WTS leaders don't want to give up their authority. They fear that doing so will give members too much time to think and pursue personal goals at the expense of Organizational goals.
But in small ways they are being forced to loosen their grip. Out of one corner of their mouths they say, "Voting/blood fractions/certain holidays are a conscience matter" while at the same time tyring to maintain control via strong arm tactics - -
the CO giving a talk, asking"Would a TRUE Christian vote"...WT articles & Assembly parts about having too many hobbies...
directives to Elders to DA people for ____________ (insert WT law here)...
KM articles on the PROPER treatment of DF relatives
These guys just don't get it. The control they exert on people's lives and the demand for conformity is played out. This Organization has lost it's vibrancy. Sure there are a few people in the congregations that enjoy it & have a zeal. But overall there is no life in the Org, there is nothing new, things are stale and lethargic.
Members drone along at weekly meetings and field service. The leaders' tight grip has quashed any creativity and spark individual members may have had.
Such a sad situation. Hopefully their heavy-handedness will contribute to their downfall.