I'm a born in second generation, my parents were baptized in 1938. For the most part I just accepted it as it was my life, and the congregations I was in had lots of teens and gatherings, and we had a lot of freedom.
In around 1978 I started a long term relationship with a non JW, UCLA grad. I stood on my JW soapbox, made him study and come to meetings. We continued to discuss everything. One day on the way to his house, I remember the time and the place, it just came to me, "it's all bulls**t." The crazy prophecies, the out of context quotes rules were made on, the dates...oy the dates... I kept driving and convinced myself the "brotherhood" was special even tho...
I stayed because of family and friends. The 1995 generation change was the final straw. I knew it was all made up from FF and prior dogma. The summer of 2000 I was at the meeting and just felt I didn't belong there. I felt like I was on the outside observing the comments and discussion, and knew it was my last meeting and it was.
I used to pray and thank J I was raised in the "truth" because I never would have believed it if introduced to it. It's been a complicated journey but never regretted leaving.