I think it might be a deliberate designed distraction for the faithful in case they start hearing some unsavory press regarding the pedophile coverups. Emphasis on their seemingly relevant construction work could be meant as “exciting theocratic news” to divert attention from bad the bad news. Just a thought that popped up in my brain.
Posts by Dagney
New building
by asp59 inyou think the new building addition to warwick ,that will house 1000 audiovisual and art production volunteers is a push to go online with the meetings?
The Great Tribulation must be at least 3 years away
by BourneIdentity insince they’ve announced the dates for the next 3 memorials, no talk about this “may be our last one!”.
since they’ve announced the patterson construction project will take 3 years to complete.
let’s also not forget when they designed warwick, they spent money on expensive energy saving technology to save millions in the long run, years and decades in the future.
I was wondering what was going on at Patterson. I just attended a memorial, and several couples said they put in their applications for Patterson. Ugh. Again, a perceived relevance that their efforts are important. Sigh.
Need help in finding some information regarding the Adam and Eve tale.
by Tameria2001 ini am finally at the point in my life i no longer believe in the tales of the bible.
my husband feels for the most part that it too is stuff made up.
there are just a few things that he wants to get cleared up, and one of those being the story of adam and eve.
(I miss Leo.) Her topic referenced by Blondie occurred just about the time I dared to read this site. Her documentation had a profound effect on me.
I always had a problem with "the paradise" story. Did anyone else choke when you had to actually say "talking snake" out loud to someone?
I remember one discussion early on between a bible believer and another poster. I think the debate was about creation, and the believer was mocking evolution, something they knew nothing about, just spouting the WT verbiage. "How can you BELIEVE we came from nothing" sort of talk. The the poster said, "some people believe a talking snake is credible." Mike drop.
How Long Did It Take To Finally Leave The Organization Once You Realized It Was Really Not The Truth?
by minimus init actually took me a few years to finally leave the organization so i was mentally out for a while before i simply stopped all meetings altogether.. how long did it take you to finally make the break?
^^^This. Absolutely. If you have questions or doubts, just pay more attention. Don't shove it down and make excuses for the corporation. They don't care about you. They make this stuff up to keep to control you.
How Long Did It Take To Finally Leave The Organization Once You Realized It Was Really Not The Truth?
by minimus init actually took me a few years to finally leave the organization so i was mentally out for a while before i simply stopped all meetings altogether.. how long did it take you to finally make the break?
Too long. 20 years.
Edited to add: I had the "feeling" it was all BS at the end of the 70's, and talked myself into staying because of the "brotherhood", (yeah...right).
After the 1995 generation change, the feelings were confirmed it was BS, they were making it all up. 6 years later, during a meeting I just felt I didn't belong there, left and never went back. During those in between years I started paying closer attention to the Watchtower, and looking up scriptures quoted in context.
After leaving I read CoC, Penton's book and Carl's book, which basically confirmed everything I felt I already knew.
Heidi Hall: Life after WTS Good read
by blondie inhttps://religionnews.com/2019/09/26/finding-a-faith-that-is-stronger-than-death-or-my-familys-rejection/.
in my search, i left behind conditional, behavior-based love and traded it for the unconditional grace shown by a true family, whose bonds have nothing to do with dna.. and i’m dying grateful for that.. (heidi hall, who died sept. 25, 2019, at age 49, was a veteran journalist whose award-winning career took her from the standard democrat in sikeston, missouri, and the southeast missourian to the tampa tribune and the nashville tennessean before landing her at vanderbilt university’s public affairs office.
the views expressed in this commentary do not necessarily reflect those of religion news service.
Thank you for the article Blondie.
WTS Carts Have Competition
by blondie inhttps://www.patheos.com/blogs/thefreethinker/2019/09/in-virginia-american-atheists-upstage-jehovahs-witnesses/.
according to american atheists, their organisation had received multiple complaints that the jws were proselytising outside various government facilities.. said aa’s virginia state director larry mendoza:.
we would rather that government property be free of religious speech altogether.
This is great!
I am so sick of their faux "life saving work" AKA as "easy hours."
I've been around too many of em lately and I'm just sick of em...the phony "love" and phony "spirituality."
Jehovah's Witnesses Came to My Neighborhood
by Juan Viejo2 infor nearly two years i have not seen any jehovah's witnesses going door to door in my neighborhood.
that was not the case when my wife and i first moved here (north central oregon).
in fact, our neighborhood was visited at least once every 4 to 5 months - even in the coldest winter months.
Another "sittin' around doin nuttin' but countin' time" story...
I posted a few years ago that I saw a canopy and a table with literature on the side of the road in Baja. We passed them coming and going into town, 6+ times a day. There were 4 people sitting at the table, chatting away. Not once over the 3 days did we see them talking to anybody other than themselves.
Pretty easy ticket to paradise I guess.
Jehovah's Witnesses Came to My Neighborhood
by Juan Viejo2 infor nearly two years i have not seen any jehovah's witnesses going door to door in my neighborhood.
that was not the case when my wife and i first moved here (north central oregon).
in fact, our neighborhood was visited at least once every 4 to 5 months - even in the coldest winter months.
This cart thing is brilliant.
It's easy, no effort field service. They can continue to believe they are relevant in some "life saving work" with minimal personal investment, and the org can keep their numbers up.
Recently Disfellowshipped
by PersonOfGlitter inhi i’m getting disfellowshipped on thursday and was wondering what advice those that have left have for me.
i’m not sure if i still believe or not.
Take time now to focus on yourself. Join some meetups or clubs for things you enjoy...hiking/walking, dancing, art, photography, volunteering...
Take the time to do some things you never had time to explore before.
Just by doing this, the path will become clear to you. Things will sort as you follow your heart.
Remember, life is to be lived by your choices...no one else's. You will only find happiness in living life on your terms. The road will be difficult, and sad, and infuriating at times. When that happens, just remind yourself that it is YOUR life, and the strength will come.
Peace and good wishes for your journey.