Both oddly sexy. Tyler seems very sweet and nice in his interviews, so I don't see ugly. Keith is interesting, down to earth, gardens...I just see a very interesting face.
Posts by Dagney
Best news in a long time - manned mission to Mars planned
by tootired2care ini was reading this news article and it brings out that nasa is planning a manned mission to mars.
nasa plans to work with other countries on this mission, and not just go it alone.
it turns out that the obama administration has set a goal for nasa to have this done by the 2030s.
Very exciting. Heard the JPL scientist this morning discuss the heart attack 7 minutes for the landing. Got to see Curiosity myself at JPL last year. Seriously exciting...all of it. The technology and science behind it all is mindboggling. Go Curiosity!!!
Candace Conti's Attorney Takes the Stage
by Juan Viejo2 inrick simons takes the stage and tells why the candace conti lawsuit was the right case at the right time against the watchtower.. this is the first of at least three videos documenting mr. simons' presentation on july 14, 2012. .
last segments of this program should be up within a few hours.. .
Thank you for posting.
Who on this site have you met...
by besty injust noticed the other thread about who you'd like to meet - how about this one for those you have met.. prolly going to miss a few but here goes:.
sweet pea.
snow queen.
besty, x, miss you guys.
Hopefully we'll have a SoCal meetup here soon. Been crazy busy here this summer. I owe Sam a correspondence. I have my 16 yr old gr-nephew with me for a few weeks, so I spend as much time as I can with him when I am not working. Perhaps later in August we'll have a roundup.
@ Miss Grace: I could never forget you. I am so sorry for your recent losses. Sigh. We just lost the last of the living aunts, 95, in my sister's husband's family yesterday. :-(( While you are with us dear Grace, you give us a smile and a loving hug with your presence. We are not ready to let go of that yet...sorry.
Who on this site have you met...
by besty injust noticed the other thread about who you'd like to meet - how about this one for those you have met.. prolly going to miss a few but here goes:.
sweet pea.
snow queen.
Oh gosh, many. Many I now only know their real name...forgot their JWN names.
My first meeting was with Sassy, I think she was a former mod here.
I think the next was an apostafest in Toronto: Bumble Bee and then hubby, Uzzah, Orangefatcat, Snakes, BFD, Mincam, para and wife, Bianchis, and probably at least 30 was quite a party.
Then sweet pea and besty came to town and the first time we met I met Randy and Aude Sapere. Following: wha happened, DNCall & who knows, hot chocolate, jeremy c, jwfacts, hopscotch & son, cyber Jesus, tasting freedom & family, bubble & south African beef, our gorgeous scotish lass i only know her real name, some other visitors I sadly can't recall all the names, the girls from the UK.
Sandy, who posts under a different name here hosted the LA meetup for some years, wha happened and I went to a few and met PEC and wife, Highlander, WAC, Shawn and a few more.
Meetup in a nearby state: dr Kudra, shopaholic, misanthropic, Preston, and a few others who read but do not post here.
Tahoe fest: flippers, mrs jones & fam, elivaleth & joe, jk666, onthewayout, sammies, wings, justinfrombethel, lifestoshort, Open mind & son, & more
Zeke, I Quit, designs, tinker, brizzzy, another lifestoshort, eeesh, I just can't remember the screen names but only real names.
I feel reluctant to post this not wanting to forget anybody. :-((.
The point is I hope to everybody is you are not alone. When you step out and meet a fellow board mates, it's difficult to put into words the reward that comes from it. There is tremendous comfort in speaking to people who understand exactly what we've lived through and the situations we find ourselves in with the aftermath.
Danny Boyle - Genius
by Slidin Fast ini think the opening ceremony was brilliant.
what say you?.
Loved it. Missed the Queen's bit...need to find it.
Think of all you guys over there across the pond. Well done!!! Let the games begin!
The Field Service will end someday, maybe?
by Quarterback inlast month i heard a talk from a c.o.
he mentioned that the door to door service will come to an end.
he said that jehovah will tell us to stop it, eventually.
I think I've heard it years ago, basically, that there would come a time when "the preaching work" (TM) would likely cease to exist due to persecution by the governments. When governments "turn on religion" (TM) they will single out JW's with vengence because they are so hated by Satan, who is in charge of said governments.
(I just threw up a little in my mouth.)
I think JW's are looking forward to the news that Matt 24:14 is FINALLY fulfilled. (It's been fulfilled a few times already sooooo they say... ) They are ready as hell to get off of that train. Poor dears.
George Jefferson -Sherman Hemsley has passed....
by yknot in .
sherman hemsley, whose cantankerous george jefferson cracked up millions of faithful tv viewers each week, first going toe-to-toe with archie bunker on all in the familyand then sparring with his beloved weezie on the jeffersons, has died.. the sad news was confirmed by police in el paso, texas, where hemsley lived while not working in los angeles.
no immediate word on cause of death, which was originally reported by tmz.. the emmy- and golden globe-nominated actor was 74.. .
Oh Leo, that was hilarious!! Thx for posting.
George Jefferson -Sherman Hemsley has passed....
by yknot in .
sherman hemsley, whose cantankerous george jefferson cracked up millions of faithful tv viewers each week, first going toe-to-toe with archie bunker on all in the familyand then sparring with his beloved weezie on the jeffersons, has died.. the sad news was confirmed by police in el paso, texas, where hemsley lived while not working in los angeles.
no immediate word on cause of death, which was originally reported by tmz.. the emmy- and golden globe-nominated actor was 74.. .
He's "movin on up", or something like that. RIP Sherman.
Why womenz are dumber than menz
by Dogpatch inthe glorious insight of the old farts at bethel :.
why womenz are dumber than menz (and should not be trusted...).
in fact, (unwritten but implied) they should be beaten)!.
I had a father that used to beat my mother up with selective quotes from these articles. I remember it well.