There have been a few active JW's as of recent, such as "Mad", who've been interested in dicussing/debating the evidence as to whether the Watchower Society is the one sole Truth on earth today. I promised to start a thread for this purpose sometime today. (Since I live in Hawaii, it is still today for me). Anyway, while this website is more of a social site for EX-JW's from my experience, there are nonetheless interested ones willing to discuss the facts on this subject of the WT being God's Organization today. Here is some information that I put together where many of the problems with the WT Society that I have found, can be listed in one simple thread. Please feel open to discuss these issues (or anything else in detail). This is very long and detailed
The Watchtower does not have everything wrong. Many of their teachings are definitely found in the bible. JW's are mostly morally conscious people too. Spirituality can often a way of life for many of them. By no means was my entire 20 years of association with them a terrible experience. You do develop friendships. You do enjoy the goody-nights, the association most of the time, and can also appreciate the unity that exists around the world. (Though I need to add that such unity is also enjoyed by other religious denominations such as with Mormons, World Wide Church of God, Seventh Days Adventists, Evangelicals etc.).
But for the entire JW experience to work, one simply must have an extremely strong, convincing faith, that the Watchtower Society IS that One True Faith On Earth, as they claim. The, "This IS God's Only True Organization", is by far the most important element of all the elements involved with being a JW. With this conviction, a person can easily accept all that comes with the faith, that might otherwise be considered less than desirable. Yes there is quite a bit asked of you; there are many meetings, parts on the meetings and preparation for those meetings. Field Service, preparation for service, demonstrations in front of the congregation for service, donations to cover the expenses of literature for service and other things too. Association is limited, holidays and birthdays are excluded, and most do live a simpler, less exciting life. Yes, it also does definitely divide families. Yes, you may have to cut-off very close people, including your very own flesh and blood. But the fact is this: IF one believes with all his heart, that this organization alone is God's organization exclusively, then all of these things along with the thousands of other things peculiar to JW's can be accepted and even embraced fully and completely. Jehovah's Witnesses absolutely do believe this about themselves because it is taught throughout the many different meetings, assemblies as well as throughout most all of their literature. I was one for almost 20 years, up until just this past year. This is what I was taught and believed for most all of that time. Having that as a foundation then, that this *ALONE is God's Channel*, is what kept me going whenever some doubt would arise. This driving force allowed me to just look the other way when I did see certain things that just did not quite jive. Certain teachings that made me do a double take, were all put into their place due to the sole fact in my mind that this was God's Organization. And I am convinced that this is how it is for most of the 6 million Witnesses around the world today.
Now, if somebody, or some thing comes along and actually hammers away at that one major, core-belief (that this alone is God's Organization), if something is learned that completely challenges this foundational trust in the WT Society, then from my experience, the entire JW belief system can collapse like a house of cards. The demands of their highly structured routine THEN become too much to bear. The having to shun good friends and family members no longer makes any sense. The many sacrifices such as giving up holidays, birthdays, voting, college, sports, casual dating, facial hair, yoga, etc etc start to look foolish and perhaps even embarrassing. Allowing a loved one to die by refusing a blood transfusion now seems preposterous. Watching a good,moral person be labeled and shunned solely based on their walking away from a religious institution now seems grossly unfair and extremely unchristian. Once again though, by fully believing that the WT Society IS God's True Faith all of these things are tolerable. Take that faith away and none of it makes sense any longer.
And THAT is what the JW debate boards and EX-JW websites are all about to me. The list of strange, wacky, absurd and at times actually laughable, embarrassingly humiliating Watchtower teachings simply destroys the possibility that this could be that one true faith on earth for myself and many others that have left. Just reading this list makes me nauseous. Seriously. That is one bad news list to have to contend with.
The bible writers CLAIMED that what they wrote was inspired of God. (2Tim 3:16,17 and 2Peter 1:20,21 and Acts 3:21). And the things that has been written by those bible writers has proven truly inspired. It has withstood the test of time. It nails things down correctly. The weather systems are correctly explained. The earth hangs upon nothing and is a sphere, it tells us. A little wine is good for the stomach, which is true. Prophecies fulfilled, one after another after another. Now, there are very solid reasons then to believe that the bible has God's approval and backing and is inspired. This is why I am still a Christian today. What all those bible writers said about Jesus COULD be made up, I'd suppose that's possible. But these Gospel stories have a very honest believability to them. They admit mistakes, arguments and conflicts. Peter denying Jesus. Paul and Barnabas burst of anger. The Apostles arguing who's the greatest again and again,David's sin with Bath-sheba and then Uriah.The many BAD Israelite Kings along with many other similar accounts. The fact that our very own calendar is based on the very year Jesus was born adds to my own reasons to believe he really existed. Secular historian Josephus testifies to Jesus existence as well. Again, the bible gives thinking people sound reason to believe it is indeed from a powerful, heavenly source. It does appear to many, to be God's thoughts rather than mens.
Contrast this with the WATCHTOWER SOCIETY now. They too claim that what is written is food from God, and that this organization is the ONLY place to go for eternal salvation:
1919 "Is not the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society the one and only channel which the Lord has used in dispensing his truth continually since the beginning of the harvest period?" {WT Apr 1 1919 6414}
1933 "To feed or teach his people the Lord has used the Watch Tower publications.. No man is given any credit for the wonderful truths which the Lord has revealed to his people through the Watch Tower publications." {WT Dec 1 1933 263}
1939 "It should be expected that the Lord would have a means of communicating to his people on the earth, and he has clearly shown that the magazine called The Watchtower is used for that purpose." {YEAR 1939 85}
1942 "The Watchtower does not consist of men's opinions" {WT Jan 1 1942 5}
1957 "Jehovah has established a very definite channel of communication through which he deals with his people .. It is vital that we appreciate this fact and respond to the directions of the 'slave' as we would to the voice of God." {WT Jun 15 1957 370}
1969 "Jehovah's organization as directed by his 'faithful and discreet slave' class should influence our every decision also. {WT March 15, 1969 172}
1979 [Of those living at the time of Armageddon, only Jehovah's Witnesses will be saved] {WT Feb 15 1979 30}
Watchtower 2/15/1983 page 12: "A third requirement is that we be associated with God’s channel, his organization. God has always used an organization. For example, only those in the ark in Noah’s day survived the Flood, and only those associated with the Christian congregation in the first century had God’s favor. (Acts 4:12) Similarly, Jehovah is using only **ONE** organization today to accomplish his will. **To receive everlasting life in the earthly Paradise we must identify that organization and serve God as part of it**.
Watchtower 9/15/93 page 22 : "But if we were to draw away from Jehovah's organization, there would be **NO PLACE ELSE TO GO FOR SALVATION**"...
