Hortensia, have you heard of "Bowen Therapy?" I don't know how it works, but it assists the body to heal itself, even structually. Great success with curvatures of the spine. Non invasive...I have never seen anything like it. I have even considered taking the course.
Posts by Dagney
Polarity, Reiki and their ilk
by Hortensia ini owned a massage school, taught massage for over 20 years, practiced massage for nearly 30 years.
massage/bodywork -- some folks who do bodywork don't like the word massage but i don't care.
bodywork sounds like car repair to me.
Bethel has Witness Psychiatrists on staff for Depression/suicide
by BlindersOff1 inas told by former bethelite at xjw gathering june 2012 .
her experience with a governing body member .
When I was in Germany we stayed with one of the on-staff doctors at Selters (sp?). He had numerous degrees including one for mental health, don't know which. He was a lovely, compassionate man that had much empathy for the "friends," and sadly since passed I heard. But he said he saw lots and lots of people with mental health issues. The day we were there at the branch, we didn't leave until late at night he had so many appointments.
I would think they would want to keep issues inhouse if they could, but at least they are recognizing the need to some degree.
What's Your Favorite Comfort Food?
by minimus inthis weekend i had the most delicious chicken pie filled with white meat, a few veggies, gravy and the chicken pie had a hard crust, not puff pastry.
that with a soft wheat roll and butter......
I remember Bosco!!!!
Mac and cheese.
California TV Personality Huell Howser Dead at Age 67
by kurtbethel inhttp://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/huell-howser-death-california-gold-185922911.html.
@ Blondie: REmember when PBS was our only variety to regular local channel programming? :-) Everybody wants to learn and see about where they live, and Huell was just great at it. It warms my heart to see so many people loved him and the show, as I saw on Facebook yesterday. I mean it was just a little PBS show, with Huell and the cameraman "Louie." Even here at work people were reminiscing about the show.
What a nice legacy he left. BTW, I have a friend at Chapman, a young gal, and she said he left the archives to the universtiy. I hope they let the shows still run. It's nice to know they are in good hands.
@designs: Good idea...lord knows there are plenty of places to see!! I think I remember him doing a show about the ranunclus fields down south.
@ Mrs J: Makes me want to look up the shows and watch them all over again...sniff
California TV Personality Huell Howser Dead at Age 67
by kurtbethel inhttp://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/huell-howser-death-california-gold-185922911.html.
"Cawl-li-foor-nia Gooold"
We love you Huell. We learned so much about our beautiful state. RIP.
What do you mean?! I ALWAYS go to the beach after service and wear long pants and button up shirts while I play a game in the sand with my family! Sometimes I wear button up long sleeve shirts too!
by Crisis of Conscience inthe wts likes to imply how jws should dress in and outside of the hall.
you always want to set an example.. so i couldn't help but share this beauty in the january 15th, 2013, study edition of the watchtower.
i always go to the beach like this!
This thread is hilarious. **sigh**
Yesterday Grandpa died a faithful JW.... or was he.
by cyberjesus inyesterday at 3 am my grandfather.. 95 more or less... passed away after a heart attack... i got the call at 8 am.
so i am the oldest grandson (out of 40) he was faithful, (thats what they want to say) reality is he wasnt, he cursed, he drank, he had plenty of women during his life.. he was an elder at some point and he was ultra good with everyone.
he had a heart of gold... he treated me as his son, he never cared about my status.
Jesus, sorry for your loss, but happy you got to have him for as long as you did, and that you were able to be there for him during his illnesses.
Ah, the JW funeral. **sigh**. They say what they are programmed to say, and it's usually rather thoughtless. Remember they are grieving also. You are a good son and grandson. Your words were in his head and he knew you were his advocate.
RIP Abuelo de Jesus.
Mighty Led Zeppelin Soars Again ! New CD/DVD of 2007 London Concert .....
by flipper inthese guys are awesome still !
with john bonham's son jason on drums he really captured his dad's spirit !
all 4 guys were on top of their game .
That is awesome BB.
Yahweh was a Cannanite god Ashtoreth his wife...before the Jews!! Unreal!
by Witness 007 inthis i did not know till recently.
buts a whole new meaning to "let us make man in our image.." no wonder all the kings of israel turned to other gods..
I remember at 13 reading a quasi porno book that belonged to my gf's dad, who was in the navy, about Ashtoreth. Being a JW and recognizing some of the historical detail, I thought to myself..."hmmm....."
I lost a good friend yesterday
by zed is dead ini am really going to miss having her as a close friend.
we both helped each other this past year, as we were both dealing with the passing of people we loved.
she was a strong part of my support group.
Sorry for the loss of your friend, and a friend of the entire exJW community. Great youtube. I see she was such a support to everyone who interacted with her.
RIP Bex. Thank you for all you've done.