We have often heard on here that the GB are now "rock stars". I have witnessed this first hand. I'm talking about a mob circling around them when they are at an event. Pictures, signatures the whole sha-bang. They almost get knocked over at times for how close a large group of people are around them. When they walk in the hallways, and do not want to be bothered, they actually have "body guards" around them. They are most likely just brothers in suits but they still ask the "friends" to move out of the way as they come through. They can't walk down the hall way alone without getting mobbed.
This is just how they planned it. They have repeated ad nauseam how special they are, and how Jah is whispering in their ear all the time. The old regime, they still made that claim, but also would say they could be wrong, and they were real characters. These new guys are so full of themselves...I can't see how anybody can stand to watch them. But they do. I guess they need to.