1898 "God .. evidently has been a respecter of races, and has specially blessed and favored certain branches of the Aryan race in Europe and America.. the white race has been more abundantly blessed with the light of the Gospel than others .. the elect Church will probably be composed chiefly of the highly favored white race.." {EVOL 30-1}
1900 "There are probably as many as a hundred colored brethren on the Watch Tower lists, some of them very clear in the truth, and very earnest in its service, financially and other-wise .. [but they are not allowed to participate in the "pioneer work" as] although we have received letters from several of these, who had intended engaging in the volunteer work, expressing surprise that in the call for volunteers in the March 1, 1900 issue we restricted the inquiry to white Protestant churches. .. The reason is that so far as we are able to judge, colored people have less education than whites - many of them quite insufficient to permit them to profit by such reading as we have to give forth. Our conclusion therefore is based upon the supposition that reading matter distributed to a colored congregation would more than half of it be utterly wasted, and a very small percentage indeed likely to yield good results. We advise, therefore, that where the Watch Tower literature is introduced to colored people it be not by promiscuous circulation, but only to those who give evidence of some ear for the truth. We avoid, so far as possible, putting the pearls of present truth into the hands of the vicious and depraved .." {ZWT Apr 15 1900 122}
1902 "The Negro Not a Beast .. that Ham's characteristics which had led him to unseemly conduct disrespectful to his father, would be found cropping out later, inherited by his son, and prophetically he foretold that this degeneracy would mark the posterity of Canaan, degrading him, making him servile. We are not able to determine to a certainty that the sons of Ham and Canaan are negroes; but we consider that general view as probable as any other.. We are not to forget, either, that Africa is inhabited by various tribes or nations of negroes - some more and some less degraded than the average.. While it is true that the white race exhibits some qualities of superiority over any other, we are to remember that there are wide differences in the same Caucasian (Semitic and Aryan) family.. The secret of the greater intelligence and aptitude of the Caucasian undoubtedly in great measure is to be attributed to the commingling of blood amongst its various branches; and this was evidently forced in large measure by circumstances under divine control. It remains to be proven that the similar commingling of the various tribes of Chinese for several centuries would not equally brighten their intellects; and the same with the peoples of India and Africa." {ZWT Jul 15 1902 216}
1908 The negro and Latin races will probably always be inclined to superstition." {ZWT Apr 1 1908 99}
1914 "And, with the end of A.D. 1914, what God calls Babylon, and what men call Christendom, will have passed away, as is already shown from prophecy." {TKIC 153}
1914 "When Uranus and Jupiter meet in the humane sign of Aquarius in 1914, the long-promised era will have made a fair start in the work of setting man free to work out his own salvation, and will insure the ultimate realization of dreams and ideals of all poets and sages in history." {WT May 1 1903/6 130-1 repr 3184}
1915 "The 'battle of the great day of God Almighty' (Rev. 16:14) which will end in A.D. 1915 with the complete overthrow of earth's present rulership, is already commenced. The gathering of the armies is plainly visible from the standpoint of God's word." {TIAH 1915 ed 101} [original TIAH used "1914" instead of "1915"]
1915 "In view of this strong Bible evidence concerning the Times of the Gentiles, we consider it an established truth that the final end of the kingdoms of this world, and the full establishment of the kingdom of God, will be accomplished near the end of A.D. 1915. {TIAH 1915 ed 99}
1915 "Man's head is shaped differently; therefore he can think of subjects about which the lower animals cannot think .. A man with a head of a given shape cannot think with the same breadth of mind as a man with a better shaped head - a man who is less fallen. Some have lost more, others less, of the original perfection, of the original intelligence, given man in his creation." {WR Jan 15 1915 5611} [Returning to phrenology, belief that shape of the skull and hence the brain determine character - see 1907 and 1913]
1917 "Thou wilt lengthen out leviathan (the locomotive) with a hook (automatic coupler) and a snare (coupling-pin) which will cause his tongue (coupling-link) to drop down." {TFIM 84-6} [Biblical reference to Leviathan is fulfilled by the arrival of the Locomotive Engine]
1918 "The parallel, therefore, would establish definitely that the harvest would close forty years thereafter; to wit, in the spring of A.D. 1918. If this is true, and the evidence is very conclusive that it is true, then we have only a few months in which to labor before the great night settles down when no man can work." {WR Oct 1 1917 6149}
1918 "[False religion, especially Christendom, to be destroyed. Demons would enter the minds of clergy, the] swine class [causing them to do stupid things that provokes] the masses [to destroy them] .. It seems conclusive that the hour of Nominal Zion's travail is fixed for the Passover of 1918. (See Rev. 3:14.) That will be 7 years prior to 1925. At that time there is every reason to believe the fallen angels will invade the minds of many of the Nominal Church people, driving them to exceedingly unwise conduct and leading to their destruction at the hands of the enraged masses, who will later be dragged to the same fate.. {TFIM 128-9}
1919 "Is not the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society the one and only channel which the Lord has used in dispensing his truth continually since the beginning of the harvest period?" {WT Apr 1 1919 6414}
1919 "NEGRO EDUCATION IN CINCINNATI. Blacks from all over the city go to this school by preference. They feel that they can get the best chance by staying in their own crowd, and they are probably right.. While it is true that 'of one blood God hath made all nations of men,' nevertheless under present imperfect conditions a wise segregation is probably an advantage to all concerned." {GA Oct 1 1919 8}
1919 "..from a criminal viewpoint the desirability of sobering the southern negro speaks volumes for national prohibition." {GA Oct 15 1919 44} [The famous book 'Uncle Tom's Cabin', which exposes the inhumane treatment of blacks, is elsewhere described in GA as "the work of Satan"]
1920 "Milk is the greatest curative food known." {GA Dec 8 1920 146} [Mr. Rutherford preferred a Prohibited alternative, in excess]
921 "Vaccination never prevented anything AND NEVER WILL, and is the most barbarous practice .. Use your rights as American citizens [i.e. participate politically!!] to forever abolish the devilish practice of vaccination." {GA Oct 12 1921 17} [GA, CONS and AWAK articles until the 1960s contain far too many examples of medical imprudence and quackery to quote from other than sparingly. GA advocated the Grape Cure which was purported to cure cancer by fasting and only eating grapes, which (according to its founder, Johanna Brandt, who the Society endorsed) worked because grapes were 'magnetic' and rejuvenated your mind with the sun's healing 'vibrations']
1924 "It has never been proven that a single disease is due to germs." {GA Jan 16 1924 250}
1924-5 "After 1925 expect shortly Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob.. No doubt many boys and girls who read this book will live to see Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Daniel, and those other men of old come forth in the glory of their better resurrection, of perfect in mind and body. It will not take long for Christ to appoint them to their post of honor and authority as his earthly representatives. The world and all the present conveniences will seen strange to them at first, but they will soon become accustomed to the new methods. They may have some amusing experiences at first; for they never saw telephones, radios, automobiles, electric lights, aeroplanes, steam engines, and many other things so familiar to us." {TWTP 224-6}
1925 "The great Pyramid of Egypt, standing as a silent and manimate witness of the Lord, is a messenger; and its testimony speaks with great eloquence concerning the divine plan (Isaiah 19:19).. Arius .. Waldo .. John Wycliffe .. Martin Luther [were all] part of God's Organization." {WT May 15 1925 148-9}
1925 "Have we more reason, or as much, to believe the kingdom will be established in 1925 than Noah had to believe that there would be a flood? .. Our thought is, that 1925 is definitely settled by the Scriptures, marking the end of the typical jubilees. {WT Mar 1 1923 106}
