I agree James. But never shoot your TV over a singing Boone.
Posts by Dagney
I have something to say about Debbie Boone and Lifestyle Lifts -
by james_woods ini honestly think that if i have to watch her sing that stupid song and promote those lifestyle facelifts very much longer, i am going to go get a .45 automatic and shoot out my television screen.. thank you very much for your consideration of this rant.. sincerely,.
The Stones are touring...........kinda
by dinah ini'm not paying more than our house payment for vince and i to see a show.
i will buy the video and watch it nekkid.. the last time i saw them was in 1994 at legion field with my best friend.
we still say after all these years it was one of the best nights of our lives.. .
The Stones are touring...........kinda
by dinah ini'm not paying more than our house payment for vince and i to see a show.
i will buy the video and watch it nekkid.. the last time i saw them was in 1994 at legion field with my best friend.
we still say after all these years it was one of the best nights of our lives.. .
Last time I saw them was when the Angels won the WS, can't remember what year but it feels like 6-7 years ago. Sheryl Crow opened for them, or sang with them...forget. It was a great concert. Their show is never disappoints...fireworks, and Mick a very personable and entertaining showman.
I have Keith's book, but it's on the nightstand still waiting to be read.
The Stones are touring...........kinda
by dinah ini'm not paying more than our house payment for vince and i to see a show.
i will buy the video and watch it nekkid.. the last time i saw them was in 1994 at legion field with my best friend.
we still say after all these years it was one of the best nights of our lives.. .
Voodoo Lounge was my first Rolling Stones concert, opened by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I know it was a big fat deal in my JW area going to a concert with the word "voodoo" in it. ** sigh** barf.
I love Keith also, I think we've chatted about it in the past. Did you read his biography?
Thanks for the heads up on the HBO show.
My wife and I bought a bar !!
by elder-schmelder ini think that we are a little crazy but we bought a bar in wisconsin last week.
here is a picture of my wife behind the bar.. .
i still work for my jw family, but my wife is going to run the bar.. .
Cool! Good Luck !!!
Now that the Storm is over in the Northeast,
by ldrnomo incan we hear from any of you that went through it?.
do you have power yet?.
are you staying with friends?.
Still thinking of you all every minute. Most of my staff in NJ still have no power and one emailed a picture of his deck with 6+ inches of snow.
Slightly off topic. Ran into an elder and his wife at Costco last night. Long time "friends," but not close or good "friends," We caught up on things and ended up talking about the Sandy and the situation back east. I mentioned how as a nation, people do band together and give money and help to where it is supposed to go, generally. Even a few $$ times millions of people can make a big difference in a disaster. I talked about the Red Cross and how organized they are for these things. I saw their eyes start to cross and could see the wheels in their head start to turn as they were trying to come up with something negative to say about the Red Cross.
Here it comes...
Wife (with the sour look she's always had, even as a teen): "Well, who knows where the money really goes."
I so wanted to say, "Do you really know where your money goes when you give to the WBTS? Fighting pedophilia cases in court?" Instead I said, well we do actually, it goes for thousands of meals and shelter, and cash, and various items needed in times like this.
Hi! Life story of young, 23-year-old (gay), disassociated, non-baptized publisher
by HillCountry inhello, this is my first post and the first time i have told my entire story, albeit abridged, to anyone.
it will be a long story, sorry.. my grandparents were brought up with different religious backgrounds but converted to bible students around the depression era.
later, my grandfather met my grandmother through the congregation and got married until his death, having a marriage that lasted over four decades.
Welcome HillCountry! I really enjoyed your story...thank you for posting it.
The best thing you can do is to do what is right for you. If you try to live your life with someone else's ideals/preferences, you will end up miserable and having to sort things out again and again. If you decide things for yourself, with your own conviction, whatever it may be, you will be stronger and healthier for the rest of your life. It may not be easy or simple...but nothing in this life rare is.
Don't rush, figure out what you want...and good luck!
We look forward to your posts and updates!
Television: 'Homeland'
by leavingwt inhave any of you been watching the new showtime series, homeland?
the season finale will air next sunday.
i've really been enjoying it.
I think the season is great. I keep waiting for Carrie to do something stupidly reckless though.
The performances by Claire and Damien are outstanding.
Hello from Rooster McDooster
by RoosterMcDooster in[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:worddocument> <w:view>normal</w:view> <w:zoom>0</w:zoom> <w:donotoptimizeforbrowser /> </w:worddocument> </xml><![endif].
i've been lurking around here for a while, so i feel like i know most of you already.
its been a rough 20 years getting here, but now here i am.
Hello and Welcome Rooster!!! And kudos to you for your success in getting your family out. Good on you!!
Wish you continued succes and look forward to your posts!
As of September 2012,20 branch offices are CLOSING DOWN
by raymond frantz infresh out of the jw.org website http://www.jw.org/en/news/by-region/world/jehovahs-witnesses-office-consolidation/ .
the society as from september 2012 is closing 20 branches worldwide .the best bit is the last paragraph :.
workers are available to spend more time preachingbecause of the mergers, qualified ministers who had been serving in small branches can now concentrate on preaching the good news.. a witness in africa, who was reassigned to the preaching activity, wrote: "adjusting my lifestyle to suit the new circumstances was a challenge during the first few months.
A wise business decision long expected.
A wee bit melancholy. I stayed at the Managua branch as a teen and really loved the missionaries there. A shitty city at the time but lovely people. Learned spanish at the Costa Rican branch. Visited the Panama branch also, think we went to an assembly there.
Suffice to say I hope the older missionaries have passed on and don't have to readjust to a life outside the Bethel home. It was their life and they loved it. Nobody had kids to look after them.
Wonder if the DR survived.