What kind of camera did you use? I'm shopping for one.
Posts by Dagney
I'm back! Did you miss me? - YOSEMITE REVIEW
by 00DAD inmy wife, the hungarian goddess, and i just returned from a wonderful one week vacation in yosemite!
i've been many times as a child and young adult, but haven't been for 17 years or so.
it was the hungarian's first time.
I'm back! Did you miss me? - YOSEMITE REVIEW
by 00DAD inmy wife, the hungarian goddess, and i just returned from a wonderful one week vacation in yosemite!
i've been many times as a child and young adult, but haven't been for 17 years or so.
it was the hungarian's first time.
Why do they make me feel this way????
by loosie ini finally got in contact with the overseer from my mom's congregation in ca, (i am in ks).
i wanted to let him know how to contact me in case she becomes ill or worse.
he called me back after i left a message for him.
So if we want family pictures ( mom doesn't have any money) and our baby books we need to know what the scoop is with mom
Oh gosh...just went throught this. Except the elder involved is my own brother. He did end up finally sending a flash drive with some pictures...and might I add, only ONE picture of me from a number of portrait studio pics parents get for their kids, but NUMEROUS pics of his elder school.
I haven't quite figured out what to do about that yet.
loosie, for some reason that feeling you described still wells up inside from time to time. I'm amazed at the power still. Simply amazing. I think about how they are going to feel when they eventually die in "this system" realizing the utter waste of time and the bad manners they showed to others. That makes me feel better, that I was smarter and stronger.
Did You Expect To Live Thru The Great Tribulation & Never Die At All?
by minimus ini always had my doubts about that but i was at least hopeful that all would work out as they said.
i saw so many "faithful ones" who were true believers expire before they got the prize, that i started to think it probably wouldn't happen in my lifetime.. what a bunch of suckers, huh?.
Amazingly, yes.
And like Magwitch, lots of talk about "the persecution" (TM) and going to prison when the governments "turn on us."
It seems just sick now to hammer that into kids. I worry about the kids whose "enlightened" parent allows them to be brainwashed with this doctrine. Good luck to him.
by Band on the Run innewflash in the ongoing addiction and mania that started at age twelve when the national broadcast news showed pictures of these english boys with very, very long hair.
i stopped by a local grocery store b/c i was not certain that a challis scarf was wool or rayon b/c the fabric content is in arabic.
thank allah for arabic numerals.
That's fantastic BOTR!!!! I just saw Ringo in concert in Oregon last month. He's pretty cute.
I hope this fantasy is truly a reality. Peace.
New YouTube video - Anthony Morris warns us against the horrors of higher education
by cedars inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzcneuuajvg.
Interesting podcast I listened to today regarding college.
I was thinking, it may take a few decades, but the fruitage of the JW no higher education stance will come home to roost. As inflation settles in with more and more stress making ends meet, the economy will take its toll on the uneducated faithful. The Bethel workers have their room and board, but as for the rest of the sheeples, let them eat cake...or nothing... HQ could care less about the troubles of the flock...unless of course someone decides to better their children with an education...then there will be some attention.
I really hate this religion.
Download 17-pages of misc. letters from a cong. to and from WT in 1970. 3 letters are about a molester
by AndersonsInfo indownload 17-pages of misc.
letters from a ny cong.
committee to and from wt in 1970. the first three are about a molester in the congregation.
Thank you Barbara!
Thank you for all the music Marvin. RIP.
MSL -- anyone else watching the mars landing?
by bohm inlive video: http://www.nasa.gov/externalflash/mars/curiosity_news3.html.
by clarity ini do not want a funeral.
i especially do not want anyone standing before my family.
telling them who i supposedly ... am!.
I would like for my friends and family to have a party with few tear and mostly laughter and many stories.
I have come to appreciate the scattering of ashes, for some strange reason. The physical act brought some closure, especially when I did it for my mother on a beautiful river in Montana. It is really a good memory. But I think I'll donate my body...at least that is how I am leaning ATM.
No funeral though.