1925 "The year 1925 is a date definitely and clearly marked in Scriptures, even more clearly than that of 1914" {WT 1924 211}
1925 "We have no doubt whatever in regard to the chronology relating to the dates of .. 1925.. What further evidence do we need? Using this same measuring line .. it is an easy matter to locate 1925, probably in the fall, for the beginning of the antitypical jubilee. There can be no more question about 1925 than there was about 1914." {WT May 15 1922 150}
1925 "Some anticipated that the work would end in 1925, but the Lord did not state so. The difficulty was that the friends inflated their imaginations beyond reason; and that when their imaginations burst asunder, they were inclined to throw away everything." {WT 1926 232}
1926 "[Orientals are] coolies .. cutthroats and murderers" {GA Mar 10 1926 374}
1926 "[White rulers as in Britain have the] superior mental, moral, or physical force .. [but be warned, power is slipping as the] powers of the colored races are expanding" {WT May 15 1926 483}
1926 [Flood may have been caused by all of the other planets being on one side of the earth simultaneously. God may have inserted the "youngest" planet Neptune on the other side to act as a gravitational corrective to make sure it cannot happen again] {GA Jun 16 1926 583}
1926 "Radio [may soon] transmit .. heat, light, vision, sound and power." {GA Jul 14 1926 644}
1926 [The distance from the Society's printing press in Scranton, Pa to the bethel offices in Brooklyn, NY, using a ferry, with a Railway Guide (extract included) to prove the distance from Lackawanna station in Scranton to Hoboken Terminal in New Jersey, is the "exact distance" referred to in the Bible at Revelation 14:20 "And the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs"] {TFIM 230 1926 ed}
1927 "Be it known once and for all that those profiteering, conscienceless, selfish men who call themselves Jews, and who control the greater portion of the finances of the world and the business of the world, will never be the rulers in this new earth. God would not risk such selfish men with such an important position" {GA Feb 23 1927 343}
1927 "In the New World Abraham may be the ruler of New York City. Isaac may rule over Chicago and perhaps Jacob will be put in London. His father-in-law, Laban, was a diplomat.. Shortly we believe, Abraham will come forth from the grave.." {GA Oct 5 1927 26/29}
1927 "Spaniards .. and other backward races [came to settle in America under the influence of Rome]" {GA Nov 30 1927 141}
1928 "careful observations in a London school showed that children enjoyed the heartiest laughs, not from slapstick comedies, but from .. watching a negro miner enjoying a square meal" {GA 1928 684}
1928 "All human ailments have their start in the intestines." {GA Nov 28 1928 133}
1929 "Is there anything in the Bible that reveals the origin of the Negro? It is generally believed that the curse which Noah pronounced upon Canaan was the origin of the Black race. Certain it is that when Noah said, 'Cursed be Canaan, a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren,' he pictured the future of the Colored race. They have been and are a race of servants .. There is no servant in the world as good as a good colored servant, and the joy that he gets from rendering faithful service is one of the purest joys there is in the world." {GA Jul 24 1929 702}
1929 "Avoid serum inoculations and vaccinations as they pollute the blood stream with their filthy pus." {GA Nov 13 1929 106-7}
1929 "Thinking people would rather have smallpox than vaccination, because the latter sows the seed of syphilis, cancers, escema, erysipelas, scrofula, consumption, even leprosy and many other loathsome affections. Hence the practice of vaccination is a crime, an outrage and a delusion." {GA May 1 1929 502} [Vaccinations were also stated by the Society to be a "direct violation of the everlasting covenant" and Witnesses were told not to have any - until WT Dec 15 1952 764 "The matter of vaccination is one for the individual that has to face it to decide for himself ... our Society cannot afford to be drawn into the affair legally or take the responsibility for the way the case turns out ... all objection to vaccination on scriptural grounds seems to be lacking."]
1929 "At San Diego, California, there is a small piece of land, on which, in the year 1929 there was built a house, which is called and known as Beth Sarim. The Hebrew words Beth Sarim mean 'House of the Princes'; and the purpose of acquiring that property and building the house was that there are those on earth today who fully believe in God and Christ Jesus and in His Kingdom, and who believe that the faithful men of old will soon be resurrected by the Lord, be back on earth, and take charge of the visible affairs of earth. The title to Beth Sarim is vested in the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society in trust, to be used by the president of the Society and his assistants for the present, and thereafter to be forever at the disposal of the aforementioned princes on the earth .. It stands there as a testimony to Jehovah's name; and when the princes do return, and some of them occupy the property, such will be a confirmation of the faith and hope that induced the building of Beth Sarim." {SALV 311} [Original legal deed to Beth Sarim, by Rutherford, in 1929 stated "Both the grantor and the grantee are fully persuaded from the Bible testimony which is the word of Jehovah God and from extraneous evidence that God's Kingdom is now in the course of establishment and that it will result beneficially for the peoples of earth; that the governing power and authority will be invisible to men but that the kingdom of God will have visible representatives on the earth who will have charge of the affairs of the nations under supervision of the invisible ruler, Christ. That among those who will be thus the faithful representatives and visible governors of the world will be David, who was once King over Israel; and Gideon, and Barak, and Samson, and Jepthai, and Joseph, formerly ruler of Egypt, and Samuel the prophet and other faithful men named with approval in the Bible at Hebrews 11th. chapter."]
1929 "From 1929 on, Brother Rutherford spent the winters working at a San Diego residence he had named Beth-Sarim. Beth-Sarim was built with funds that were a direct contribution for that purpose." {HIS2 76}
1929 "If these prophesies have not been fulfilled, and if all possibility of fulfilment is past, then these prophets are proven false." {PROP 22}
1929 "If the organs [of your body] are diseased, heal them by correcting your diet. Avoid the use of aluminum cooking utensils and alum baking powders as they are injurious to your health, poisoning your blood stream.. Sleep on the right side or flat on your back, with the head toward the north so as to get benefit of the earth's magnetic currents. Avoid serum inoculations as they pollute the blood stream with their filthy pus.. Stop chewing gum, as you need the saliva for your food." {GA Nov 12 1929 107} [A campaign against Aluminium cooking ware was pursued for many years, as the Society alone stated these caused all manner of ailments and disease from athlete's foot to cancer]
1931" Vaccinations are a violation of the Eternal Covenant God made with Noah.. Quite likely there is some connection between the violation of human blood [vaccines] and the spread of demonism.. sexual immorality .. Vaccination has never saved a human life. It does not prevent smallpox." {GA Feb 4 1931 293-4} ["Vaccinations appear to have caused a marked decrease in diseases" {AWAK Aug 22 1965 20}]
1931 "Quite likely there is some connection between the violation of human blood [vaccines] and the spread of demonism.. sexual immorality .. Vaccination has never saved a human life. It does not prevent smallpox." {GA Feb 4 1931 293-4}
1931 "God's faithful people on earth emphasized the importance of the dates 1914 and 1918 and 1925. They had much to say about these dates and what would come to pass, but all they predicted did not come to pass." {VIN1 146}
1931 ".. a drop or two of kerosene excellent for quickly cleaning sinks and bathtubs; it cuts the dirt immediately and leaves no odor; and when applied to cuts the cuts heal sooner. Try it." {CONS Dec 1 1931 12}
1931 "We do well to bear in mind that among the drugs, serums, vaccines, surgical operations, etc., of the medical profession, there is nothing of value save an occasional surgical proceedure. Their so-called 'science' grew out of Egyptian black magic and has not lost its demonological character.. we shall be in a sad plight when we place the welfare of the race in their hands." {GA Aug 5 1931 727} [Pyramids may have had the same source?]
