HI411, I think you are doing it right!
I've seen a lot of protocols come and go. Seems like moderation in most things, avoid the items that seems to disagree with our bodies, (dairy etc), work the best for me. A bum knee is the only ailment I have, and sometimes I take ibuprofen for that, and other than that, I take no medication and my last assessment said I was in good health.
Buy organic when possible, if not, I hear it is most important to still eat your veggies anyway.
I still get interested in alternative medicine...some are crap and some have value. Traditional cancer treatment has it's wins...but it also seems quite rigged and not open to anything not within Big Pharma. If I had cancer, I just don't know what I'd do. That's a spooky one. Having just lost a friend a few months ago to cancer...and it just sucks.
Good on you and your husband!