what if it was someone you weren't attracted to? not just "you", but any guy?
It would give someone that I wasn't typically attracted to a much better shot. It could make someone that is just a pretty girl move up to being hot.
ok guys, time to weigh in.. what do you think about a woman asking a man out on a date, especially a first date?.
good idea?
bad idea?
what if it was someone you weren't attracted to? not just "you", but any guy?
It would give someone that I wasn't typically attracted to a much better shot. It could make someone that is just a pretty girl move up to being hot.
just been looking at an old post about "what jw's are not allowed to do " and one reply was not to eat at hooters, whats that about?.
why is "hooters" wrong but "boobs" aren't
just been looking at an old post about "what jw's are not allowed to do " and one reply was not to eat at hooters, whats that about?.
nothing wrong with hooters. I ate there with some buddies after assemblies and conventions, hell sometimes during
ok guys, time to weigh in.. what do you think about a woman asking a man out on a date, especially a first date?.
good idea?
bad idea?
a woman that is confident enough to accept the same risk that traditionally men are expected to take, damn thats hot. She would get a few extra points it my book from the start.
subtitle is "a practical guide to personal freedom" by don miguel ruiz .
i just started reading this book and it is amazing.
i have been underlining on every page things that i can personally relate to - and i must admit i'm not very far into it yet (page 25) but i felt a very strong urge to not only recommend it (i'll be back later to weigh in again once i start reading what the four agreements actually are/entail) but also ask if any here (oh my very dear friends on jwd) has read this book and what your personal thoughts are?.
this book seems awesome from what you have shared. I totally relate to your quotes. I want to go buy the book now. Thanx for sharing.
i`ve been dealing with dub(jw)family i love..when i tell them whati know,it hurts them..but it`s true..there is no reason not to believe me..they do suffer "pain",when faced with the real truth..they begin to understand,why i am,who i am...outlaw
..Sometimes it`s best to leave them where they are,but not always
I know your right but I also know how difficult its been for me and i would want to impact someone else like that unless they took the first steps on their own. It would be different if i had answers but i don't only questions. So I preffer to leave their illussion in place unless they start to remove it on their own then I will be there to help.
here's one: you can't give blood but you can take a blood fraction (which someone else has to give).
yes welcome ms
How bout any worldly gathering with 1 person that over indulges with liquer is a testement to their ungodlyness.
At bethel for gilead grad lunch the whole place can get wasted and its a joyful celebration showing thanks to jehovah
i`ve been dealing with dub(jw)family i love..when i tell them whati know,it hurts them..but it`s true..there is no reason not to believe me..they do suffer "pain",when faced with the real truth..they begin to understand,why i am,who i am...outlaw
i am of the opinion that if they want to know they will ask or look for themselves i wouldn't really want to be the one to take that from them
it might have escaped your notice but sirona and i are totally in love and seem to have a mutual appreciation society thing going on; however this has not taken place without causing some online problems as some of you might be aware.. both dawn (sirona) and i are conscious that we have hijacked a number of threads given our perpetual state of being loved up.
given the untold frustration we might have caused to some posters we have decided to launch our very own jwd loved up thread.. this hopefully should allow threads to go on being productive without the frustration of people (us) whispering online sweet nothings and flirting and we therefore invite you all to use this thread if you are loved up, have similar mutual appreciation societies or simply wish to flirt with other online posters.
you can even use this thread to dedicate a post to someone who isnt online and who just lightens your life and makes you smile.. please join us and reassure us that we are not the only loved up people on jwd.. .
you guys are all digusting i litterally had dry heeves at some points.
J/K congrats to you all. with all the crap i've been going through you still made laugh and I'm a little jealous. I'm happy for you all.
looking back its amazing how many alcoholics i knew in the "borg"...................... there are 3 elders in my old hall alone........ that are full blown alcoholics...................... when, have you ever heard of someone.......anyone.......let alone and elder............ getting "dfed" for drinking too much?.
when i was at bethel........you wouldn't believe how much drinking was done there!.
there are stories of the old days ( russell & the judge)..where they would find guys passed out in front of the 124 building on sunday mornings........no big deal, just dust them off.............. and bring in.
at bethel on gilead grad lunch my table heads wife who normally was pretty reserved was almost falling out of her chair drunk and had to old herself up on me most of the time at one point falling asleep on my shoulder it was hilarrious