1932 "If you spend 15 minutes reading each of Rutherford's books you would get more pleasure than you would reading the Bible for a whole year" {VIN3 383}
1932 "Jews [are] no longer important to God.. Jehovah's Witnesses [are, per a new symbolic meaning given to Romans 11, the only] Israel of God.. during the World War the Jews received recognition of the heathen nations. In 1917 the Balfour Declaration, sponsored by the heathen governments of Satan's organization, came forth, recognized the Jews, and bestowed upon them great favors.. The Jews have received more attention at their hands than they really deserved." {VIN2 257-8}
1933 "To feed or teach his people the Lord has used the Watch Tower publications.. No man is given any credit for the wonderful truths which the Lord has revealed to his people through the Watch Tower publications." {WT Dec 1 1933 263}
1935 ".. the scriptural evidence and the physical facts strongly indicate that such witness work is now almost done; and when it is done the universal war will begin. Universal war is absolutely certain to come and that soon, and no power can stop it.. during the few remaining months until the breaking of that universal cataclysm the powers that rule the nations of the earth will continue to make treaties and tell the people that by such means they will keep that world peace and bring about prosperity." {UNWN 3/26-7}
1938 ".. mark the words of Jesus, which definitely seem to discourage the bearing of children immediately before or during Armageddon .. It would therefore appear that there is no reasonable or scriptural injunction to bring children into the world immediately before Armageddon, where we now are." {WT Nov 1 1938 324}
1938 "Would it be scripturally proper for them to marry and begin to rear children? No, is the answer, which is supported by the scriptures .. I will be far better to be unhampered and without burdens, that they may do the Lord's will now, as the Lord commands, and also be without hindrance during Armageddon.. Those .. who now contemplate marriage, it would seem, would do better if they wait a few years, until the fiery storm of Armageddon is gone." {FATF 46-50}
1939 "It should be expected that the Lord would have a means of communicating to his people on the earth, and he has clearly shown that the magazine called The Watchtower is used for that purpose." {YEAR 1939 85} (Perhaps the Lord did not know what he was talking about.)
1939 "[Vaccination is a] cruel hoax [by] Satan" {CINS May 31 1939 3} [Food poisoning being stated to be caused by aluminum cookware]
1940 "The Kingdom is here, the King is enthroned. Armageddon is just ahead. The glorious reign of Christ that shall bring blessings to the world will immediately follow. Therefore the great climax has been reached. Tribulation has fallen upon those who stand by the Lord." {MESS Sep 1 1940 6}
1942 "The record as herewith published would, on the face of it, show that the Theocratic witness work on earth is about done." {YEAR 1942 29}
1942 "The Watchtower does not consist of men's opinions" {WT Jan 1 1942 5}
1945 "Blood transfusions [are] pagan [and] God-dishonoring" {WT Jul 1 1945 198-201} [But WR 1909 4374 had stated "Then they briefly summed up, not as Law .. Abstain .. (2) and from blood;" - so the prohibition on blood in Acts 15 was not a law for Christians]
1946 "the disaster of Armageddon, greater than that which befell Sodom and Gomorrah, is at the door." {LGBT 194}
1951 "There are those who may think it strange that these 2500-year-old prophecies {Daniel 12:7-12] are now receiving fulfillment in a few short years. But we must realize that they must come to pass sometime, and why not now?" {WT Jul 15 1951 433-4}
1952 "Really, our colored brothers have a great cause for rejoicing. Their race is meek and teachable, and from it comes a high percentage of the theocratic increase." {WT Feb 1 1952 95}
1953 "Vaccinations are no longer considered feeding on blood and no longer considered related to sex relations." {MSAT 48}
1955 "If we have love for Jehovah and for the organization of his people we shall not be suspicious, but shall, as the Bible says, 'believe all things,' all the things that The Watchtower brings out.." {QTBM 156}
1956 "Certain blood fractions, particularly albumin, also come under the Scriptural ban." {AWAK Sep 8 1956 20} [The ban dating from 1945, though albumin has many other sources. The prohibition against blood fractions was then reversed, allowing it in WT Sep 15 1958 575. Then banned again in WT Sep 15 1961 557. Then allowed again in WT Nov 1 1961 669-70. Then banned yet again with "Any fraction of blood considered as a nutrient not to be used in medical treatment." in WT Feb 15 1963 123-4. And partially reversed in AWAK Aug 22 1965 18. But AWAK Feb 22 1975 30 may have reimposed it. Then grudgingly allowed for haemophiliacs in WT Jun 15 1978 20 and expanded on in BSYL 27. Finally, and many deaths later, came in 1982 "Witness religious understanding does not absolutely prohibit the use of components such as albumin, immune globulins, and hemophiliac preparations; each Witness must decide individually if he can accept these." {AWAK Jun 22 1982 25}? Also read WT Jun 1 1990 30, WT Aug 15 1990 29, WT Oct 1 1994 31, AWAK Nov 8 1996 30 for concessions and further rules]
1957 "Jehovah has established a very definite channel of communication through which he deals with his people .. It is vital that we appreciate this fact and respond to the directions of the 'slave' as we would to the voice of God." {WT Jun 15 1957 370}
1958 "'Sometime between April 16 and 23, 1957, Armageddon will sweep the world! Millions of persons will perish in its flames and the land will be scorched.' So prophesied a certain California pastor, Mihran Ask, in January 1957. Such false prophets tend to put the subject of Armageddon in disrepute." {WT Oct 15 1958 613}
1961 "[ Taking [a] blood transfusion [is] grounds for disfellowshipping." {WT 1961 63-4}
1961 "Regardless of whether it is whole blood or a blood substance that is involved, God's law remains the same." {BMLG 14} [Why then 13 years later, and only in a footnote, did appear "When this happens, the serum might be administered." {WT Jun 1 1974 351} ? To compound the matter, "This journal and it's companion, The Watchtower, have commented consistently on the matter .. some Christians have concluded that to them it does not seem a violation of Bible law .. The decision whether to take RhIG [Rhogam serum] remains finally, though, a matter for each Christian couple to decide conscientiously." {AWAK Dec 8 1984 27}]
1961 "The foretold events having begun A.D. 1914, the generation of mankind that is still alive from that year is the generation meant by Jesus Christ." {WT Apr 15 1961 236}
1964 "Pay Attention to Prophecy .. for God has on earth today a prophetlike organization, .. Jehovah's anointed witnesses on earth." {WT Oct 1 1964 601}
1967 "When men of science conclude that this normal process will no longer work and they suggest removing the organ and replacing it directly with an organ from another human, this is simply a shortcut. Those who submit to such operations are thus living off the flesh of another human. That is cannibalistic. However, in allowing man to eat animal flesh Jehovah God did not grant permission for humans to try to perpetuate their lives by cannibalistically taking into their bodies human flesh, whether chewed or in the form of whole organs or body parts taken from others." {WT Nov 15 1967 702-4} [See 1968 entry for further light]
1968 ".. Christian Witnesses of Jehovah .. consider all transplants between humans as cannibalism." {AWAK Jun 8 1968 21} [Amazingly this 1968 item got left out of the CD-ROM versions of AWAKE. It contradicted "The question of placing one's body or parts of one's body at the disposal of men of science or doctors at one's death for purposes of scientific experimentation or replacement in others is frowned upon by certain religious bodies. However, it does not seem that any scriptural principle or law is involved. It is therefore something that each individual must decide for himself." {WT Aug 1 1961 480]. it was later reversed in "There is no Biblical command pointedly forbidding the taking in of other human tissue .. It is a matter for personal decision. The congregation judicial committee would not take disciplinary action if someone accepted an organ transplant." {WT Mar 15 1980 31}. So the Society's position changed at least twice, 1961 -> 1968 -> 1980. And further "Accepting a bone marrow transplant is up to your conscience." {WT May 15 1984 31}. As a history of reversals, the blood transfusion saga - see 1956 -]
1968 "As Jesus said, the end would occur in the same generation that saw the beginning of the 'last days' in 1914.-Matt. 24:34" {WT 1968 265} [When did Jesus mention 1914?]
