Congratulations to you and to all for getting to this point.
I am there as well. As a point of interest I like to see what changes are...not necessarily doctrine, I couldn't care less what the Watchtower corporation doctrine changes because they've been making it up all along for 150 years. As I have family still in that I communicate with, I like to know generally what is going on.
I appreciate this site and check in daily to scan the "Latest," and I message with a poster regularly. I will forever be grateful for this site, and the friends I still have that I met from here, from all over the world.
PS. A side note. Last Sunday Aude Sapere and another poster from here and I had tickets to a musical show. The poster was ill and her tickets went to friends of her friend. We met at the box office at the theater and the new friends asked how we knew the poster. I said that we were all exJW's and met from an online exJW DB. They both said "US TOO!!" The poster did not know of their JW connection! And they know nothing of anything online of exJW's. We loved the show and had a great dinner afterward sharing our stories. They were so excited to meet us...they have no exJW connection. We love the theater as do they, so we will do it again. Anyway, ya just never know....