Does our little crusade matter to the world?

by sleepy 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • sleepy

    Does our little crusade matter to the world?
    considering JW's make up such a small part of the worlds population to what extent do our beefs with the organisation matter to anyone unconnected?
    Should our opinions of witness beliefs concern people more than witness themselves .should everyone have the right to make up there own mind and chose to be witnesses without us interfereing?
    Have the witnesses done anything bad enought to warrent world wide attention from the media ?
    What do you think?

  • ChuckD

    Not everyone here is on such a crusade. I am not championing the downfall of the WTS at all, although I am certainly no fan of the organization. All I would hope to do is help individuals who want to leave to do so, and to warn those who are looking to join what awaits them.

    (Spelling corrected in edit)

  • moman

    Whenever children are let to suffer & or MURDERED, it matters!

  • 25ashitaka25

    I'll tell you, I'd like it to, but even to close "worldly" friends, my past means nothing to them. Just one of those bizzarre family things that they forget. I think we'll get somewhere doing what we're doing but perhaps we shouldn't try to save the world, just our families.

    Just be subtle in our helping them. Have they done anything to warrent worldwide attention? No. No more than any other breakaway sect.


  • Dogpatch

    All it takes is the steady "thank you!"s to know that one person can make a big difference in the lives of many. Many websites about Witnesses have no doubt been instrumental in changing the Watchtower Society as we know it today. That makes it all worthwhile!
    Randy Watters

    Net Soup

  • Amazing

    Hi Sleepy: Good questions!

    "Does our little crusade matter to the world?"

    Many people may not be aware of us yet, but it definitely does matter to each person who is helped to rethink their decision, and be spared a life of servitude to men who are cloaked religious garb, but who can harm them.

    "considering JW's make up such a small part of the worlds population to what extent do our beefs with the organisation matter to anyone unconnected?"

    The JWs are not a quiet sect, or small cult on a hidden compound. They are joked about on TV, and the whole world is aware of them, though little is really understood beyond that JWs don't celebrate holidays, take blood transfusions, or vote. But, also, associated with the nearly 6 million JWs are yet another 6 to 8 million, making up a total of about 14 million who are in some way involved, studying, etc. While this is a small percentage compared to the rest of the planet, it is no small number ... and its effects are very real.

    "Should our opinions of witness beliefs concern people more than witness themselves .should everyone have the right to make up there own mind and chose to be witnesses without us interfereing?"

    Everyone already has the right to make up their minds and hold their own opinions. The problem is that many people join the JWs without 'informed concent', lacking complete information ... and the service many ex-JWs provide fills that need ... then if someone still wants to be a JW ... let them. It is not a matter of a right to an opinion. The point of having an opinion is that it has a healthy exposure to other views, so that it is an “informed opinion.” Would you buy a house about to fall down from termites? What if you bought a house based solely on an "uninformed" opinion, and had no inspection information or open disclosure to give you more information, and your house fell down on you? Would you not want to hold someone responsible, and maybe sue them? Certainly, giving information is the least we can do for our friends and family remaining in the JWs, as well as those about to join them.

    "Have the witnesses done anything bad enought to warrent world wide attention from the media?"

    Shielding child molesters is one. There are other things done that deserve serious attention. - Amazing

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Certainly to the majority of the population of the world, "our little crusade" means nothing, but that is not what matters.

    What is important is that we, the participants here, feel that this "matters" to us, and we know that just as we once were yet to be enlightened, so there are others to whom this will matter in the future, possibly millions more, as pointed out above who are sufferring abuse and loss of their lives because of Watchtower policies.


    Hey sleepy,I don`t think it matters to most of the world.It does matter to x-dubs,dubs trying to leave the cult,people thinking of joining the cult and people associated with the cult.I think our crusade is helping many people.The WBTS will eventualy choke to death on its own filth and I don`t mind helping the process...OUTLAW

  • libra_spirit

    Yes it does matter!
    But the message the world will hear, I think is one of human intrest, sorrow, loss, and mourning. The world will not listen to a message of anger, doctrinal arguement, and attacks.
    There are a group of people who have never had a choice, those are the children who grew up in the Org like myself. It has been far harder for these ones programmed from birth to exit the Org.and get to a place of free choice. Having shunned people without thought all my growing years, it has only been recently, 26 years out, that I have considered some of the damage I have participated in. One suicide in particular has left a very painful scar.
    So does it matter to the world? My answer "it should matter!" but if no one speaks out it probably never will.
    Speaking out is the only thing that will bring change. We were programmed to keep our truth secret and hidden from the world.

    Hello everyone, I have not been here for quite a long time, but I am enjoying all your comments. Feel free to check out my URL, and my story, and write if you like.

  • larc


    One doctor can not save the world, but I am sure the doctor takes great satisfaction in the lives he can save.

    I think the combined effort of many people, Ray Franz, Jim Penton, Bill Bowen, Randy Watters, Kent, Jean Eason, Richard Hickman, Leonard Cretian, Edmund Gruss, Simon, and others have made a big difference over all. Remember, that in 24 internet connected countries, the JWs have had zero growth in three years. For much of their JW populated world, the religion has become a revolving door. People leave as fast as new ones are converted. Millions of hours of preaching with no effect.

    I think our individual comments here to newbies has helped many as well.

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