1968 "Jesus was obviously speaking about those who were old enough to witness with understanding what took place when the 'last days' began. Jesus was saying that some of those persons who were alive at the appearance of the `sign of the last days' would still be alive when God brought this system to its end.. Even if we presume that youngsters 15 years of age would be perceptive enough to realize the import of what happened in 1914, it would still make the youngest of 'this generation' nearly 70 years old today. So the great majority of the generation to which Jesus was referring has already passed away in death. The remaining ones are approaching old age. And remember, Jesus said that the end of this wicked world would come before that generation passed away in death." {AWAK Oct 8 1968 13-4} [So the end of the wicked world is very close.. 1975 at the latest, by which time those 15 year olds will be 76, older than any Biblically defined generation]
1968 "True, there have been those in times past who predicted an 'end' to the world, even announcing a specific date. Yet nothing happened. The 'end' did not come. They were guilty of false prophesying. Why? What was missing? Missing from such people were God's truths and the evidence that He was using and guiding them. .. But what about today? Today we have the evidence required, all of it. And it is overwhelming! All the many, many parts of the great sign of the last days are here, together with verifying Bible chronology." {AWAK Oct 8 1968 23} [Incredible then is "Is it not far preferable to make some mistakes because of overeagerness to see God's purposes accomplished...?" {WT Dec 1 1984 1618}]
1969 "In view of the short time left, a decision to pursue a career in this system of things is not only unwise but extremely dangerous .. Many young brothers and sisters were offered scholarship or employment that promised fine pay. However, they turned them down and put spiritual interests first." {KMIN Jun 1969 3}
1969 "Jehovah's organization as directed by his 'faithful and discreet slave' class should influence our every decision also. {WT March 15, 1969 172}
1971 "There is an authentic prophetic class of Christians among us. Jehovah has raised up a genuine 'prophet' within our generation... Who is Ezekiel's present-day counterpart, whose message and conduct correspond with that of that ancient prophet of Jehovah? Of whom today was he a 'sign' or 'portent'? Not of some individual man, but of a group of people.. Who were they?.. they became Jehovah's witnesses." {TNSK 58-9/61/66}
1972 "While both homosexuality and bestiality are disgusting perversions, in the case of neither one is the marriage tie broken" {WT Nov 1 1972 32}
1972 "Does this admission of making mistakes stamp them [Watchtower] as false prophets? Not at all, for false prophets do not admit to making mistakes." {WT Nov 1 1972 644} (Say What??)
1972 "Jehovah, the God of the true prophets, will put all false prophets to shame either by not fulfilling the false prediction of such self-assuming prophets or by having His own prophecies fulfilled in a way opposite to that predicted by the false prophets." {PRTM 353-4}
1974 "If you are a Christian woman, what should you do if, in spite of all precautions, you are set upon by a rapist? If you cannot deter him by reasoning, or by calling upon the name of Jehovah, then what? As a Christian you are under obligation to resist. This resistance includes screaming and creating as much disturbance as possible .. Resistance is imperative, because the rapist is after, not just money, but your virtue. An issue of integrity to Jehovah's laws is involved here. So by no means would it be proper quietly to submit to rape, as that would be consenting to fornication. -1 Thess. 4:3.. Would it be different if the man had a weapon and threatened to kill you if you did not submit? No, the Scriptures plainly state that Christians are under obligation to 'flee from fornication.' (1 Cor. 6:18). It is true that you face the possibility of death in this case.." {AWAK Aug 3 1974 14}
1975 "'How Much Longer Will It Be?' 6,000 Years Completed in 1975 .. In what year, then, would the first 6,000 years of man's existence and also the first 6,000 years of God's rest day come to an end? The year 1975.. Hence, the fact that we are nearing the end of the first 6,000 years of man's existence is of great significance. Does God's rest day parallel the time man has been on earth since his creation? Apparently so. From the most reliable investigations of Bible chronology, harmonizing with many accepted dates of secular history, we find that Adam was created in the autumn of the year 4026 B.C.E. Sometime in that same year Eve could well have been created, directly after which God's rest day commenced .. There is another chronological indication that we are rapidly nearing the closing time for this wicked system of things. It is the fact that shortly, according to reliable Bible chronology, 6,000 years of human history will come to an end.. After six thousand years of toil and bondage to sin, sickness, death and Satan, mankind is due to enjoy a rest and is in dire need of a rest. (Heb. 4:1-11) Hence, the fact that we are nearing the end of the first 6,000 years of man's existence is of great significance.. In what year, then, would the first 6,000 years of man's existence and also the first 6,000 years of God's rest day come to an end? The year 1975. This is worthy of notice, particularly in view of the fact that the 'last days' began in 1914, and that the physical facts of our day in fulfillment of prophecy mark this as the last generation of this wicked world. So we can expect the immediate future to be filled with thrilling events for those who rest their faith in God and his promises. It means that within relatively few years we will witness the fulfillment of the remaining prophecies that have to do with the 'time of the end.'" {AWAK Oct 8 1966 19-20}
1975 "1975 - 6000 End of 6th 1,000-year day of man's existence (in early autumn)" {LEIF 35}
1975 "Interestingly, the autumn of the year 1975 marks the end of 6,000 years of human experience. {WT May 1 1967 262}
1975 "WHY ARE YOU LOOKING FORWARD TO 1975? .. What about all this talk concerning the year 1975? Lively discussions, some based on speculation, have burst into flame during recent months among serious students of the Bible. Their interest has been kindled by the belief that 1975 will mark the end of 6,000 years of human history since Adam's creation in the fall of the year 1975, a little over seven years from now .. it will be 6,000 years since the creation of Adam." {WT Aug 15 1968 494}
1975 Reports are heard of brothers selling their homes and property and planning to finish out the rest of their days in this old system in the pioneer service. Certainly this is a fine way to spend the short time remaining before the wicked world's end. {KMIN May 1974 3}
1975 [NO MENTION!] {HIS2 Section 'Notable Dates' - Official 1993 version of WTBTS's history of predictions}
1975-6 "Adam at age 130 had a son, Seth .. Eve at age 130 had a son, Seth" {AID 333/538} [hence the difference in age between Adam and Eve is shown to be less than one year. So the postponement of the '1975 prediction' claimed in ASII 286 etc. can at most be more one year i.e. to 1976, as also claimed in WT Aug 15 1968 499. These previous statements are ignored in WT Jul 1976 436]
1976 "It is a serious matter to represent God and Christ in one way, then find that our understanding of the major teachings and fundamental doctrines of the Scriptures was in error, and then after that, to go back to the very doctrines that, by years of study, we had thoroughly determined to be in error. Christians cannot be vacillating - 'wishy washy' - about such fundamental teachings. What confidence can one put in the sincerity or judgment of such persons?" {WT May 15 1976 298}
1976 "It may be that some who have been serving God have planned their lives according to a mistaken view of just what was to happen on a certain date or in a certain year. They may have, for this reason, put off or neglected things that they otherwise would have cared for. But they have missed the point of the Bible's warnings concerning the end of this system of things, thinking that Bible chronology reveals the specific date.. it is not advisable for us to set our sights on a certain date, neglecting everyday things we would ordinarily care for as Christians, such as things that we and our families really need. We may be forgetting that, when the 'day' comes, it will not change the principle that Christians must at all times take care of all their responsibilities. If anyone has been disappointed through not following this line of thought, he should now concentrate on adjusting his viewpoint, seeing that it was not the word of God that failed or deceived him and brought disappointment, but that his own understanding was based on wrong premises." {WT Jul 15 1976 440-1}
1977 ".. many a person might decline blood simply because it is essentially an organ transplant that at best is only partially compatible with his own blood." {JWQB 41}
