 118 pages with reference to over one hundred Internet links. The manual is available for $23.00 ppd at the web page IRS also offers links to purchase the latest books on investigations and extremism through On our links page investigators will find 116 different resources about cults, extremists and investigations.
Janja Lalich, Ph.D. has a chapter, "Pitfalls in the Sociological Study of Cults," in a new book, entitled Misunderstanding Cults: Searching for Objectivity in a Controversial Field, edited by Benjamin Zablocki and Thomas Robbins. Published by University of Toronto Press. Dr. Lalich presented "Ti and Do's Last Call: The Life Cycle of the Heaven's Gate Group" on a panel entitled "Millennial Movements: Religious and Secular" at the American Sociologial Association, August 2001, in Anaheim, California. She also organized a panel on "The Enigma of Charismatic Authority" at the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, October 2001, Columbus, Ohio., to which Dr. Bruce Perry, psychiatrist who worked with the Branch Davidian children, is a major contributor. has many excellent resources on trauma in children. The Academy also offers online courses. Recent courses have included: "The Amazing Human Brain" and "Surviving Childhood: An Introduction to the Impact of Trauma."
Japie Grobler of the Cult Information & Evangelization Center in Edleen, South Africa says that " We will no longer post future issues of our quarterly newsletter, Sentinel, but will forward it per E-mail. It will be in PDF. To open it and print it you will require Acrobat Reader which can be downloaded for free off the Internet at this site. If you foresee any problems with this arrangement please feel free to contact us. [email protected]
AFF's Cult Observer reports on the death of long-time cult educator, Rose Paull. "Rose Paull, a long-time activist in warning and educating the public about destructive cults, died in late October. Mrs. Paull, who lost a daughter to a cultic group, established in 1990 a unique and successful continuing education project among students and faculty at Miami Dade Community College (MDCC) and Florida International University (FIU). Twice weekly, she drove to the campus space that MDCC assigned her, set up two tables of material next to the library, displayed the neat signs identifying her subjects: "Mind Control," "Exit Counseling," "Recruitment," and the like, arranged the relevant articles and pamphlets, and stood ready to answer queries, from early morning to mid-afternoon. If a passing student seemed interested, Mrs. Paull was ready to chat; but she did not push. Instructors in psychology, law, and English also asked for material from Mrs. Paul, used it in their courses, and assigned student papers on cult-related subjects. Fittingly, Mrs. Paull wrote an article on the education of students for Young People and Cults, a newsletter of the AFF-funded International Cult Education Program. She also contributed, through her literature tables, to the effort to diminish the influence of the Boston Church of Christ, a group then recruiting heavily on Florida campuses. In 1996, at the age of 85, Mrs. Paull, once secretary to the Nobel laureate chemist Linus Pauling, participated in her last public education program. But she continued to lend her moral and financial support to other activists, and to remain in contact with her extended family, until the end." (Cult Observer report)
Nori Muster, author of Betrayal of the Spirit, is currently seeking input from ex-members of abusive groups and has posted a questionnaire at this URL:
Some ex-disciples of Sri Chinmoy have created a site which they think will help others who would like to read testimonials of ex-disciples. The URL is
Maxine Pinson , a graduate student at Union Seminary/PSCE in Richmond, VA, wrote a paper, "The Problem of Evil,": "Understanding the Difference Between Spirituality & Religiosity," which can be accessed from a website she hosts addressing Unhealthy Religion vs. Healthy Spirituality: . In addition to co-authoring a book , Maxine and her daughter, Malyssa, sponsor an online publishing opportunity for children to express grief. "Memories," established in memory of Maxine's older daughter, is located at Following graduate school, Maxine plans to pursue a full-time writing ministry with an emphasis on hope and encouragement.
Dennis Tourish, Ph.D., Department of Management, University of Aberdeen, reports that he has a paper co-authored with Ashly Pinnington appearing in February in Human Relations. It is entitled "Transformational Leadership, Corporate Cultism and the Spirituality Paradigm: An Unholy Trinity in the Workplace." It is a look at the theory of TL, which is very influential in business training, and its potential to create corporate cults, especially if linked to a desire to inappropriately promote particular models of spirituality. I will also be giving a talk in February on political cults to the Department of Psychology in Glasgow Caledonian University.
