Re: The real impact of "apostate" sites
I personally can attest to the internet / apostate sites having an affect on my beliefs. I forced myself to stop reading this crap this past Monday, but found myself still reading. "Crap"? Well, maybe... maybe not. Its crap in the sense that I dont want it to be true...
Dozy said:
(3) Frankly , most JWs are almost completely disinterested in doctrine and the history of the WTS , which most "apostate" sites focus on. For them , it is a way of life and such matters are only of a vague academic interest and any objections are easily explained away.
Yep, completely and utterly disinterested.... at first I guess. But, I now find myself looking up more of the history of the society, its doctrines and so on... all of which I am totally clueless on. Its not something that I want to hear, not something that you all wanted to hear at one time.
As far as the internet itself, i've always been a firm believer that its the breeding ground for all things bad... is feeding people with filth and crime and embedding new thoughts of things immoral and disgust... and is fueling things such as child porn, rape, incest, swinging, hatred, murder, adultery, etc... all to a great degree. And of course, and apparently, its fueling people to question their faith and beliefs as well.
On thing that I wish though, is that there were more Pro-JW's sites. Why? Because I want to hear both sides of the argument.. even though your side is very convincing. So where's that Thirdwitness... or you may know him better as Thirwitless.
hopefully I didn't get too off topic.
How many of you found out about Ray Franz and Crisis through this medium?
Nope, no idea. Is this what your talking about? :