1979 [Of those living at the time of Armageddon, only Jehovah's Witnesses will be saved] {WT Feb 15 1979 30}
1982 ' (Matthew 24:34, 14) Which generation did Jesus mean? He meant the generation of people who were living in 1914. Those persons yet remaining of that generation are now very old. However, some of them will still be alive to see the end of this wicked system. So of this we can be certain: Shortly now there will be a sudden end to all wickedness and wicked people at Armageddon." {YCLF 154}
1984 "Generally rapists try to get a woman in some isolated place where people are not around. At times they have a weapon and threaten to use it if the victim does not co-operate. Should a Christian quietly submit? No.. the rapist is asking a person to break God's law by committing fornication. Under such circumstances a Christian is obligated to resist. -1 Corinthians 6:18.. 'If I gave in and he raped me, I would eventually die and have no hope of a resurrection.'" {AWAK Feb 22 1984 24-7
1986 "The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses are the sole interpreters of the Bible..{WT Apr 1 1920 100-1}
1988 "The three essentials for establishing the credentials of a true prophet, as given through Moses, were: The true prophet would speak in Jehovah's name; the things foretold would come to pass (De 18:20-22); and his prophesying must promote true worship" {INS2 696}
1989 "Before the 1914 generation completely dies out, God's judgment must be executed." {WT May 1 1985 4}
1989 "Most of the generation of 1914 has passed away. However, there are still millions on earth who were born in that year or prior to it.. Jesus' words will come true, 'this generation will not pass away until all these things have happened.. J. A. Bengel states in his New Testament Word Studies: 'The Hebrews . . . reckon seventy-five years as one generation, and the words, shall not pass away, intimate that the greater part of that generation [of Jesus' day] indeed, but not the whole of it, should have passed away before all should be fulfilled.'" {WT Apr 8 1988 14
1990 "Adult Christians too can be disappointed, and this has in some cases led to spiritual disaster. Some set their hope on a date when they were sure Armageddon would come. When nothing happened on that day, they felt let down." {WT Apr 15 1990 27} (Over and over and over again)
1990 "For over a century, delightful, correct words of truth covering every aspect of life have been presented in the Watch Tower Society's publications .." {WT Dec 15 1990 26} (check out these words of "truth" above]
1991 "A religion that teaches lies cannot be true." {WT Dec 1 1991 7}
1991 "But we are as strong for it as we ever were, and we are appreciating it all the more the longer we have to wait for it. It is something worth waiting for, even if it required a million years." {WT Dec 15 1991 11} [so 1799, 1874-8, 1910, 1914, 1915, 1918, 1925, 1929, 193x, 194x, 1975-6, generation of 1914)...
1991 "['Awake' is] for the enlightenment of the entire family. It shows how to cope with today's problems, It reports the news, tells about people in many lands, examines religion and science. But it does more. It probes beneath the surface and points to the real meaning behind current events, yet it always stays politically neutral and does not exalt one race above another. Most important, this magazine builds confidence in the Creator's promise of a peaceful and secure new world before the generation that saw the events of 1914 passes away." {AWAK Feb 22 1991 4)
1992 "Before the 1914 generation passes away, the Kingdom-preaching work will have accomplished its purpose." {WT May 1 1992 7}
1993 "Jehovah's Witnesses, in their eagerness for Jesus' second coming, have suggested dates that turned out to be incorrect.. Never did they say, 'These are the words of Jehovah.'" {AWAK Mar 22 1993 4} (Say what??)
1993 "Jehovah's Witnesses are accused by their enemies of breaking up families. True, there are cases of families that become divided when one or more members become Jehovah's Witnesses.. If a mixed marriage breaks up, the initiative almost always comes from the non-Witness partner." {WT Jul 1 1993 15 (This is not true)
1995 "Why Awake! is Published .. Most important, this magazine builds confidence in the Creator's promise of a peaceful and secure new world before the generation that saw the events of 1914 passes away." {AWAK for seven and a half years up to Oct 22 1995}
1995 "Why Awake! is Published .. Most important, this magazine builds confidence in the Creator's promise of a peaceful and secure world that is about to replace the present wicked, lawless system of things." {AWAK from Nov 8 1995} [reference to '1914 generation' deleted]
1995 "Rather than providing a rule for measuring time, the term 'generation' as used by Jesus refers principally to contemporary people of a certain historical period, with their identifying characteristics." {WT Nov 1 1995 17} [cutting the link to the promise that the generation of 1914 will see Armageddon, and preparing the reader for the change to the declaration in AWAK]
1999 "Since sterilization procedures are now said to be reversible on request, might a Christian view them as [an acceptable] birth-control option? .. Christians [should] shape their thinking and deeds by God's esteem for reproductive potential. (1 Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:8; 2:2, 5-8) This would reflect mature sensitivity to Scriptural indications. Yet, what if it became publicly known that a Christian blithely disregarded God's evaluations? Would not others doubt whether he (or, she) was a good example, having a reputation of making decisions in harmony with the Bible? Such a disturbing blemish on one's reputation could, of course, affect a minister's being qualified for special privileges of service.." {WT Jun 15 1999 27-8} [So no change since WT 1975 158-60. A vasectomy without serious medical cause in 1999 is a disturbing blemish on one's reputation in the eyes of the Society, carrying with it sanctions]
1999 "The apostle Paul was spearheading the Christian missionary activity. He was also laying a foundation for a work that would be completed in our 20th century." {WT Jan 1 1989 12} [bound volume changed "20th century" to "day"]
1999 ".. there are many indications that 'the end' is much closer than that [the turn of the century]" {WT Mar 1 1984 18-9}
1999 "Shortly, within our twentieth century, the 'battle in the day of Jehovah' will begin against the modern antitype of Jerusalem, Christendom." {TNSK 216}
2000-1 "If the wicked system of this world survived until the turn of the century [the year 2001 ?], which is highly improbable in view of world trends and the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, there would still be survivors of the World War I generation. However, the fact that their number is dwindling is one more indication that 'the conclusion of the system of things' is moving fast toward its end." {WT Oct 15 1980 31}
The end of the system was predicted, in writing, in these years: 1874, 1875, 1881, 1888, 1914, 1915, 1918, (could occur in 1920), 1925, ("resurrection of Princes" in 1929), 1932, 1940, ("any day now" in 1942), ("why not now" in 1951), 1975, and before the generation that was born in 1914 dies, which was dropped in 1996 after it was clearly another false prediction. Every one of these predictions, in writing, has proved false. People sold homes, gave up opportunities to start families, secure employment, gave up opportunities for an education and instead spread a message of doom that was simply untrue with each prediction made. All of these failed.
Despite the numerous errors in doctrine, medical mistakes, weird science end of the world false predictions and unscriptural blood transfusion bans that fill its pages of history, the society still demands full and complete support of its policies and doctrines today. Notice this comment from a 5/1/72 WT (page 272): "That they [Jehovah's Witness] must adhere absolutely to the decisions and scriptural understandings of the Society because God has given it this authority over his people."
So, in the end, we have what many would consider as extremely damaging facts that undermine the Watchtower Society's claim that it alone is God's one true faith on earth today. That core belief is in my opinion the GLUE that keeps everything else together. Without THAT foundation of belief that this religious organization IS the one truth on earth, everything else involved with the religion begins to fall apart. The willingness to be loyal despite doubts lessens and lessens.
This is also why the Watchtower Society strongly discourages any kind of out-of-house critical examinations. These examinations often expose the very poor historical record. It is also, in the opinion of many, why those that formally leave the faith are considered apostate and have to be shunned. This shunning policy minimizes the possibility of critical information from being shared with other JW's.
