The genie cannot be put back into the bottle. By having these proceedings on youtube, it is forever out there to stumble upon. I agree that very little will be changed in the corporation. I think most long term faithful will not be see these videos. But this 2, 3 4th generation are out there looking at stuff on youtube all the time and will find it.
The corporation will spin the numbers in the coming years, as they always have. But there will come a time when it will be harder to cover the decreases. They are shoring up their survival by the automatic monthly funding, and real estate investments. I will say all but 3-4 of my former friends are still in. Still in, and I think struggling. Future generations though will not be so blinded. It will be harder and harder to make a living, let alone without some additional education. The legal cases will hit the news. Little dents will continue to be made on their shiny surface.