The Vatican organized an international meeting on "Healing Prayer and the Charismatic Renewal in the Catholic Church." It was held in Rome from Nov. 10-13. The colloquium was organized and promoted by the Pontifical Council for the Laity in collaboration with International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services (ICCRS), the organization that promotes Charismatic Renewal in the Church and coordinates the activities of the charismatic communities at a worldwide level. The initiative was inspired by the "Instruction on Prayers to Obtain Healing from God" (, published Sept. 14, 2000, by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
Mary Kohan, who lectures about cults to Catholic audiences, recently published an article on Catholic Exchange, "The Fundamental Apostasy."
Leona Furnari, MSW, gave a presentation, with Roseanne Henry and Kim Mooney, entitled: "Cults - What Are They? Do's & Dont's for Therapy." This was presented for INTERFACE, in Boulder, Colorado, which is a group of psychotherapists and clergy who meet once/month and have a presentation and discussion on various relevant topics. She also contributed to a workshop, at the Religious Movements Resource Center' conference last spring on cults, "Growing Up in Cults." The workshop focused on looking at the normal stages of childhood development and how those are impacted in closed, high-demand groups or cults. She is also in the process of writing a paper on this. [email protected]
Dr. Kimiaki Nishida of the University of Shizuoka in Japan presented a paper to the Association for the Sociology of Religion in Annaheim, California August 17-19: "Recent Developments of Anti-cult Movements in Japan." [email protected];
Steve Hassan was interviewed on the power of cults and myths surrounding them for the PBS special series, "Discovering Psychology.";
Pascal Zivi of the Mind Control Research Center in Sapporo, Japan ( [email protected]; tells us that on December 11, 2001 Japan Today reported that Makoto Sugimoto, a cleric of Nishio church in Aichi Prefecture of the United Church of Christ in Japan, a Protestant Christian union, was given a human rights award by the Nagoya Bar Association. (Kyodo News) in honor of his efforts to help cultic group members in Japan.
Steve Hassan appeared on The O'Reilly Factor of Fox News and the Abrams Report of MSNBC on December 21st. He discussed issues of mind control raised by the John Walker case.
AFF (American Family Foundation), P.O. Box 2265, Bonita Springs, FL 34133. [email protected];;
941-514-3081; fax 732-352-6818.
the pagan icon.
dear randy, .
well we got that new computer we was talkin' about for about the last ten years or so.
The Pagan Icon
Dear Randy,
Well we got that new computer we was talkin' about for about the last ten years or so. It is exactly the one we wanted too. They finally went on sale over an the "Hardly Ben Tried" used furniture store. We got it for ten dollars and a steel bed frame without a mattress. That's the one we only let the circuit servant, Iva Rammer, and his too tall wife Hadda, sleep in once. You remember, the night we all stayed up and watched the station pattern on TV. Anyway we no sooner got the computer hooked up and turned it on than we got this surprise visit from the company servant, brother Richard Noze, and his hired man Mutt Mc Suttop, who is his uncle's first cousin by his second marriage to his first cousin and who is the newest elder. Mutt says that they have heard rumors that we are engaged in idol worship and some of the brothers are saying that we are stumbling them because of our disregard for the counsel from the brothers and for our seeming inability to follow the guidelines and suggestions outlined by the Society. Maw is just standing there with her mouth open.
We told them that we always made our kids sit during flag salute and national anthem singing in school and if we see a flag we do just the opposite of all the worldly people, and if they stand, we sit, and if they sit we stand, and we got rid of all the Cracker Jacks toys in your old room. They said they were talking about the computer and the problem was the little "icons" on the screen that we use to change games. They said that the word "Icon", means "idol", and it is a sin to have an "idol" or "icon" in the house and to do the same thing worldly people do in front of one. They said that worship can be a ritual and we all agreed that when we saw the "idol" or "icon", we did observe a ritual, namely to click on it. We have been clicking on an idol. We did agree to get rid of the computer and we told them we were sure thankful that they came over and counseled us or we would never have known we were doing anything the Society didn't agree with. It all seemed innocent enough to us. This is sure one of the benefits from us having the truth, I mean to have someone willing to stop shoveling out the horse barn and come over here and save us from doing something against the truth.