When I personally learned about the mistakes on Vaccinations and Organ Transplants it simply damaged the credibility of the organization as a whole. It was at that point that an honest, THOROUGH examination of the Watchtower Society began on my part. An examination that only made things much, much worse in the end. If this is God's true and only channel, how then can they be so wrong, so often, on doctrine, medical issues, end of the world predictions, and yet still demand complete obedience from its members or face risk of complete shunning? This is also why I chose to leave the faith altogether one year ago. The bible has no such list of wacky opinions, medical blunders or false prophecies despite being written thousands of years ago. The Watchtower history on the other hand is FILLED with these very things; wacky ideas, medical embarrassments and many false end of the world statements. All written within the last 100 or so years. This is a huge problem.
In addition to all of the past mistakes and embarassing writings, there is also still the CURRENT list of issues. Here are just a few:
CURRENTLY Witnesses cannot formally leave the WT Society without being shunned and punished by all JW's, including your own family for the rest of their life.
CURRENTLY NO brother wearing a beard is allowed congregational privileges. This policy is actually a CONTRAST to bible teachings
CURRENTLY NO Witness is allowed to celebrate his or anybody's birthday without risk of expulsion. This policy is found nowhere in the bible.
CURRENTLY NO Witness is allowed to vote without risk of being expelled. This policy is found nowhere in the bible.
CURRENTLY NO Witness can celebrate Mothers Day Fathers Day, Thanksgiving, New Years Day 4th of July or many other holidays without risk of being expelled. Not found in the bible.
CURRENTLY NO Witness is allowed to work as a police officer or any other occupation where he carries a firearm and remain exemplary (or be used in the cong). Not in the bible. Used as a protection and to maintain order.
CURRENTLY NO Witness that plays sports in school, becomes a cheerleader or joins after school clubs is viewed favorably.
CURRENTLY ALL Sisters are expected to wear dresses to all meetings and field service. No pants, jumpsuits, shorts etc. allowed. Not found in the bible.
CURRENTLY NO Witness can play the lottery without risk of expulsion. Nowhere found in the bible
CURRENTLY NO Witness is allowed to participate in Martial Arts or Yoga. This policy is found nowhere in the bible.
CURRENTLY NO Witness that owns his own business can perform any services on church or military institutions. This policy is found nowhere in the bible
CURRENTLY NO JW that averages less than double digits in the ministry qualifies for congregational responsibilities. (You can dip occasionally below but not on an average basis).
CURRENTLY one cannot accept a whole blood transfusion without being disfellowshipped even if dying is the likely result. Yet one can accept certain fractions of blood, even though other smaller oftentimes more vital fractions are not allowed. JW's do use these fractions taken from the worlds blood supply, often in great quantity, yet are not allowed to donate blood back into this very same blood supply they have taken from. And CURRENTLY Witnesses are not even allowed to withdraw and store their OWN blood for surgery or other emergencies.
CURRENTLY there is the Watctower's official website page of hypocrisy where all others are encouraged to examine their own faith, be willing to make a stand, even if different yet if a Witness does this very same thing they will be expelled.
CURRENTLY no bible study is told of all the past medical mistakes that cost thousands of lives, nor that the JW's mis-predicted the end of the world a dozen times, nor that thousands of brothers went to prison for refusing alternative service for 50 years before being made "conscience" matters. They are also never told that if you choose to leave the organization you will be shunned for the rest of your life unless you come back in full agreement with all current teachings. Nor are they ever told they cannot disagree with any current teachings. Bible studies will never know these things. I have personally found this out the hard way.
Look forward to your comments Mad and any other JW's that would like to discuss these issues.
All the best,
Posts by Vinny
For Current JW's- Watchtower Society Examined!
by Vinny in" {wt jun 15 1957 370} .
" {ga feb 4 1931 293-4} .
" {wt jun 15 1957 370} .
If Jehovah isn't the true God then who is?
by unbaptized inif jehovah isn't the true god then who is?
if the jehovah's witnesses aren't god's people then who is?.
please let me know and i need current information, not outdated information regarding the origin of the organization.
You are truly to be commended Mad! I read your replies to my questions. Out of the thousands of JW's that have been presented with these, only TWO have answered correctly. THERE IS NO SCRIPTURAL SUPPORT FOR THESE ANYWHERE.
You are on the right road THEN. Stay open-minded and respectful for as long as this process takes you.
The next question then is; what do these obvioulsy mistaken policies say about the source of such policies?
Would the Grand Creator of the Universe choose to use such an organization that has made continuous mistakes as His One and ONLY group of people on earth today?
Would it be reasonable for thinking persons to question such an organization based on that organization's history as well as current list of mistaken views?
I will start a new thread later on for yourself and any other current JW's that wish to express themselves.
Your open-minded spirit is a welcomed change from most JW's that come here. Not that you are conceding anything at this time, I acknowledge that. But an open, honest mind is the only mind that will find what the real truth is... whatever that may be...
I'll get back in a few hours.
All the best,
Vinny -
How did the "Truth" set YOU free ?
by JH inthe bible says that the truth will liberate you or set you free.. the watchtower applies this to their religion as if their "truth" sets people free.. if that's the case, how were you set free when you became a jw?.
Come over here Mad, we'd love to have you visit. Practically ALL of us were YOU at one point; trying to prove how wrong the EX-JW's are. But a funny thing happened, nobody was able to deal with the facts as they truly are. Seriously, NOBODY. There have been some very talented and capable Witnesses at the plate. Scholarly JW's too. Each and every one simply struck out. Nobody can deal with what you are about to run into. No kidding. If you are humble in your attempts to prove us wrong, you may actually stick around and learn a few things along the way, and, can make some new decent friends too. Attitude is key though. Many have come in with heels dug in deep only to have their legs torn off. So, I hope you can be respectful and civil toward us all. If you are really happy as a JW, and don't mind your very structured schedule, then I'd suggest you just delete this bookmark, the history and just move on. You can lead an okay life if you agree to accept the whole JW package. Not all is bad, as some like to say. But if you really want the truth about the JW faith and want to examine all things honestly and sincerely, then beware, because your happy and orderly WT world is about to go BOOM. This is not hyperbole. No reason to exaggerate here. You will see for yourself. Just be prepared.
I left one year ago after learning about the complete Watchtower picture; the good, the bad AND yes, there is the UGLY. I was an elder, conducted the T.M.S. and a very devoted, zealous Witness the entire time, almost 16 years baptized. But I finally decided to do what I needed to, and that was to fully examine the blood issue as well as the WT Society as a whole. I formally left less than one year ago. My wife has also faded away nine months ago. This was not easy. But it simply was the only right thing to do here. I'll share more details later, if you want them.
It is no real love of truth if we simply use it to expose the problems with other's belief systems Mad. The true test of our love of truth is when we expose the fallacies of our OWN beliefs. We should not only accept those facts, but also be grateful to be freed from their error. Examining all the facts and demanding some kind of answers is the only fair, reasonable and logical thing to do. Turning a deaf ear to the real facts presented is only fooling one's self in the end.
And who wants to do that?
Feel free to email me privately as well. [email protected]
I wish you well. -
If Jehovah isn't the true God then who is?
by unbaptized inif jehovah isn't the true god then who is?
if the jehovah's witnesses aren't god's people then who is?.
please let me know and i need current information, not outdated information regarding the origin of the organization.
Here are just a few questions for you Mr. Mad:
1- Where do you find the "scriptural principle", to post in writing, 11 end of the world predictions? (None of which came true by the way).
2- Where is the "scriptural principle" that supports disfellowshipping and shunning a christian for disagreeing with current WT teachings?
