Good one skeeter...they should give that guy some air time.
Well. I could only watch a few minutes. Interesting choice to be the first guy on the show. Yikes. I felt like he was talking slooooowwwww...
What is funny, and what I try to point out to JW's is working on project and accomplishing a goal is not exclusive to JW's for pete's sakes! They act like whenever they do anything they are the only ones that have ever successfully done it!
It's a very slick studio...interesting path. It makes sense to modernize...that was long over due. But then again...we all weren't suppose to be here...we were supposed to be weaving our own clothes or bird fodder by now. But as slick and pretty as this all is...the message has not changed one iota. It is as harsh and punitive as ever. Lipstick...pig.