The BOE I serve with are are a strict, "old school" bunch. Like confusedjw I used to volunteer to serve on Committees because I wanted to make sure congregaton members wouldn't have too difficult a time in the back room. I serve with brothers that like to ask detailed questions of an intimate nature. At one Committee meeting one of the Elders started with the questions (what were you wearing, did you let him...) by the 2nd question I interuppted the Elder, asked the sister to step out for a moment to compose herself, and I tore into the Elder. It really pissed me off. The Elders I serve with feel it is necessary to shame a person and strip them of their dignity, then maybe they won't mar the good name of Jehovah's people again.
Back to your question, I don't guess I can say I'm on my way out - at least not yet. But over the last couple of years I've managed to only serve on one Committee, and in that case the person told us earlier he didn't want to be a JW anymore, it was simply a formality.
Actually the other elders probably breath a sigh of relief when I don't sit on committees because they can do what they want. I still feel sorry for the congregation members that are brought before the Kangaroo Courts, but I hope that they can see from their mistreatment that if they are DF, then being out is the best place for them.
It is a tough spot to be kind to a person & they possibly end up staying in the same Organization I'm trying to get out of...I just can't do it. Thankfully, in these couple of years 2 people have been DF and 3 publically reproved. The DF seem to be doing just fine outside the Org, and 2 of the reproved people have moved to a larger city close by and no longer associating.