3- Where was the "scriptural principle" ever said that Organ Transplants were unacceptable for Christians and viewed as "cannibalism" as the society taught?
4- Where was the "scriptural principle" for not allowing Vaccinations for 21 years?
5- Please show me the "scriptural principle" that disallowed "Alternative Service" for 50 years. Please comment on why tens of thousands of brothers had to go to prison for such a policy that was finally made a conscience matter, without any apologies?
6- Please show us the scriptural principle that supports today's WT policies prohibiting blood transfusions completely, allowing certain blood fractions, not allowing other smaller more vital fractions, not storing your own blood (since mosaic law was done away with), allowing JW's to dip into the world's blood supply by accepting fractions, but not be allowed to put back into that very same supply they can take from?
7- Please show us the scriptural principle where those that simply walk away from the WT faith, without sinning, have to be shunned and labeled?
This will just get you started. Let's see how good you are. Looking forward to your detailed replies! -
It wasn't just us. -
Elder lost privilages due to 1 Timothy 3:1-7. Why?
by RULES & REGULATIONS in1 timothy 3:1-7 reads:.
if any man is reaching out for an office of overseer, he is desirous of a fine work.2the overseer should therefore be irreprehensible, a husband of one wife, moderate in habits, sound in mind, orderly, hospitable, qualified to teach,3not a drunken brawler, not a smiter, but reasonable, not belligerent, not a lover of money,4a man presiding over his own household in a fine manner, having children in subjection with all seriousness;5(if indeed any man does not know how to preside over his own household, how will he take care of gods congregation?
)6not a newly converted man, for fear that he might get puffed up [with pride] and fall into the judgment passed upon the devil.7moreover, he should also have a fine testimony from people on the outside, in order that he might not fall into reproach and a snare of the devil.. .
When one of my three kids was DF'd, just after his real mother committed suicide (and he spiraled out of control a little bit), the other elders met and decided I could stay on as an elder. I had three teens living with me at the time. So, usually one down out of three is okay. This is when personal vendettas can come into the picture. Or the very opposite, some body's of elders don't want the extra work and will keep you on as long as they can. It's amazing how often it boils down to politics.
That elder must have had a few enemies. Either that or he mishandled the situation pretty badly.
But this is what we are talking about here. "Count your time" giving a dead man's talk, yet sincere and compassionate men are removed because they are not getting the right quotas. The very structured, repetitive programs of Jehovah's Witnesses, the emphasis on numerical reports and figures, the need for regular meeting attendance and ministry participation etc etc. chokes out the more important features of a Christian in my opinion. That of love, mercy, compassion, justice and other warm, decent human qualities.
It happens all the time. Just put all this on that same pile of other WT problems... -
Still go to jw funerals?
by Dune ini've been fading for about 6 months now and a couple of witnesses in my old congregation have died.
a smidget of me wanted to go for the sentimental reasons.
but i knew i wouldnt be able to handle the 'lovebombing', the questioning and a restart on harassment by the elders.
Um, Fullofdoubtnow, do you remember the advice you gave ME, just last week on this same issue?
You said:..."Much as I would hate the thought of stepping inside another kingdom hall, having da'd myself 15 months ago, **I would go**. You will probably feel very bad about not going, and you would be paying your respects to a friend."
**** Just F.Y.I....
Trust me, I do understand why you would not want to go. But the the 180 change in just one week is rather unusual. Perhaps my own expereience helped changed your mind. It sure did mine...
Peace, Vinny -
Still go to jw funerals?
by Dune ini've been fading for about 6 months now and a couple of witnesses in my old congregation have died.
a smidget of me wanted to go for the sentimental reasons.
but i knew i wouldnt be able to handle the 'lovebombing', the questioning and a restart on harassment by the elders.
This thread might help from last week.
I went and here was my conclusion:
Okay, I went... and I am glad I went because it proved to me that I should NEVER go back again!
I saw over 400 people that I have known for nine years or more at that funeral. NONE of them would even say a hello. I simply disassociated less than one year ago, without committing any sin in the process. (I just elected to formally leave the faith rather than be handcuffed by them... I have NO regrets about that decision). I am walking right there with my wife, holding her hand (she has simply faded away), and numerous people would stop to hug her, thank her for coming and cry with her. Yet it was as if I was not even there at all, though I am RIGHT THERE. My 20 year old son, who was disfellowshipped several years ago and was also with us, and was also shunned entirely. He was Df'd at only 16, just months after his own mother (my first wife over 18 years ago) committed suicide with gun in mouth minutes after talking with us on the phone. He has since rebounded from that extremely difficult, minor-rebellious time (with NO help from the cong since was also shunned entirely since that point), but has rebounded very nicely with a good paying, very stable job, by getting married one year ago and by finding emotional support from myself as well as other NON-JW friends. There was nothing even close to warmth at this JW funeral for him either. He LOOKED depressed just sitting there.
Additionally, the talk was a disaster. Perhaps 2 minutes total was about Luke (the now deceased kid), while the other 30 minutes was the generic JW indoctrination attempts. It was embarrassingly obvious. Our non JW neighbor was also there and commented on just how little was mentioned of the PERSON she went there to remember. My step-daughter (still active JW... just returned from 6 mos in Europe yesterday), also thought the talk stank. That's because it did stink. The PO that gave the talk has no kids and is an organizational-man. By the book.
So, in a nutshell, you go to a JW funeral, get shunned the entire time, get to listen to some pompous, heartless elder do the boring, repetitive JW outline and then get sent home. You see all of the other politics involved in the process like the begging Ministerial Servants kissing up to the elders. The young kids all dressed up in suits/dresses, looking like their parents, doing what the parents command, so that these same parents get to look like good little obedient JW's. I went for Luke, though of course, he is now dead.
Unless my own family is the one that has died and being used as the JW indoctrination carrot, I am staying home. A lesson learned...
Many thanks for all of your contributions!! -
Cold shoulder
by Billzfan23 inthis really blows chunks... the wife is giving me the complete cold shoulder because i have not been regular at meetings and because i have not been having the family study.
i am coaching my son's basketball team, and in the wife's eyes i have done a 180 degree turn to being completely "worldly".
she doesn't talk to me, and is completely distant.
The only hope you have is in getting her to open her mind/eyes to learning about the real facts about the JW faith in some fashion. My wife, initially, wanted me to stop sending critical articles altogether. I did at first. Then I sent her (e-mail) an unbiased news article critical on the JW blood issue. Next thing you know, she sends ME a "leaving the WT" story. Say what?? After that it took about three months before she stopped all meetings. She learned EVERYTHING... we both did. I DA'd, she faded. Has been almost one year now.
You simply must get her to consider critical information. A little at a time then. Ask her if it is the truth, to defend some of these issues then. Share experiences. Are all of these people wrong?
Here are several good ones:
An ex-Bethelite:
Gilead Grad:
My own reasons for leaving. Issues without answers:
Here is an excellent thread with bible studies, JW's, Ex-JW's and many of the issues all in one place:
Whatever you do, it will end up disasterous for you if you cannot get her to open up her mind, at least to some degree. The only good news is that she cannot leave you unless you abuse her in some fashion. Even the elders will tell her that, as you well know. -
Titanic always reminds me of the JW org for some reason. Especially as Rose is watching the little rich kid fold the napkin, so properly, scene. She broke away from that stuffy, rule-filled, judgemental, shallow and arrogant crowd. Flew airplanes, rode horses on the beach had many kids, traveled abroad and lived a full, happy, free life. Loved that final scene.
Sounds about what I'm going through now...