In the town of Ingelheim am Rhein this week there is a "Week of Creation" (Schöpfungswoche). There are exhibitions, discussions and other things happening. One of the organizers is the Workgroup "Religious Communities" (Arbeitskreis Glaubensgemeinschaften) of the Local Agenda 21, which is part of a UN programme. All the churches of Ingelheim, including the catholics, the evangelical church, the mosque and the local Kingdom Hall, are represented in the workgroup.
The local Kingdom Hall participates actively in the Creation Week, alongside with the churches and the mosque. The Jehovah's Witnesses have an infostand at the town square, yesterday they organized a public debate on intelligent design, and they are arranging tours to Bethel in Selters and the JW Congress Centre of Bingen.
For those who understand German:
Posts by dust
German WTS cooperates with other religions within UN program
by dust inin the town of ingelheim am rhein this week there is a "week of creation" (schopfungswoche).
there are exhibitions, discussions and other things happening.
one of the organizers is the workgroup "religious communities" (arbeitskreis glaubensgemeinschaften) of the local agenda 21, which is part of a un programme.
Micheal the Archangel
by nurse09 ini am new to this board.
i have looked on for some time now and decided to join.
reading the different posts have really helped me.. i would like to know if someone could explain why it is the the jw believe that jesus is micheal the archangel.
16because the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a commanding call, with an archangel’s voice and with God’s trumpet, and those who are dead in union with Christ will rise first. (NWT)
Having an archangel's voice means that he is an archangel.
Having God's trumpet means... -
Furuli. The prominent elder in Norway not too popular among top dogs
by Samuel Thorsen ina trustworthy source has given me the opportunity to share some information about rolf furuli.
a well known apologist og and greatly respected elder in norway and a schoolar at the university of oslo.
he does not compleatly agree with the fds in all cases i guess, and lately he has spoken up in his local congo about 3 subjects.. # 1. education.
Unless the WTS ends up turning a blind eye to a "splinter" organization as in Albania.
What happened in Albania?
Watchtower PDF 1879-1949
by ralema56
Well, someone (not the Watchtower Society) took their time to scan it all and organize it in nice pdf files for us. The CD's are relatively cheap, considering the amount of time this work must have taken. It's not the "crap" we pay for when we buy them, but the work done to make the "crap" available.
Watchtower PDF 1879-1949
by ralema56
Hey, these Watchtowers have been scanned and spent time on by the people who actually sell the pdf files. The files originate from the CD's produced by Research Applications International, and can be bought both from them and from Randy's site I don't represent either of them, but think it's not very nice to violate copyright like this.
It's on in Murieta.
by pseattle2 insource:
appellate court denies request to intervene in molestation case.
an appellate court today denied a request to intervene in the case of a jehovah's witness facing child molestation charges.
Free To Air Satellite TV - Is this "stealing" satellite?
by gaiagirl ina jw i know was describing his satellite installation, which he describes as "free to air", consisting of a dish and a receiver which does not use acess cards, hooked up to his tv, allowing hundreds of channels with no monthly subscription or payment to a satellite provider.
is this legitimate, or is he receiving something free which he should be paying for, in effect "stealing" satellite tv?
A "Free To Air" (FTA) broadcast is a channel that is not encrypted, and which thus offers its programmes free of charge.
Repudiate "Valueless Things" 4/15/08 WT
by bud2114 inhot off the presses - just some of the latest garbage coming out of brooklyn as found in the 1st study article - repudiate "valueless things" (4/15/08 koolaid edition wt): .
par 17: another example of valueless words is found among the religious leaders of christendom.
these claim to speak in god's name, but most of their utterances are not based on the scriptures, and what they have to say is basically worthless.
Par 18: ...In harmony with John's counsel, we always encourage those we meet in the preaching work to test what they have been taught by comparing it with the Bible. That is a good rule for us too.
And then the test criterion:
Rather, we ask: "Is the one spreading this story acting in harmony with what the Bible says? Do these stories or allegations further Jehovah's purpose? Do they promote the peace of the congregation?" Anything we hear that tears down the brotherhood rather than builds it up is a worthless thing. - 2 Cor. 13:10,11.
So, the main criterion while testing is to see whether something is tearing down or building up the JW brotherhood. If it's tearing it down, then it's not in harmony with the Bible. In other words: If we discover that the WTS says something that is not in harmony with the Bible, then we have done something bad, because then we are tearing down the brotherhood.
The United Nations, the Scarlet Colored Beast and the Watchtower
by jgnat inthis week, the watchtower society set about vilifying the united nations as the scarlet colored beast.
i learned from the revelation book, chapter 34, that it was knorr who started the trend with his public talk in 1942. the revelation book suggests that the league of nations and then the united nations that followed, are direct fulfillments of the prophecy in revelation 17:8. here's an excerpt from the book:.
"the un is actually a blasphemous counterfeit of god's messianic kingdom by his prince of peace, jeus christ - to whose princely rule there will be no end.
I note that the society is careful to tag the committee with it's national origin, though the committee itself doesn't.
Not a big issue, but this time the Watchtower is accurate. There are several Nobel Committees, and the official name of the one that awards the Peace Prize has been the Norwegian Nobel Committee since 1977.
Your comments on this Memorial Bible reference (1 Cor. 11:26)
by OnTheWayOut in(1 corinthians 11:26) for as often as you eat this loaf and drink this cup, you keep proclaiming the death of the lord, until he arrives.. here's mine.
i was told that i have an earthly hope.
i won't eat from the loaf or drink from the cup, so i won't.
Also, the Lord arrived already, so the Memorial should be cancelled.
According to Jehovah's Witnesses--Proclaimers of God's Kingdom p. 137, Jesus' invisible presence since 1914 does not involve his being present, not even invisibly:
They also came to understand that it was in the year 1914 that Christ’s invisible presence had begun and that this was, not by his personally returning (even invisibly) to the vicinity of the earth, but by his directing his attention toward the earth as ruling King.
But of course, if he didn't arrive in 1914, and if that's why the Memorial is still practiced, then neither was anyone appointed over his belongings in 1919 (Matthew 24:45-47).