I have to go now. We are gonna take the computer back and see if the guy will trade us back for the bed. We hope to see you Saturday after Thanksgiving when we are all getting together for a big family turkey dinner with all the trimmings. Bubba says that by having the dinner on Saturday instead of Thursday, that the truth says we are not like the worldly people who make a fuss out of holidays and then don't even take the Watchdog magazine or nothing.
PS LeRoy wants you to pick up a set of those nice wooden skies for him and bring them with you Saturday.
#32 Letter From Home
Indoor Outhouses and Vindication
Dear Randy,
We just got back from service with sister Bump and brother Small. We went over by Cassville. It's always is hard to witness to them flatlanders with them indoor toilets. I never could trust anyone who would do his business right there in the house like that. Plus it makes it harder on the sisters, what with being gone for the whole day and all. In the rurals, we just use the outhouses at the not-at-homes, but up there on the flatland and them indoor outhouses, the sisters had to knock on the doors and ask to use the bathroom and then after they was finished they could offer the magazines. They tried it the other way around a few times but that didn't work at all! We was all glad to git back into the hills. The other thing about flatland that is dangerous is that when we's driving we can see critters on the road too far ahead and we can't make a decision which way to go around them. In the hills we just put the gas rod down, crest a hill and "wham", there's absolutely no thinking involved at all.
Maw got into a big argument with a Baptist lady. She's still a little upset about it. The old bag asked Maw what we was doing there and Maw says that we was there to vindicate God's name. The Baptist lady says that there was no need to vindicate Gods name and that we should instead exalt it. Maw was so mad that she stepped right off the porch into a rose bush. We spent the next hour and a half picking rose thrones from her leg. Then we stopped for coffee at the Donut Pit and did we ever have a time. Sister Bump got so big and fat last winter with her glandular problem that she had to take to walking with a cane. Well she slides into the booth okay, but when we was ready to go she had stiffened up and she could hardly git up. Finally, she slid across the seat laying down and then we pulled her back to sitting. Except she forgot her cane clear over by the window and when she reached for it her feet came off the floor and there she lay on the bench on her belly. It was quite a site.
I have to go and pick up Bubba from work. His truck is broke down again and we are thinking that Armageddon will have to come soon or we will have to buy some new parts. Write when you can.
PS: We got the box of fruit you sent last summer that the mail lost. LeRoy ate it all and he and Granny are fighting over the box.
i haven't read the book, but i'm passing this info on:.
from donald d'haene.
as i was a former witness as well, you might find my book interesting...father's touch: a survivor's memoir of sexual abuse & faith.
I haven't read the book, but I'm passing this info on:
from Donald D'Haene
As I was a former Witness as well, you might find my book interesting...Father's Touch: A Survivor's Memoir of Sexual Abuse & Faith
Father's Touch is an extraordinary book. I have read many impressive memoirs by survivors of sexual child abuse; many features set this one above the pack. In addition to his fearless self examination, Donald D'Haene presents excerpts from his father's writings that offer a chilling first person portrait of an abuser's denial, distortions, justifications and rationalizations of his crimes. D'Haene details the response (ranging from ignoring the problem through outright resistence to re-victimization) by many segments of the community - religious, educational, police, and the legal system. That Donald D'Haene persisted in his quest for understanding and justice in the face of these obstacles, is testimony to his strength, courage and resilience. This is a book that will stay with you long after you close its covers.
- Mike Lew
author of Victims No longer and Leaping upon the Mountains
Here is a summary of my book:
Imagine this. You are five years old, and you're summoned to your
father's bedside to play . . . The Game. Begin then, a decade's
journey of sexual exploitation. You and your siblings suffer the
manipulations of an abusive religious zealot whose lust robs your
childhoods. Father's Touch portrays much more than a somber memoir.
Emerging from this realm of victimhood, the soul of Donald D'Haene draws
us upward into the light. In his teens, Donald realized there'd be no
triumph without the struggle. His chilling portrayal reveals that
sexual abuse, particularly of boys, was and is yet today clumsily
handled. Not only did this boy's first authority figure fail him
mightily but so did the various "systems" he trusted - church, police,
the courts. Father's Touch looks both back and ahead as Donald recovers
the joys of innocence delayed. His narrative leaves readers grateful
most of us grew up with "Father Knows Best" and equally grateful he's
telling his very different and penetrating story.
Thanks for your time and consideration,
Donald D'Haene
[email protected]